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Gyno Surgery?

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I am thinking of going soon....and I was wondering about somthing. If I go and get it done and the surgon removes the gland(leaving a bit of flesh so the nipple dont invert) will gyno ever be able to come back ?? Someone told me this but I highly doubt that....that would mean getting the surgery and never takin nolva or armidex again.

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if the gland is still there (any of it), then why would you NOT get gyno again without proper estrogen/progesterone control? i've heard a lot of guys saying that if the total gland is removed the nipple will be inverted or some shit... has anyone had this happen to them or is it just an old wives tale? i read somewhere that one dude got the gland removed, had inverted nips, but after the swelling went away it was fine. (this was 2nd hand info though. i didnt' hear it form the guy directly) im hoping to get this procedure done myself in the spring for some gyno that i've had forever and im trying to figure out the best way to go about it all.

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I had the op done ... I believe the entire gland was taken out as I can't feel any semblance of a lump anymore or anything. My nipples looked pretty wierd for about a month afterwards then gradually started to look normal again at about the 2-3 month point. I've done a heavy test cycle in the meantime without any anti-estros and have had no problems ... didn't even feel the burn I usually feel in the nipple area even with arimidex. But due to water retention, I decided to just drop the cash for Arimidex anyway.

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TY! first hand info is what i like to hear... i appriciate it

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Thx guys... I will consult with the doc to see what he does.

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The most important thing is to look at his before and after pics of gyno surgeries he has done in the past.
