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Implants question

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Hello ladies. I had a question regarding implants. My girlfriend has had a breast enhancement and they are under the muscle. Will it hurt her, or flatten them out if she gets into lifting weights? Her doctor told her they would flatten, but I dont think they would much, if at all. Thanks for the advice.

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well, I'm no expert, but I had implants placed under the muscle and have experienced no adverse affects when I lift.

Truthfully, I don't see how a fluid filled container can permanently flatten, you know what I mean?

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Thank you for the advice. Her doctor was telling her that lifting weights would tighten the chest muscle which in turn would press agains the saline bag and cause her implant to flatten out under the pressure of the muscle. I think he is full of sh--, but thought I better ask around before having an opinion on the subject.

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From everything that I have ever read or heard, implants under the muscle is the way to go for female bodybuilders and athletes in general.

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Posted by: tee
Thank you for the advice. Her doctor was telling her that lifting weights would tighten the chest muscle which in turn would press agains the saline bag and cause her implant to flatten out under the pressure of the muscle. I think he is full of sh--, but thought I better ask around before having an opinion on the subject.

o, maybe I understand his statement better now.

Yes, the bag will flatten slightly while the muscle is contracted. Then when it releases, it goes back to normal shape. Mine do the same thing, I'm somewhat aware of it when I'm lifting.

It certainly isn't anything to be concerned with and isn't visible to others unless she plans to lift naked <g>

My plastic surgeon was well aware that I lift heavy and he recommended under the muscle implants specifically for me.

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I'm having trouble visualizing the mechanics of your pecs contracting over the implants and how that might affect your lifts. If you wouldn't mind, perhaps a few pics of both eccentric and concentric motions of, say bench press or flys, naked, would help me overcome my difficulties. Thanks.

Be well.


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Im gonna have to go the other way on this one. I know a bunch of girls with them under the muscle and several of them lift. One in particular lifts chest all the time and her boobs DO NOT look normal at all.

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Well my girl lifts and hers sure arnt flat.

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Posted by: JOEYZ
Im gonna have to go the other way on this one. I know a bunch of girls with them under the muscle and several of them lift. One in particular lifts chest all the time and her boobs DO NOT look normal at all.

the only thing I can think of is that each surgeon has their own technique... maybe that woman you mention, her surgeon placed them in a non-optimal position. Dunno.

Honestly, mine look great, and natural. Really.

Besides, the original poster to this thread's girlfriend already has her implants, so the decision for under the muscle has already been made. Her question was, "should I lift?", and I think we can all agree that the answer is "yes"!

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My wife has them, and she has no problems, and they look great. I guess it depends on how muscular your g/f wants to get. My wife only does chest once a week.

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Thanks to everyone for their input. I know she had a great surgeon because he was the head of the plastic surgeon board in the state of Texas, and highly recomended by all the doctors she went to for advice. He did tell her about the under the muscle flattening out from lifting weights though. It kind of sounds like it varies among individuals and their respective workout patterns.

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no i think thats wrong.. female bodybuilders get them OVER THE MUSCLE... also if you read most sites or forums.. it will say girls who weight lift mostly get them over the muscle.. because recovery is also longer if you get them under the muscle.. and if you decide to get too muscled, your chest muscles will tighten around the implant.. or make them look weird while you are lifting weights...

my doctor told me that.. and he recommended i get them over the muscle if i like to weight lift...

Posted by: liftsiron
From everything that I have ever read or heard, implants under the muscle is the way to go for female bodybuilders and athletes in general.

just a little lady lookin' for some good tips.

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Posted by: MissTam
no i think thats wrong.. female bodybuilders get them OVER THE MUSCLE... also if you read most sites or forums.. it will say girls who weight lift mostly get them over the muscle.. because recovery is also longer if you get them under the muscle.. and if you decide to get too muscled, your chest muscles will tighten around the implant.. or make them look weird while you are lifting weights...

my doctor told me that.. and he recommended i get them over the muscle if i like to weight lift...

MT- MANY bber's still get them under the muscle. If you are planning to really build your chest, then yes that would not be a good idea but I know of quite a few women bbers who have unders. yes recovery IS longer. And the implants look weird when you are lifting regardless. The thinner you are the stranger the overs look while lifting. I have seen quite a few pics of women when they diet down who have bad rippling because of getting overs.

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My new gf is a figure competitor and a personal trainer. She lifts and exercises like crazy. She has implants under the muscle. They look great. She said when she got them she was really sore for a while. I think it was worth it.

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Well for the cleavage look I wanna get, I want overs and he is overfilling them... and rippling can be fixed..

just a little lady lookin' for some good tips.

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