I Went And Had My Test Levels Checked.score Was 318 Doc Said That Was Normal.i'm 35 And Live In A Small Town,so I'm Noy Shure If My Doc Is Up On The The Test Therapy.my Buddy Lives In A City And His Doc Hooked Him Up.my Levels Were Lower Than His.so Is 318 Low Enuff To Be Considered For The Therapy.
Thanks for the info.i'll check it out.is this something your insurance paid for or was it out of pocket.
a clinic will without a doubt but a normal pcp probably will not. your on the low end but in the acceptable range according to the charts. hell mine came back at a 119 and they said i was a little in the low range!
New on site I have two bottles of enantat QV 250 (1) 50 ml the other (10)ml. I need to know about diet and proper intake. the Holigrams look real. is it 23 guage needles to the upper buttocks area
someone anwser please
Im I using this site wrong
thank you for nothing take care.....
You need to ask that on the steroid discussions area.
I just had my levels checked and came back at 300. My doc said I was in the normal range and not to worry about it. From what I remember in school, 300-800 is considered normal. They didn't tell me what my free test level was I am going to call on monday, but I am currently looking for a new more aggressive doc.
if you live in a larger city it dosn't seem to be as hard to find a doc that will help fella out.but the smaller towns unless you know someone forget.at least it seems that way to me.i no if you go to one of the therapy places you can just about count on getting it but it will cost $$$ you.i think i'm just gona hit the pharmacy up here.
A lot of docs don't want to treat anyone in the 'normal' range. That range was developed so almost everyone but the most extreme cases would be with those limits. Normal and optimum levels are 2 very different things. Find a different doc. And to the guy above who wants instant answers....23 gauge is fine for injection. I use 21 gauge to draw up with.
thank you for nothing take care..... I was going to give you an answer until you posted that, I do appreciate the fact that you waited a whole 16 minutes before you told us off though. My answer now is that you should only use 16ga needles or larger to inject with. When you do this, just think of me.
New on site I have two bottles of enantat QV 250 (1) 50 ml the other (10)ml. I need to know about diet and proper intake. the Holigrams look real. is it 23 guage needles to the upper buttocks area Yes but shoot 5ml into the bulb of your testicle once per week Alternate nut every other week (called site rotation)
I was going to give you an answer until you posted that, I do appreciate the fact that you waited a whole 16 minutes before you told us off though. My answer now is that you should only use 16ga needles or larger to inject with. When you do this, just think of me. LMAO!! goodun thats kinda like playing tard darts:becky: