Hi everyone.
I am trying to understand the male inner world more and want to ask you (gentlemen)...
- There's so much info online. I'm sure that half of it should be taken
with a grain of salt... What are the biggest misconceptions about ED
you've read online or heard?
- What are your experience with ED and what methods have worked for
you? What's your age? How much of the remedy for the problem involved
your partner?
- If you had/have ED, did/do you discuss it with anyone other than
your partner (friends, siblings)?
- What are your biggest sexual concerns in your relationship with your partner?
Thank you,
lena, would you like to tell us just why you are asking? this seems like a term paper format.....
I've never had ED .
What are your biggest sexual concerns in your relationship with your partner?
Satisfaction and pleasure for us both .
"If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?"
- Albert Einstein