How do you lower li...
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How do you lower libido ?

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Big Cat
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This may seem like a stupid question to some, but I recently broke up with my last girlfriend (well, she broke up with me) and I'm in piss poor shape. Since I both need to get back to a weight i feel comfortable with and I know the hazards of rebound relationships, it would really be a huge help to lower my libido for a month or three so I can focus on more important things.

Any tips on lowering libido, keeping in mind that the goal is to gain muscle and not lose it, and that I'm natural.

Good things come to those who weight.

The Big Cat is a researcher and theoreticist. His advice must never be taken in the stead of proper advice from a medical professional, it is entirely intended for research purposes.

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Run deca for 8 weeks, that will kill it

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I suggest that you just find another girl,letro 1.25mgs e3d should do it if you really want to.

liftsiron is a fictional character and should be taken as such.

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Posted by: liftsiron
I suggest that you just find another girl, letro 1.25mgs e3d should do it if you really want to.

I'll bump both suggestions...another girl would work awesome, and so would the letro lol...

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Joined: 7 years ago
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GHB will lower libido substantially. It is often used as an "enhancement" for sex in smaller doses because it allows the male to last longer. This is probably due to the raising of prolactin levels.

GHB also serves the dual purpose of raising GH levels. I have seen first hand how it can help you to increase LBM. It works.
deca isn't an option for BC because he is natural.

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Posted by: JGUNS
GHB will lower libido substantially. It is often used as an "enhancement" for sex in smaller doses because it allows the male to last longer. This is probably due to the raising of prolactin levels.

I've never heard anyone complain of this side effect, but I have heard the opposite. Are you sure about this, gunz?

"In any contest between power and patience, bet on patience."
~W.B. Prescott

"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."
~Albert Einstein

Big Cat
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Deca is not an option for me, as gunz said.

Neither is another girl, as that would sort of defeat the whole point. When you meet someone new, you're bloody useless for the first month. I need to be able to focus on me for a few months. I don't mind being a lazy fuck, but not when my weight is dropping.

Good things come to those who weight.

The Big Cat is a researcher and theoreticist. His advice must never be taken in the stead of proper advice from a medical professional, it is entirely intended for research purposes.

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A date with Miss Right each day keeps the soldier diciplined

About ghb, most people said they get horny from it but I have never noticed that for myself.

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Posted by: ready2explode
I've never heard anyone complain of this side effect, but I have heard the opposite. Are you sure about this, gunz?

Absolutely positive 100%.

They may perceive themselves as having a higher libido, because when taken in high enough doses, you are pretty enamored with everything. Women look more beautiful, TV shows are more interesting, discussion is more tittilating, etc.

However, if you were taking it in low doses consistently, your libido will be lowered.

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Well B.Cat. you could take it from a more psychological approach.

Eliminate any controlable stimulus around your pad (porn videos, mags, block skinamax and any other sexually charged videos)....
Don't whack the weasel, it will only go to increase the desire for that behavior....


or the below method, which I highly recommend avoiding as it could scar you for life.....

Everytime you start to get the urge, think of the most disgusting opposite to that person......

i.e. Bea Arthur naked...

Anectdotal...don't know how much truth there is to it...but monks used to use chaste berry(vitex) to kill their libido...

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femara 1.25mg/eod...kicks in fast too.

Seabiscuit Hogg
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Posted by: JGUNS
Absolutely positive 100%.

They may perceive themselves as having a higher libido, because when taken in high enough doses, you are pretty enamored with everything. Women look more beautiful, TV shows are more interesting, discussion is more tittilating, etc.

However, if you were taking it in low doses consistently, your libido will be lowered.

He could just slip the GHB in girls drinks. Then he won't have to lower his libido.j/k

Seabiscuit Hogg is a fictious internet character. It is not recommended that you receive medical advice from fictious internet characters.

SBH :)

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Been there and had the same problem, Kick your self in the ass and get back in the Gym. (Burn some of that test up in the weight room)
Easier said than done, I know.

Remember your a BIGCAT ! (hold your head HI son) Girls come to you! and if there lucky they get a little.

Sorry about the Avatar,

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Posted by: Shaker
Been there and had the same problem, Kick your self in the ass and get back in the Gym. (Burn some of that test up in the weight room)
Easier said than done, I know.

Remember your a BIGCAT ! (hold your head HI son) Girls come to you! and if there lucky they get a little.



Sorry about the Avatar,


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hmm, i have used, err, i mean i know someone who has used low dose G for , um, perhaps 10 years and gets laid 3-5 times a week and would go for more! The only effect that i have noticed is that it can interfere with orgasm. A little histamine seems to do the trick.


Posted by: JGUNS
Absolutely positive 100%.

They may perceive themselves as having a higher libido, because when taken in high enough doses, you are pretty enamored with everything. Women look more beautiful, TV shows are more interesting, discussion is more tittilating, etc.

However, if you were taking it in low doses consistently, your libido will be lowered.

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