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How do you lower libido ?

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Posted by: jboldman
with all the alternatives listed, it really seems to me that the best solution is a sexy magazine and a bottle of hand lotion. Why suffer the possible side effects of the chemical approach when an effective solution is handy!


BEST advice I've heard on this entire thread. Just spank it bro! WHY mess with your hormonal and physiological state with all these different drugs mentioned when you can simpy POUND IT

Seriously BC, whenever there's possibility of using a DRUG to manipulate something verses NOT using a drug and having the same should be a no brainer.

Have fun chokin it bro.

Never Underestimate the ULTIMATE ANABOLIC. . . Prayers!
Disclaimer: Drveejay11 "a fictitious role-playing character" does not promote the use of anabolic steroids without a doctor's prescription. The information this made-up character shares is solely for entertainment purposes only.

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i must say femera alone absolutely devasted me. i know what it feels like to be a 90year old man now in one regard.

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Re: How do you lower libido ?

Posted by: Big Cat
This may seem like a stupid question to some, but I recently broke up with my last girlfriend (well, she broke up with me) and I'm in piss poor shape. Since I both need to get back to a weight i feel comfortable with and I know the hazards of rebound relationships, it would really be a huge help to lower my libido for a month or three so I can focus on more important things.

Any tips on lowering libido, keeping in mind that the goal is to gain muscle and not lose it, and that I'm natural.

Boy did this post get a few responses! You can do like my ex did.

Good ole Prozac! It killed her sex drive and I thought that either I had a roomate that was a walking cadaver or she was cheating on me. It took her six weeks to finally tell me she was on the shit!

And.....she had the gaul to bust my balls six months later when she found my "supplements"!

Needless to say, she's history and I was dumb enough to stick it out for another year and less money in my bank account including the damn engagement ring that my sorry ass thought would make it all better!

Any "ho", I found a 24 year old and I have had more and greater sex in the last four weeks than I have had in the last two years!

The ole saying "When one hole (I mean "door") closes, another even better "opens"!

Patience my brother! Train hard and do the next right thing!

My 2mgs..

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....and did I mention that I've had more sex...

She about caused me to "code" last night, and she's on her way over for another round!

PS Young women like us older guys who train!
Talk about motivation!!

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Re: How do you lower libido ?

Posted by: Big Cat
This may seem like a stupid question to some, but I recently broke up with my last girlfriend (well, she broke up with me) and I'm in piss poor shape. Since I both need to get back to a weight i feel comfortable with and I know the hazards of rebound relationships, it would really be a huge help to lower my libido for a month or three so I can focus on more important things.

Any tips on lowering libido, keeping in mind that the goal is to gain muscle and not lose it, and that I'm natural.

Heres a sure fire way.
Think Margaret thatcher..............

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BC, why not forget the chemical approach entirely. Start to look at the foundations of what attracts you, look at the fact that you've become cynical about women and relationships and need to address that or you'll be stuck there, look at the fact that you are in school and perhaps are not ready for a permenant relationship. Do you know where you are going when you finish your studies? Do you expect or did you expect that the person you are with would also want to "travel" in that direction? Burying yourself in training may just be an attempt to anesthetize yourself from working the pain that will give you some answers to all of the above. Consider some psychotherapy.

And we'll collect the moments one by one. I guess that's how the future's done. Feist, "Mushaboom", 2005

Big Cat
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I don't do well with therapy. I usually end up feeling smarter than the therapist and that leads to a certain disdain. I don't ever really open up unless its someone I really know and we can talk on a very mutual plain. And that's sadly very few people. No doubt this contributed to some of the problems I had last year (Received some forced therapy and that seemed to have confounded the problem). But recently I've gotten back in touch with my best friend in America, and she's been good for me. She always was the only one I could really talk to.

I'm gonna bump this by the way, I need serious help cause i've already been on two dates again.

Good things come to those who weight.

The Big Cat is a researcher and theoreticist. His advice must never be taken in the stead of proper advice from a medical professional, it is entirely intended for research purposes.

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In one way this is hilarious... The forum is about pharmacology, but a few people are getting bent-out-of-shape about using pharmacology to deal with a libido issue. What's next? Maybe bodybuilders should stop hitting the gym and see a shrink about body image problems. ha ha 🙂

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Posted by: rrgg
In one way this is hilarious... The forum is about pharmacology, but a few people are getting bent-out-of-shape about using pharmacology to deal with a libido issue. What's next? Maybe bodybuilders should stop hitting the gym and see a shrink about body image problems. ha ha 🙂

actually the number of bb'ers I see increases with the stages of their competition training---mostly around relationship issues.

And we'll collect the moments one by one. I guess that's how the future's done. Feist, "Mushaboom", 2005

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I'm not really contesting that headdoc, and it's kind of my point. It's ironic that some find it acceptable to use herbs, drugs, and supplements to treat everything under the sun, but when it comes to this guy's reasonable and polite question about libido they get all purist about everything.

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Workout twice a day, spank it twice a day and get your head right. You will be fine. By the way how old are you? If you dont mind me asking?........

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What about melatonine? It lower libido.

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Well bc you hear all the answers out there, so many options, from natural to un-natural, but if I were you, I will find after a relationship like that, what really makes me happy, and what I anticipate in the nea future or more focus on Study and work, and workout bro. as far as libido...consider it a blessing, and you know what, hand should work temporarily, and don't think of it as a bad thing, like I said before it's a blessing, believe me once you hit 60 you will wish you never ask this question before. But guys some of you are really freakin funnnnyyyyy Margarret thatcher....LOL

Another day, Another challange and Opportunity

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I have been drinking some herbal supplements that have ginseng question is that, why still my sexual appetite don't increase?

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Nolvadex or Arimidex.
lower the libido.

dr frankenstein

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