No more antideppres...
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No more antideppresants... losing my mind

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Out of the 60'es ..........................
'The past is history !
The future is a fantasy !
All you have is the here and now!

Another .................

The most exquisite paradox… as soon as you give it all up, you can have it all. As long as you want power, you can't have it. The minute you don't want power, you'll have more than you ever dreamed possible.

Both of these quotes are from Ram Dass .
another ...................
It is important to expect nothing, to take every experience, including the negative ones, as merely steps on the path, and to proceed.

I've been clinically crazy since I was a youth and I have tried it all and the only sure fire thing you can do to help is to
"Know thy Self".
IMHO:Remember that the science of Psychiatry is still in it infancy .
A pill has never help me a doctor hasn't either.

You have to learn to recognize the on slot of the event in advance .

I don't know about you , but I'm suppose to be bi-polar I have stopped taking my meds about six month ago and have been able to keep off the rollor coaster the majority of the time .

I'm an old hippie and during the very late 60'es early 70'es I learned "Deep Mediation" .
It has been on of the greatest releases I have even known.
If you want to learn more about meditation and how it can help you then please feel free to email me and I'll point you in the right direction.
I don't want to start a deep medation discussion here as it may hijack this thread.
You will thank me in the years to come I promise .
You will need nothing more that a quiet place and you .
Meditation Is Scientifically Proven To:
Decrease Stress / Anxiety
Cure Phobias & Obsessive Thoughts
Rejuvenate Your Confidence
Relieve Feelings Of Depression
Improve Concentration & Focus
Increase Motivation
Heal Addictive Traits
Experience Improved Relationships
Solve Many Sleep Problems
Help People Who Suffer Panic Attacks
and much more .......................

Hot Rocks

"If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?"
- Albert Einstein

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what is the prefer age for viagra? can anyone give healthful facts and advice? i'm only 29 and i want to try it....

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