HELP - Achilles Ten...
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HELP - Achilles Tendon Injury

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Bros & Bro-ettes

I need some help in dealing with an injury...I will do anything to speed reco on this one....anything!!

I have not been able to run since before Christmas. My physio guy told me yesterday that I need another 5-6 weeks!!! Yikes!

The connection of the Achilles tendon to the bone of the heel is injured and needs time and treatment. (Doing that) The up side is that it is not so bad that it ended my Ironman physio guy (One of the best there is) said that injury could have ended my running days if left un-checked! So I am thankful for that.

He believes I need another 5 or 6 weeks off running before I can "try my shoes on" again. Right now I am doing some hot/cold contrast 3 times a day. And twice a week we are doing treatments with a "shock wave" machine at the clinic which is helping the pain.

I asked about platelet rich plasma and he is not sure if that will help in my case.

I have 2 things I need everyone to chime in on:

A) I am not running so I'm not getting any faster in "my shoes". I am doing the Power Cranks allot more to keep the hip flexors strong...and I have been doing deep water running. Any other ideas on improving the run without running?

For people who have been through the same / or for expert (possibly health care) Bros & bro-etts:
>?> What can I do / what can I take / What can I gear up / is there something I can dose with right at the site; in order to speed the reco process on this? I currently take Vit-E for a crit % of 48-50 in training and low dose HGH. (King...I need you bro!)

Please help.

Please share your ideas / experiance / expert advice.

To most the marathon is the ultimate test of human endurance. To us it's just the cool down!

Pain is temporary - Quitting lasts forever

Regardless of how hard you train - The time is going to go by anyway so if you are going to throw a leg over your bike you may aswell bust you ass, make as many watts / do as many intervals as you can.

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GL....that sucks man. Wish I had more words of wisdom, but it sounds like you are doing everything you can. Like you said could be worse.
If I may did you injury your Achilles? Are you still on the bike?

BKK117 Flying somewhere in the USA.
"Helicopter pilots don't fly, they beat the air into submission!"

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Yup....still on the bike. Ride at least once a day and I also ride another bike with a set of power cranks too.

Not sure about day I was fine.....took off for a 15km run outside....felt good......later that day it started to hurt.

I think I may have over done it running hills with my weight vest. IE-too much weight.

To most the marathon is the ultimate test of human endurance. To us it's just the cool down!

Pain is temporary - Quitting lasts forever

Regardless of how hard you train - The time is going to go by anyway so if you are going to throw a leg over your bike you may aswell bust you ass, make as many watts / do as many intervals as you can.
