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How to Beat Depression Naturally

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How to Prevent and Treat Depression Naturally

Do Antidepressants Cure Depression?

Although the human experience can be filled with much wonder, deep learning and insight, great achievement, intense love, joy and happiness, and a sense of belonging, the human condition is also filled with loneliness, hardship, setback, failure, disappointment, sadness, loss, challenge, adversity and stress. Change, challenge, adversity and stress is a core foundation of the natural universe and is experienced by all living things. This stress in many respects is and should be considered positive. Stress and adversity provide challenge, sharpen skills, build strength and the opportunities to improve.

Most of us experience various degrees of depression at different points in our lives. Unfortunately in recent years our medical and therapist communities have embraced offering prescription mood altering drugs, anti-depressants, tranquillizers and sleeping pills to their patients to combat depression, as if these pills are a solution or cure to the underlying conditions causing depression. "Significant increases in antidepressant use were evident across all sociodemographic groups . . . ." Dr. Mark Olfson of Columbia University in New York and Steven Marcus of the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia wrote in the Archives of General Psychiatry. "Not only are more U.S. residents being treated with antidepressants, but also those who are being treated are receiving more antidepressant prescriptions," they added. About 6 percent of people were prescribed an antidepressant in 1996 -- 13 million people. This rose to more than 10 percent or 27 million people by 2005, these researchers found.

In the United States, a pill dependent culture has been created with the encouragement by many school officials, and many in the medical and therapist communities to provide mood altering and anti-depressant drugs to boys and young men with high energy levels. Might these boys and young men be better served by being encouraged to funnel that energy into playing sports, play chess or study the sciences!

Studies have indicated that antidepressants do not cure depression or provide a remedy for the underlying conditions that cause depression, except in the most severe cases. A purpose of this page is not to be critical of those taking antidepressants, but to provide an Alternative to those that don't need them.

Antidepressant Harmful Side Effects
Most of these antidepressant, tranqualizers and mood altering pills:

1. DO NOT address the underlying reasons for the depression.

2. DUMB DOWN and depress the nervious system in many instances causing the patients senses to be less aware of reality. (How effective can one be in dealing with reality when dumbed down to it?)

3. HAVE SERIOUS SIDE EFFECTS including nausea, increased weight gain (due to disruption to their natural Metabolism), loss of sexual drive, insomnia, dry mouth, fatigue, agitation and anxiety. See Mayo Clinic on Antidepressant Side Effects.

4. CAN CREATE DEPENDENCY and DO NOT help people be real and deal with life's challenges and stress.


I'm of the opinion, the above drugs should only be used as a very last resort to treat depression, anxiety, or insomnia which is severe and chronic, i.e. when the person's day to day functioning is badly affected and where the problem is not responsive to any other forms of treatment. Many times, however, prescription drugs are the first line of treatment and this often becomes an obstacle in the road to health, wellbeing and balance. When one becomes depressed the natural ways to fight depression should be considered. Here are a few good tips to Naturally fight depression:

1. Set Short and Long Term Goals
Define your purposes in life. Then set short and long term goals and a plan to accomplish these purposes.

2, Socialize and Build Meaningful Relationships
When you are depressed, you usually isolate yourself and avoid company. Mixing with people is not always what you feel like doing, but loneliness is one of the major causes of depression. Get out there and join the world! You may hate it at first, but do it anyway! It will ultimately help to uplift your spirits and you will not feel so alone. If you don't have a social circle, join one! Volunteer organizations, mothers' groups, churches, chess or sports clubs, hobbies and crafts are all good ideas. Take on a responsbility involving Leadership. Be creative! Try out different alternatives until you find something that you like. Don't give up!

Read full article at

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Great fucking post!!!!

i was the 1997 International Spelling Bee Winnur

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Joined: 7 years ago
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let me say it again. workout workout workout!

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Exercise is very good. Our bodies when we do vigorous exercise release naturals chemicals called, Endorphins and Opioid. That's why when people exercise they feel a so called "high".My doctor also told me that this is a great
way to help with Depression.

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Abigail . . . thanks for your comment! Would you copy and paste your comment also in the Comment section at ?

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what the fuck is going on? am i really the only person?

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Posted by: pillsbury
what the fuck is going on? am i really the only person?

Dude WTF are you talking about????

Seriously what or who are you talking to/about

i was the 1997 International Spelling Bee Winnur
