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Kidney ache

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Kidney ache I read it on a messege board, and since i've always wondered about it, how accurate do you think this is?


Not to scare ya but kidneys can be damaged with no signs from blood work because they will still function even when they're damaged, until the damage is so severe that they begin to fail...

you should have your doc do a urinalysis...blood (microscopic or not) means kidney damage...even though your blood tests may not show any problems

I just switched from Dianabol to Anadrol ( very disappointed as I was expecting much more from Dianabol - methandrostenolone - ) , and did only ONE 50 mg tab so far, and now I feel something in my kidneys. I dont know if i'd call it pain cuz it doesnt really hurt. But I do feel something going on there. It doesnt bother me that much. I probably wouldnt have thought about it if it didnt remind me of a similar feeling when I did my first cycle.

I'm just a bit worried and wondering if I should ignore.

Last cycle I ignored it and maybe a week ( or two? ) later, I started to urinate more and that feeling was gone. Did bloodwork afterwards and everything was fine.

I recently heard about a trainer at some gym nearby who just got kidney failure.

I'm starting to think, most steroid related health problems that I hear about involve the kidneys, but it MAY have something to do with insane cutting diets and/or drugs.

I'm also starting to wonder, do we worry too much about liver and neglect kidneys?

Anyway back to the question, how accurate is the statement above?

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And to clarify, no blood in urine here.

Wondering how accurate it is to say that blood tests can tell you if theres kidney damage, only when its serious, because if your kidneys are still functioning, bloodwork will tell you that everything is okay. In other words its hard to tell if theres minor damage or not because we dont really need the total capacity of both kidneys.

How accurate is this? If accurate, how can I make sure i'm not doing any damage to my kidneys before anything goes too wrong?

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I don't think so. Rising creatinine and BUN levels will show early stage renal insufficiency. I am sure that there are other, more sophisticated blood tests that can be performed at the first indication of trouble, but until creatinine and BUN start to rise on a chronic basis, I wouldn't worry about it. (Layman's opinion; I am no physician.)

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Posted by: John123
And to clarify, no blood in urine here.

Wondering how accurate it is to say that blood tests can tell you if theres kidney damage, only when its serious, because if your kidneys are still functioning, bloodwork will tell you that everything is okay. In other words its hard to tell if theres minor damage or not because we dont really need the total capacity of both kidneys.

How accurate is this? If accurate, how can I make sure i'm not doing any damage to my kidneys before anything goes too wrong?

Your kidneys vibrating lately?

Get big and ripped or die trying!!

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Well the pain is now gone. Pain going away didnt take as long as it did on my first cycle. Lasted only a few days. Much less water retention ( and the retention came about gradually )

I love Anadrol, but I love my kidneys more. I want to be 100% sure than no kidney damage is being done when I take Anadrol.

I really believe that we neglect kidneys ( especially those who are cutting and getting ripped ) and give too much attention to liver ( talking about sane dosages and cycle length )

I've heard conflicting opinions on whether basic kidney function tests would be able to tell you if damage is being done or not.

Some say it'll show only when kidneys are pretty messed up because you dont need the total capacity of both kidneys.

So, if say 20% of each kidney isnt working properly, it wouldnt show on the basic kidney function tests because the kidneys are still getting the job done.

Conflicting info isnt helping much and no one seems to be certain.

If steroids were legal i'd be able to ask a doctor. I know that if I do ask one, the answer would be yes and kidney failure is guaranteed and you'll die.

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hmmm yeh...that is odd. I'ts good that you pay attention to your body.

But i don't like orals..period. DId Tbol...even on 30mg i don't feel the best, where as with prop i always feel great.

I also think renal failure will show up early in blood tests. then again, i wouldn't stake my kdneys on that statement.
