umm something happe...
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umm something happened to me that has never happned before... well once before...

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same girl and i couldn't get it up. wtf... 2 times in my life and with the same beautioful woman and i am afraid i will lose her. What gives?

saint808 is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way, shape or form encourage, use nor condone the use of any illegal substances or the use of legal substances in an illegal manner. The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only and shall not take the place of qualified medical advice.

To quote Oscar Wilde, "They say we destroy the things we love, but really the things we love destroy us."

It's strange, how laughter looks like crying, with no sound and rain drops taste like tears, without the pain.

Joined: 7 years ago
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Is it a mental thing saint? I know lifes been stressful recently for ya...

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~W.B. Prescott

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Surely she will understand. As long as she knows its not her and that this shit happens, its all good. You arent gonna lose her over this.

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3 times when I was with a woman for the first time, I could not reach orgasm. It was awkward. It definately wasn't them, just getting comfortable I guess.

If I were you, next time I was going to see this girl, I'd dose up on cialis beforehand. You'll be able to cut diamonds with it.

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Posted by: Trevdog
3 times when I was with a woman for the first time, I could not reach orgasm. It was awkward. It definately wasn't them, just getting comfortable I guess.

Yeah had that a couple of times too.

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Hey man it happens...sometimes just performance anxiety. Are you on anything right now?

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Like someone mentioned.....................cialis. Its happened to me before, but Ive never been able to convince them it wasnt their fault unfortunately. I feel bad, becasue it happened with one of the most beautiful girls Ive ever been with, but I think like Bellina was performance anxiety. We were good friends for a long time and the whole situation was strange................but awesome.
