metabolic syndrome
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metabolic syndrome

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I have an associcate that is obese, does not exercise and is chronically sick and feeling sorry for herself. The other day she announced that the doctor had diagnosed her as have metabolic syndrome. AHA! she has a disease and can be treated with drugs! I could not believe it, if she would just get off her fat ass, stop eating everything in sight and drinking coolatas i think her "disease" would magically disappear along with about 100lbs of fat. why is it that doctors are so afraid of just telling folks to exercise and lose weight, not depend on some pill?


Diabetes Obes Metab. 2007 May;9(3):218-32. Links
Cardiovascular metabolic syndrome - an interplay of, obesity, inflammation, diabetes and coronary heart disease.Rana JS, Nieuwdorp M, Jukema JW, Kastelein JJ.
Department of Vascular Medicine, Academic Medical Center Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Cardiovascular disease is currently one of the biggest causes of morbidity and mortality facing humanity. Such a paradigm shift of disease pattern over the last century has only worsened due to the alarming global prevalence of obesity and type 2 diabetes. In recent years there is increasing focus on inflammation as one of the key players in the patho-physiology of these disorders. In addition to these overt risk factors new research is unraveling the significance of a constellation of early metabolic abnormalities that include weight gain, insulin resistance, prehypertension and a specific pattern of dyslipidaemia. There exists a complex interrelationship of these various metabolic disorders and their effect on cardiovascular system. Simplified explanation can be that inflammation increases insulin resistance, which in turn leads to obesity while perpetuating diabetes, high blood pressure, prothrombotic state and dyslipidaemia. While inflammation and insulin resistance have direct adverse effects on cardiac muscle, these metabolic abnormalities as a whole cause causes cardiovascular complications; warranting a multi pronged therapeutic and preventive approach for the 'Cardiovascular Metabolic Syndrome' as an entity.

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The majority of the people on the planet barely make it through the day due to lack of food and some dumb fat muppet has a syndrome. and another dumb educated muppet calls it some thing other than greed.

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Perfect JB!

"The medals don't mean anything and the glory doesn't last. It's all about your happiness. The rewards are going to come, but my happiness is just loving the sport and having fun performing" ~ Jackie Joyner Kersee.

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Because unfortunately in todays times, if a doctor prescribes enough medications they'll get kickbacks from the drug reps...Vacations to Hawaii, Cayman Islands...

Drug companies don't want drugs that "cure" people, they wan't drugs that "sustain" people and keep them customers. Healthy people that don't need prescriptions aren't very profitable customers.

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Posted by: RaetherEnt
Because unfortunately in todays times, if a doctor prescribes enough medications they'll get kickbacks from the drug reps...Vacations to Hawaii, Cayman Islands...

Drug companies don't want drugs that "cure" people, they wan't drugs that "sustain" people and keep them customers. Healthy people that don't need prescriptions aren't very profitable customers.

You hit the nail on the head there. One of my hardest working employees (32 years old) was just diognosed with ADD. Bull shit! He's my most dependable worker.

The same employee has an 8 year old on meds for the same thing. I thought 8 year olds were supposed to be 8 year olds

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You know, Hallmark used to have the market on "creating a market"...If they weren't selling enough greeting cards, they come up with Secretaries Day or Transportation workers day or whatever...Now it's the drug companies.

"Do you sometimes feel depressed? Lonely? Ask your doctor about FUCKITOL"...

It's only going to get worse before it gets better. And to think that the drug companies really care about us because they don't want Americans buying those "dangerous drugs" from Canada...

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Some wise person once said, let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food.

Be well.


"You still got the tools, but they're different" (Angelo Dundee => Muhammad Ali)

242 lbs.
leaning out a bit

"One guy thinks he can, another guy thinks he can't. Both are right. Which one are you son?" (Nike commercial football coach)

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In my last career, I used to frequently get people complaining that they couldn't work due to "chronic fatigue syndrome". I asked my Dad, a doc, about it and he basically said it is a convenient label that a friendly doctor gives to a person who is lazy and/or stupid but wants an excuse.

Sounds like metabolic syndrome is the same thing. "I can't possibly take responsibility for my own health, after all, I have metabolic syndrome."
