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Topic for discussion/My retardedly risky experiment with DMSO

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After learning about DSMO a few years ago while pursuing national standards in freestyle wrestling, I have been apply 99% DMSO pure solution diluted by 50% water topically with general effleurage massage on sore muscles, bruises and the like.
I read as much as I could understand about it, but medical studies were just confusing, I only understood the general principals and points of studies I read. Now, after a few years worth of post secondary medical education, now these studies are just as plain as english to me, and I can't get enough of reading medical studies about all things, period. I'v gone above and beyond my scholastic education in pursuit of learning about the human body, and how to improve/help its condition.
Now, with reading about DMSO and its properties as a solvent, as being anti-viral,anti-fungal,anti-bacterial properties, as a suffering of severe chronic asthma I was very much drawn towards it, especially with all the proof behind its effectiveness especially as an anti-inflammatory; since with the few pathologies I have, they are all indicated as having their origin related to some aspect of auto-immunity.
I read about the constant administration of even fairly large amounts of DMSO with no adverse side affects, and how safe it was. I seen many cases of superb results in treating psioriasis, asthma, and clinical depression, all of which I suffer from. These have been starting to compound together causing extreme fatigue, and problems with my immune system, and much more. The General Practitioners I see have the same formal education I have in anatomy & physiology, and quite frankly just go by the book for which things they are told about. In otherwords, they were not going to do anything!

Recently for the past two weeks, I have been administrating to myself once daily 1cc of a solution of 99% pure DMSO via intravenously. During this period, I have been on an oral does of 50 mg sertaline/zoloft once daily.
Now, before these two weeks, I started with using 25% solution suspended in a standard saline solution, slowely progressing every few days in order to check my owns body adaptation and reactions to the changing dosage.
I was nervous as hell the first time I injected, as it was my first injection solo in my life. I had the cell phone beside me, ready to dial 911 in an instant, and I was in a location very close to emergency response in a very short amount of time. I purchased insulin syringes, at first only 1/2 cc sizes, and starting with an extremely small injection into the main vein in the fold of skin in the elbow (Is using anatomical names and locations such as the cubital fossa taboo here? I don't want to come off presumptuous, but I use this lingo day in and day out).
Proper care was used in aspects of injection as much more specific research for the purpose of making sure I did this right (proper injection technique, sterilization, needle disposal, ect).
Anyways, I get past all the prep and stick the needle into my vein, and draw back a bit of blood to make sure I am within an vein. I then nervously very slowly inject the substance into me, then draw the needle out of my arm, and wipe off a tiny dot of blood. I'm sitting there with the phone ready in my hand with a bottle of water beside me, waiting for an adverse reaction... None came, save for the nasty garlic breath.
Anyways...more next post.

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Now, lets fast forward to the last two weeks.
1 cc daily of 99% pure DMSO. During this period I was supplementing with Vitamin C, a Vitamin B complex, Vitamin D, Calcium-Magnesium, Zinc, and melatonin (the ladder 3 taken before sleep). It should be noted the DMSO was administered within this time frame. Within a few hours post workout.
To give in as much details as possible it should also be noted that very specific proper post workout nutrition was observed injesting protein shakes with a proper blend of L-glutamine, and a proper whey protein complex, with High glycemic index simple carbohydrates.
It should also be noted that I started an ECA stack last week in preparation for a kickboxing match to cut weight. Also I have gone Faux-Ketogenic (Not true ketosis, but carbs cut entirely save for weekends, with anywhere from 200-300 grams of protein daily, high amount, but for the hell I do for workouts, I don't want to go under as catabolism could be very easy to fall into here)
2 weeks ago my weight was 175 lbs (weighed preworkout). It should be said i'm 5'8 as well. As of a few days ago I am 168lbs (Granted some of this is water weight from no carb dieting, but was weighed in preworkout) however, a definate amount of fat loss, which is extremely observable, I'm more cut than I have ever been in my life. I feel amazing, and with the hours and hours of brutal MMA/Muay Thai workouts I have been doing I have never felt this healthy before. I think clearer and I SWEAR I see better. As a kid and in high school I had to wear glasses, and now I can read things far easier than people I know who have 20/20 vision.
Detail has improved, everything has improved vision-wise. This was not expected. Asthma symptoms have improved marginally, This may be placebo (or a result of the ECA stack I'm taking) however, I want to experiment with nebulizer administration in the future, even more so considering DMSO aids in realigning the fibers of scar tissue, which I most definately have from the years of suffering from a COPD with hospitalization.
HYPOTHESIS: Anyways, I think that in terms aiding mental health, when DMSO is injected into the system, it stays in the blood stream for quite a few hours. With sertaline taken orally, the amount that then goes into the bloodstream, could then be possibly taken into the cerebral-vasculature as DMSO crosses the blood-brain barrier. Thus we have direct SSRI action. Even with not taking these always within the time frame for synergystic action, DMSO still does help "unfold" cell membranes and improves cell receptor ability.

I figured I'd only post this here as I have been to many fitness forums, and I think this is the only place I could go without being called an idiot, as I'm looking for intelligent discussion, feedback, and ideas.
Idea: I have wondered what the results would be of suspending a very small amount of sertaline in DMSO and then injecting, but I would in no way try this, as most of the drug would not be affected by the monamine-oxidase inhibitors in the digestive system, and I do not wish to risk Seratonin symdrome, or some sort of blood toxicity.

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Additionally finding this thread made a lightbulb go on, as I'v been on anti depressants for the last 3 years, and since then my vision has constantly improved, gone from needing glasses to not needing them at all.

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Have you heard of placebo effect? Even if DMSO crosses the blood brain barrier how do you figure it has SSRI effect? (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibition) I agree that DMSO has good anti inflammatory properties, but using it IV, maybe unwise.

liftsiron is a fictional character and should be taken as such.

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Yes, I have heard of the placebo effect. It's a pretty basic principal in pharmacology, psycology and much more. SSRI effect is simply a hypothesis deriving from DMSO's ability to "unfold" cell membranes, thus increasing cell receptor ability in the monoamines, working INDIRECTLY with seratonin.
As for using it IV being unwise, most studies and applications of DMSO are done intravenously. Additionally DMSO is a potent scavenger of hydroxl (minds tired, can't spell it right) free radicals. Either way, I can't see any negative side effects from using it.

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Posted by: CarpeNocturnum
Yes, I have heard of the placebo effect. It's a pretty basic principal in pharmacology, psycology and much more. SSRI effect is simply a hypothesis deriving from DMSO's ability to "unfold" cell membranes, thus increasing cell receptor ability in the monoamines, working INDIRECTLY with seratonin.

Sorry bro but this makes absolutely no sense whatsoever??????
SSRI's have nothing to do with receptor affinity, they block reuptake of serotonin in the synaptic cleft.

liftsiron is a fictional character and should be taken as such.

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Yeah, I've not exactly phrased that correctly. I realized it definately isn't functioning again by blocking uptake of seratonin in the synaptic cleft, but I'm saying because receptor affinity is improved with the monoamines, it helps balance things out even more in conjunction with an SSRI. My fault, writing these posts stoned out of my mind. Also, since I started this experiment, I need much much less herb to do the trick for me.

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Posted by: CarpeNocturnum
Yeah, I've not exactly phrased that correctly. I realized it definately isn't functioning again by blocking uptake of seratonin in the synaptic cleft, but I'm saying because receptor affinity is improved with the monoamines, it helps balance things out even more in conjunction with an SSRI. My fault, writing these posts stoned out of my mind. Also, since I started this experiment, I need much much less herb to do the trick for me.

Bro many recent studies on Testosterone as viable treatment for depression.

liftsiron is a fictional character and should be taken as such.

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I'm turning twenty in april. Testosterone would be a great thing to look into once my endocrine system has developed, but thats not for another decade yet. OTOH, supplements like Tribulus Terristris might be acceptable until then.

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do you use a filter to draw your DMSO through for injection? is your DMSO source usp grade?

DMSO is very highly absorbable through the skin, if you are injecting 1 cc, wouldn't it be less difficult to just drink the DMSO in water or put it on the skin?

don't you stink going out in public?

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there are some studies that show efficacy of oral DMSO but you breath stinks rather badly, so bad i had to stop.


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thanks for the reply but I am still skeptical about your claim that the DMSO applied topically will have broken down before becoming systemic

I believe that it is absorbed rapidly and will have systemic affects very similar to iv administration

if you see any studies on those specific pharmacodynamics I would be interested

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I'v went through so many studies on the stuff, but I'll go through what I have researched before, and if I see something I'll defiinately refer it here.
BTW guys, great forum here, and intelligent discussion. I'm very pleased at joining this forum

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Update guys.
Nasty Rotator cuff overuse injury. I have been experimenting with intramuscular injection. VERY good results so far.
Injecting DMSO into tonic and injured muscles initially causes twitch signs of trigger point compression then relaxation. I'm experimenting with this in order to correct postural dysfunctions, its working well.
I started with injecting small amounts into my left teres minor, after injecting it, i felt a little burn, then the muscle starts twitching out, then it goes a bit numb, and relaxes. I still have complete control over the muscle, but said muscle injected feels so free and relaxed.
Two days of injecting a small amount into this completely reduced, almost all together reduced serious edema completely.
pain is not noticed really at all right now in said shoulder.
best thing yet, this thing practically MELTS trigger points away. After a tiny amount bilaterally on mid body on the upper fibers of the traps, i feel like I just had a professional massage, it feels amazing. More detailed "report" soon!
