No Sex drive Help m...
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No Sex drive Help me

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Nuri Flood
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I have had no sex drive or libido for quite a while now .This is affecting my relationship very badly .I had a blood test and it said my test levels where fine.I`m thinking of having another one just to be sure. I haven't cycled for quite a while so its not the magic vitamins. My Dr sent me for an MRI on the brain to make sure i was OK there ,it turned out fine. Do you guys have any ideas what is going on??:( ๐Ÿ™ I`m thinking of taking some test to help me ,if i do what do you think would be the minimal amount i need to get things going again .:( ๐Ÿ™

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Are you using Propecia/proscar/finasteride by any chance?

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Try doing a cycle of H.C.G , if you do not want test.

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If his test levels are fine then HCG isn't going to do much. What about your sleep lately?...been getting enough? I know 3-4 days of fuck-all sleep screws with my libido (excuse the pun) and my moods in general.

Nuri Flood
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Xanthine No......No........No........ jws56 i need to find some hcg , i`m not reluctant to use test though.

Nuri Flood
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Xanthine my sleep has been good lately.And same goes for me as with no sleep thingy.

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this is ironic really. You're saying your lack of drive is messing with your relationship....mine is through the fucking roof and THATS messing with my relationship. ๐Ÿ™

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....well what about stressful demands lately...exams, reports due at work etc? all the "real life" crap can take a toll too. How long are we talking here? a few weeks, months?

Nuri Flood
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hahahaha yes ironic i`d still rather be in your postion though.My girly has allways had a high sex drive which isn`t helping things at all.At least your girly knows that u r still attracted to her.

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I came off around 750mg of sust PW and been off it for around 6 weeks and my sex drive is still fucked, I dont know??? HCG is so hard to come by here in oz

Nuri Flood
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Mate we r talking about 8 months its gotten worse over time.My stress has been a little high at work but nothing different from the past.I thought briefly that stress could kill my desire but surely not for this fucking long.

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maybe try that horny goat weed they sell at the health food shops,

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Androderm--- cut the packet rub it on your pleasure pole and sit back and ejoy the ride ๐Ÿ™‚

Nuri Flood
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hahaha jws56 mate if only i felt like having sex thats what my problem is i have no desire at all.i`m only 33 for fucks sake things like this r supposed to happen when i`m 60 or 70 not 30 fuckin 3. Thanks anyway guys for your response`s.

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Nuri, jws56 knows what he's talking about (re:hcg). What is your cycle history? Kind regards, T-800

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