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Just wondering if any of you have noticed any age related memory and/or concentration problems and what age you first started noticing symptoms? I swear @ 30 years old, if I haven't done something for a couple of months at work I will have forgotten how to do it. It also seems harder to concentrate on complex problems already. Ageing sucks, I have noticed a big difference in even the last couple of years in how I feel. Part of that is probably the low T levels (just started HRT). Man, if I sound like this at 30, what is 60 going to sound like?

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Bro, I know exactly how you feel. When I'm low on test (I'm HRT too) the FIRST thing to go is my mental state. Mostly I feel like I'm walking in a fog in the morning, hard to concentrate on what people are saying in a early morning meetings etc. etc. Funny thing was when I have brought this up with the doc's in the past they totally blow it off. To get their intrest (in HRT) it's gotta be a sex related issue. Good dose of test, and some time will get you straightend out in no time. PS Funny that you are asking "if this is how I am at 30, how will I be at 60" I remember asking myself the same exact thing. Good Luck, Gunz

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My family DR would not have equated the memory and concentration problems to low T levels but my HRT doc sure did. I do feel sharper since going on HRT, but still not 100%. Waiting for my test results back while on HRT. Maybe I need a slightly higher dosage. I think as a kid I remember my mom showing the some of the same symptoms around my age....

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The memory loss thing really sux, i mean.......................What was I saying?

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Originally posted by TESTinME I do feel sharper since going on HRT, but still not 100%. Waiting for my test results back while on HRT. Maybe I need a slightly higher dosage. 1- Give it time - HRT doesn't kick in overnight, I'd say it was a good 3-4 months or so until I was feeling the way I should. Hard to say as we were adjusting dosages at that time. 2- Don't settle for the low end of the reference range. You want to be in the upper part of the reference range. Docs tend to be pretty shitty about this as they settle for just breaking the lower threshold of the lab ref range. MOST lab reference ranges are for genericly setup for "adult males" i.e. they don't differentiate between a male of 18 or 75. Your not 75 don't settle for the lower end of the scale !!!!!

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I can relate. My memory is definitely worse with out HRT. But, I also think a busy lifestyle has a lot to do with it. I have a lot more things on my mind than I did 10 years ago. Working nights 50 to 60 hrs a week doesn't help matters. I'm 32 now and can't imagine working like this when I'm 60.

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Gunz/MidnightRider, Curious what your dosages are bro's. I'm on 100 mg per week so far. Dying to know how my test results will come back. It's only been about a month since being on so it is still early.

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2 patches of Androgel (crap) just barely got me above the 250 (fine by my original doc). 200MG/WK of Cyp got me to the low 900's with my new doc. Your mileage may vary.

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5% Androgel got me to 400. My doctor thought that was fine. I still was feeling 100% so I prescribed myself 300mg of cyp. I don't know what my test level is now. I need to find a doctor that will proscribe cyp and have some blood work done.

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Well I'm one for commenting on this LOL. I smoked weed for 18 years straight from 15-32 . I forget what I'm typing about now that you mention it 😀 It comes with age bro. It happens to all. If you used a lot of "rec" drugs may be worse. to be honest I don't think my long term pot usage made any noticable memory deficits. In fact I went back to school afterwards and did well. I think a lot of it is disuse. That is what the current thinking is on that. You need to exercise your brain too. Crossword puzzles and merory games are supposed to be good. Actually I tried some of the old B.C. bud the other day for the first time in about 14 years. Whoaaaa! Times they are a changin'

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i forget damn near eveything if i dont write it down. but on a brighter note , i saw a tv specail about aging & brain shrinkage. they showed a mri of a 75 year old man & his brain looked like a donut- there was a hole in the middle WTF! then they displayed a mri of someone 75 that has been exercising for the past 25 years & there was minimal shrinkage. so everyone keep at it so you dont get stupid LOL
