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Test TUE

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I am just wondering... which is probably my problem. But here is the content of my wondering:

WADA provides a procedure for Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) of prohibited substances and methods of administration. Let's say for some real health reason your doctor prescribes an anabolic (steroids have real, valuable medical applications in addition to HRT) steroid which is absolutely prohibited according to the list. Does anybody have any experience with this procedure? And were they successful or otherwise in getting said TUE? Let's just say that you are a masters level athlete and might play at the national masters level but mostly recreate at the regional level.

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They would never clear u for Vit "E": which is the only drug that is going to help u in competition unless u are a track rider;AAS help alot 4 training and reco. in track and road--a training tool. M/track

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I wondered the same thing with regards to lance Armstrong. After he had a nut removed wouldn't he have to be on test therapy; also epo when he was recovering from chemo. Wouldn't the legit use of these drugs qualify for TUE. In other words wasn't he legally juiced.
