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excuses for weekly blood tests

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I'm probably going to end up getting my blood tested by a doc weekly during my E cycle. what excuse if any is there for wanting that done?

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Pretend to be a hypochondriac, say your coach requested them, say you sweat a lot while training and are concerned about iron depletion and anemia. Just a few possible excuses. With my surgery, I can ring up and book a blood test without seeing a doc. Then I tell the nurse/phlebotomist that I need a CBC/ferritin etc.. So long as the results are in the normal range, I can collect the precise results without seeing a doctor. The normal range for crit goes up to 54% (depends on the lab).

Each result goes on my record so if I were to get multiple tests with crit above 50% and a doc looked closely, then E use would become fairly obvious. There is always patient-doc confidentiality of course. I can only foresee a problem there if you are on medical insurance. Here we have a national health service; free treatment for all.
BTW a centrifuge is BY FAR the best option. Even if it means doing a shorter E cycle this time round.

If you do go for lab testing, make sure you get tested very early A.M. with identical hydration protocol, wake up time and preferably similar training schedule in days leading up to test. Crit is HIGHLY volatile. Mine raised 7% over the course of 9 hours (including sleep). It is highest in the morning, that is why you must test then.

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You can go to lab and they will do blood test;but they may only send the results to ur doc.why should u have to pay for a docs consultation for every blood test? tell them that at the lab.Ur doc will prob charge a small fee to give u results. Get to know ur GP!.Do not ask for weekly Hct tests unless he knows u are on E.Get ur own testing equipment.In my country u can get Hb test at a pharmacy (chemist)it is inexpensive much less than lab.Like the king says get test done AM. My previous GP was also my team doc and a good friend;but he would never go against his principles;it was great to have someone treating me who knew what was going on ;he was cool,those were the days. M/track

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Posted by: KingMassimo
Pretend to be a hypochondriac, say your coach requested them, say you sweat a lot while training and are concerned about iron depletion and anemia. Just a few possible excuses. With my surgery, I can ring up and book a blood test without seeing a doc. Then I tell the nurse/phlebotomist that I need a CBC/ferritin etc.. So long as the results are in the normal range, I can collect the precise results without seeing a doctor. The normal range for crit goes up to 54% (depends on the lab)....

that may work well for me actually, since my doctor already thinks I'm a hypo (I complained about irregular heartbeat all the time when I was bulking with Anavar and Dbol and he told me there was nothing wrong). Everyone says that centrifudge is the way to go, but they are so darn expensive and drawing blood from my vein seems too complicated for someone as simple-minded as myself.

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The centrifuge discussed in a recent thread costs $150. Not that expensive compared to the cost of an E cycle. Blood can be drawn from the finger tip.

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Check out econolabs.com if your in the US. They are similar to other online self testing sites which allow you to schedule your own tests at a lab and have the results sent to you via e-mail. Other sites jacked up their rates on the basic cbc with differential. Theirs is still around $19.00. You can get serum ferritin for another $40 or so. If your not worried about serum ferritin, then the cbc with diff. is all you need. It will tell you HCT, HGB and many other variables.
