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Has depression made you a stronger person?

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Life has thrown some shit my way, but honestly being in the depths of depression was so bad that nothing else that happens to me really compares. Lifes daily challenges don't seem to be such a big deal compared to dealing with feeling like that. If something goes wrong I may not feel great but, hey, I still feel a shitload better than I have in the past and I know there is always something I can do to make things better. Have any of you been depressed and found this afterward? Any similar experiences? Different ones?

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yah depressions come and go. they always suck when u have them, than POOF they're gone, u're alright.. i dunno i guess if u live thru one without blowing out your brain, than the next time u get hit hard, u prolly will survive thru it also, or maybe not if its a really bad situation and no way out

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i'll let you know when i'm done with my depression or dead...

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I think it's the Prozac that's making me stronger.

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Posted by: @valryan

I think it's the Prozac that's making me stronger.

You a zombie yet? you know what that shit does to you? here's a joint or a beer pick one because they are worlds better then anti D's or just tough it out read a book,diddle,go out work out,...no joke about those drugs,no joke. Depression comes and goes and sometimes worse to answer your question and yes it does make you stronger once you've gotton over it....

This post was modified 3 months ago by Admin

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depression weakened me to the point of attempting suicide at one point. now my depression has liberated me. i no longer fear death and more importantly no longer fear the pressures of other's expectations. don't get me wrong, depression is not a good thing for most people but it did help me realize that nothing is really very important because we're all dead men walking anyway.

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Originally posted by Satan depression weakened me to the point of attempting suicide at one point. now my depression has liberated me. i no longer fear death and more importantly no longer fear the pressures of other's expectations. don't get me wrong, depression is not a good thing for most people but it did help me realize that nothing is really very important because we're all dead men walking anyway. not to make fun, but how do you attempt suicide? if i needed to i would grind up a bunch of oxys, mix em with about 10cc of slin and iv dat shit.

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i wrote a will, drank a bottle of tequilla and took 2 boxes of OTC sleeping pills and went to bed. did this when i was 19. i hated life so much i figured if i died great and if not i'd see what happened. obviously, i didn't die but was sick for 3 days. it was sort of spur of the moment and i was more worried about upsetting people by leaving a mess i wanted to make it as clean as possible. my old man blew his head off when i was a kid and i remembered that upset people a lot so i was trying to avoid the "blood and brains" technique. if i was to do it now it would be much more thought out for sure.

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I was severely depressed (actually suicidel) for a while and then realized what the fuck is there to be depressed about and why feel sorry for myself. Just live you only get one shot.

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i went through a stint of depression for about 3 years... that was a long hard 3 years. i didn't care about anything or anyone, i was always emotionally numb. i thought of suicide during that time but i always thought how hard and cruel that'd be to my mom/dad/sister. my girlfriend knew and she stood by me through those times. once it passed, OMG i felt liberated. ive never been closer to my family and my girlfriend. i see them all in a totally new light... i see the entire world in a totally new light. go skydiving or bungee jumping or something... that'll put a smile on your face and a little bounce in your step. or scare the ever loving shit outta you ๐Ÿ™‚ it'll change your life so yes, i feel it has made me a stronger/better person. hang in there bro, there's better days to come

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Originally posted by Satan i wrote a will, drank a bottle of tequilla and took 2 boxes of OTC sleeping pills and went to bed. did this when i was 19. i hated life so much i figured if i died great and if not i'd see what happened. obviously, i didn't die but was sick for 3 days. it was sort of spur of the moment and i was more worried about upsetting people by leaving a mess i wanted to make it as clean as possible. my old man blew his head off when i was a kid and i remembered that upset people a lot so i was trying to avoid the "blood and brains" technique. if i was to do it now it would be much more thought out for sure. if you are going to whack yourself.. do it like a man.. not this bitch ass take a bottle of sleeping pills shit. If you must be a pussy in life, at least be a man on the way out. Geeesh. ๐Ÿ˜€ If I had to do myself.. I would take every fucking gun I owned... Make them Full Auto.. Sting them up behind a door so that when I opened the door each of them would unload the clip into my head..... I wanna be swiss fucking cheese man. Dont wanna have any thoughts running through my brain cells for the 12+ minutes it takes for the electrical activity to cease. That would be 12 minutes of hell. So I want my shit splattered all over the wall in a million pieces.... And i wanna make sure I am good and dead. not that I have ever even thought about or considered such a thing. ๐Ÿ˜€

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and oh ya.. btw.. depression is a part of life. if you never got depressed you would NEVER know what to appreciate. Cant tell you how many times I was sooo fucking happy and content that I busted out with a couple tears.. Being out in the ocean on the jetski, looking at my dog get soo happy to see me when i get home, watching the sun set, climbing a mountain, riding a motorcycle, making love to a woman I care about, and anything and everything else I enjoy that this life has to offer me. None of this would be possible without feeling shitty now and again... On the other hand.. I been fucking depressed most of the past year.. and this shit is old.. to whoever is listening... "I promise to appreciate the finer things in life from now on, no more lessons needed, this shit has grown old" ๐Ÿ˜€ Thanks!

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shit.. no-one is listening.. oh well.. guess I will have to take it upon myself to get out of this funk. hmmm.. what a novel idea! doing something for myself and taking responsibility for my own happiness... and chosing to be happy and building on it one step at a time, rather than sitting around feeling sorry for myself.. Think I might wanna try that. ๐Ÿ˜‰ AND I think you might wanna try it to, you whiney fucking crybabies! =:fu

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My life has been like what Satan said...right down to the word...scary. Only pills were never an option ๐Ÿ˜‰ But KOP is right. If youve never been to the icy depths of pain and heartache...then you wouldnt know enough to appreciate a damn thing. Get busy livin...or get busy dying... My world has completley changed since surviving the worst 4 years of my life. That whole time I prayed for death. But today, I can have something shitty happen and come out smiling. The reason being...is I have already dealt with some of the very worst times life has to offer. But there is one thing I have learned. I am not afraid of death. I KNOW I will someday again be depressed. I KNOW I will overcome it all the same. Compared to how it was...the rest of my lifetime is all gravy. FOX

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depression made me realize that no-one can be trusted and that has made me stronger in this society. before i used to help people as much as possible but it always came back and bit me on the ass which is how i became so depressed. now everyone can go and fuck themselves. its a lonely life but at least i dont lose out all the time. blackninja.

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