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O/T - What time do you get out of bed?

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It got me thinking how important sleep is to a bodybuilder. I usually get 8 hours of sleep per night, sometimes more, sometimes less, but an average of 8 is the norm. I get up Monday - Friday at 6.30am and hit the sack again at 10.30pm. On the weekend's I'll sleep in later but usually because I go to bed later also. So basically, I am awake for 16hours and asleep for 8 hours generally. Is this enough sleep? Should I be getting more? What time do you get up/go to bed? BBZ

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I average about 4.51 hours of sleep a night and feel like I've been kicked in the nuts. A few years ago I remember not being able to sleep enough and feeling really good.

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I get more than 8 hours a night lately and loving it! Feel a lot better. Sleep is vitally important i think, not just for physical health but mental and emotional too.

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Zac your sleeping hours are virtually ideal. If I lived in a perfect world, I'd go to bed at 10 and wake up at 6. It is important that you keep the same hours, whether it's the weekend or not. Unfortunately my job involves constantly rotating shifts, along with an entire week of nightshifts once a month. So my sleeping hours are constantly changing, totally fucking me up physically and mentally. As a result, I rarely sleep well these days-and most days I get up after 8-10 hours and feel like I haven't even slept at all.

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Thats no good Stanaman.

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5am every morning , back to bed between 10 and midnight....

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Same as Stanaman,alot of rotating shifts which does make it hard to train and compete.Its not much fun when your breakfast is at 4pm.

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Yeah. One week breakfast is at 4 or 5 PM and the next it's at 6 AM. Arrrrrrghhhh, I'm trapped in a living hell!!!!!!!!!!!

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I naturally wake up when the sun does, so in winter it is hard to get up early. I'm generally up at 05:30-06:00, bedtime ATM is after cardio and around 23:00-midnight. If at all possible I try to have an hours nap in the arvo.

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usually 7-9 hrs ,up at 7am cant sleep anymore for sum reason even if i got to bed at 5am then again wen i get into msn marathons with sum of the guys and AR LOL i ask my self "WHAT IS SLEEP" ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€

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go to bed around 11:00, and get up around 8:00

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Weekdays I get up at 05.30 and either train at 06.00 or go in to work early. Usually hit the sack around 11.00 at night. So, I only get 6.5 hrs per night which is NOT ideal for BBIng. What can I say, I have a demanding career, a young family and I still pursue my BBing agenda so it is just a matter of comprimise and balance. Would love to get more but I seek success in all facets of my life so I have to comprimise somewhere. Weekends are nice. ๐Ÿ™‚

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I sleep around 9 hours a day. up at 7.00am, bed at 10.00pm..... i love my sleep!!!!

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I can relate to those hours Mr Aust. Young family, business and busy life. I crash around 11.30 or Midnight and get up between 4.30 and 5.00 AM. My sleep in, is 6AM on saturday. I have been like this for years and I think too much sleep is worse than not enough. People spend half their life sleeping. Sleep when your dead you will have plenty of time to catch up.

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LOL at messiah. I always liked that line........"I will catch up on sleep when I am dead"

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