jb - your schedule
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jb - your schedule

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describe your hrt please


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first let me be clear that i am on what i call a "super" hrt, that is i take supraphysiologic leves of test to maintain about an additional 30lbs of muscle. I usually use between 300-400 mg of test year round, i do taper down to 200mg/week about twice a year. I also supplement with periodic other anabolics such as trenbolone and masteron e. I take no orals. I use 250iu of HCG twice a week everyother week. In the past i have used HGH successfully along with lr3 igf-1. I also take exemestane as necessary,

I get a full physicall once a year and get blood tests done 3-4 time per year.


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jb, what kind of test levels does 300-400 allow you to maintain?

Out of interest, have you noticed aromatase activity change with age, or do you think its just down to most older guys getting fat? You obviously do not.

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i do not get my test levels checked for obvious reasons of anonymity however i am sure they are way above physiologic levels. I have experimented with lower and higher doses to find what i feel is the optimum dose interms of well being, sides, muscle growth and strength. I like to err on the side of low rather than high.

I honestly have not noticed a change in aromatase activity although there is a theory floating around that postulates the t/e ratio decreases with age. I have found this very hard to substantiate in the medical research literature. unlike some others however, i really do not use much in the way of AI's since i have had no need for them. This clearly is different from person to person.

I have to work at keeping the bf down, i think as we get older our metabolism slows, i also think there is an epidemic of sub-clinical hypothyroidism in this country and perhaps the world. This was paretially addressed by the new tsh lab ranges instituted several years ago. As you know, recovery is harder as we age and sometimes it takes more of an effort to do the things we need to do for bf control.


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thank you

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oh, you also mentioned dhea and pro-i-dont-remember. what doese ?
