O/T Orgasmic Headac...
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O/T Orgasmic Headaches

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Treatment Available for "Orgasmic Headaches" By Karla Gale NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - The severe headaches that occasionally occur during sexual activity, sometimes called "orgasmic headaches," can often be prevented, German physicians report. These headaches are usually benign, Dr. Achim Frese told Reuters Health, but individuals who experience one for the first time should consult a doctor to make sure it is not related to a brain hemorrhage. Doctors can also prescribe medication that will relieve or even prevent these headaches. There seem to be two basic patterns to these headaches: Type 1 usually begins as a dull pain that starts prior to orgasm, while type 2 has sudden onset, often described as a "thunderclap" headache, that occurs within seconds of orgasm. Frese, at the University of Munster, and his associates interviewed 51 patients diagnosed with "headache with sexual activity (HSA)" to better characterize the symptoms. "The course of the disease varies widely," Dr. Frese said. "Some patients have only one HSA in their whole life, while others have HSA for years with nearly every sexual activity." Most commonly, patients experience bouts of a few weeks duration in which HSA occurs in a large percentage of sexual activities and then spontaneously stop, he added. The headaches typically start when patients are in their 30s, and men are three to four times more likely to have HSA than women. Often, individuals find that the headache will lessen or go away altogether if sexual activity is stopped or if the affected person assumes a more "passive role" during intercourse. The severe headache can last for up to 12 hours, the doctors report in the journal Neurology, but mild pain may persist for days. Frese advises that sexual activity should not be attempted until pain is entirely gone; otherwise, a new HSA is more likely to occur. Headaches with sexual activity sometimes respond to indomethacin, a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug commonly used as a pain reliever, Frese pointed out. For individuals who experience repeated HSA, indomethacin taken an hour before sexual activity may prevent them. Some patients will also benefit from ongoing therapy with beta-blockers, drugs used to treat high blood pressure. SOURCE: Neurology, September2003. ________________________________________________ My ex used to get these all the time......... before sex though.... ๐Ÿ™ Cheers all.

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LOL i know the feeling sanctum!!!!

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Not really appropriate spot to put this, but I will anyway. I've always wanted to last longer "during the act", well now I've discovered a way for me to do it. Normally full on at it I don't last long at all, 5-10 minutes maybe. But last night was different, I tried to go the whole time without "flexing" my dick, you know, how you tense it up and push more blood into it, well we were at it for ages (over an hour) without me flexing at once, man it was awesome, best orgasm for me ever, give it a shot, see if it helps you ๐Ÿ˜‰

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You must have had a sore hand after that Amateur.

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Originally posted by Hound_Dog You must have had a sore hand after that Amateur. :wanker: :biglaugh:

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I know of a guy who could not get a root for he was ungly and smelly anyway..... he used to get payed and go see the pro's on friday night for his once a week root, after waiting all that time for real pussy he was so horny and used to cum real quick at the pro's so he went to the pharmacy and picked up some sort of teething gel and put some on his cock before he went to the pro's he said it numbed it real good and he could fuck for ages!! sorry just my little story

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Guys........ the thread? ahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahah

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ozzdaz that story sounds like a "ohh one of my friendssss" story sure that wasnt u bro, teeething gel hahah niceee!

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Thats weird because I seriously only get headaches when I am in bed, usually asleep. I wake up with them and I am fucked for the day. Had a scan of the noggin and it revealed nothing (LOL) but I still get there every so often. Could be my pillow I guess. Maybe its because I sleep with my hand on the old fella? ๐Ÿ™‚ BBZ

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Zac: for 35 years I would wake up with a migarine.... order an ambulance .. and spend the rest of the night in hospital.... up until this year, averaged one every few months or so, sometimes more, some less..... pain ... literally. But never after sex ๐Ÿ™‚

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I've had those fucking headaches.. its no laughing matter.

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hahaha...... sorry its not funny I am laughing at myself
