Enlarged Heart and ...
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Enlarged Heart and Juice......

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Ive been reading a lot on some cases of this, curious to the chances of this happening. How logn do most guys suffering from this Juice, and what dosage... I"m planning to stay on 500 of Sust forever, and already paranoid after 6 months about this, what causes this enlargement? Gettinbig2

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athletes have enlarged hearts to some degree natural or not doesn't matter FLEX

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i think it's from to much cardio/running type stuff that get your heart enlargement(?)problem's.you do them(running)and your heart get's a workout just like any other muscle but then again i cant explain the reason why woman get enlarged clit's from it,maybe a connection.does anybody know for sure?

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When one is talking about an enlarged heart, usually it's in reference to the left ventricle, which empties blood into the aorta, then blood flows to the rest of the body. Concentric (the thickness of the ventricular wall increases, but the chamber size stays the same) left ventricular hypertrophy is caused by pressure overload, usually chronic untreated hypertension. With hypertensive patients, abnormal filling of the ventricle is usually seen, but with athletes, a normal filling is usually seen. What I would take from this is that; if you have chronic high blood pressure, do what you can to lower it: diet, meds, whatever you and your doc feel will work. If you have a normal blood pressure, you probably will have some hypertrophy but it's not pathologic.

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my ekg was abnormal. the doc said not to worry because most weightlifters have this. it isn't bad, but your heart is a muscle too. if you have an enlarged heart and are not physically active, that might be something to worry about though.

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From my limited knowledge.... "Enlarged Heart" does not always refer to left ventricular hypertrophy, the type of enlargement seen in endurance athletes. Your heart can also be enlarged by edema (i.e. fluid retention), and also by an overal increas in mass without an increase in functional tissue and pumping capacity. I think doctors are only concerned about enlarged heart when its from one of these factors other than left ventricular hypertrophy.

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I read that the heart is made of different muscle fibers that aren't effected by AAS, but the valves are what get effected.Runners have enlarged hearts.Any high impact exercising weight training cardio etc will cause the heart to grow which is normal.

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Okay bro's, I was diagnosed with left ventricular hypertrophy after a routine EKG about 5 years ago. I more than likely developed it while in the Marine Corps. I was running at least 3 miles per day, every day, and threw in a 11 mile run 2 times per week on top of the 3 mile runs. I hit the weights very hard 6 days a week. I was 205 lbs. at 5' 8" tall. Best shape of my life. I'm now 34 and healthy as ever. (Except for all the stress I've developed over the past few weeks due to a major break down in my marriage.) It's very common with endurance athletes to develop LVH. Cardiomegaly can be caused by numerous physiological changes we may endure with age , exercise, or inotropic/chronotropic type drugs. The bottom line is.........You won't live forever, so enjoy life while you can!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't sweat the bullshit!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Peace

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My EKG indicates some enlargement. One doctor said it was probably caused by my weightlifting. She said one of the reasons it is seen in weightlifters is the breathe holding which occurs during heavy lifts. There is a medical term for that type of breathe holding, but I forget what it is. It apparently causes a strain on the heart.

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so, what you think?do we agree that the heart can be enlarged by long strenous run's/cardio's(foryear's)?that's what you meant right flex, that the athletes have enlarged heart because of year's of what they do? you think that the a.s increase's your chance/probability of happening?i think this should be discussed it's more than your usual side effect's.zit's,water retention etc.

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From what I have read on the NIH website, countless medical reports found on the web, and all "scare" reports issued to stop people from jucing.... The only heart related problems from juice were heart disease from chronic untreated elevated cholesterol and chronic untreated high BP. Lets face it, there are some out there that do not go to the doc regularly and check their health. This is obviously more prevelent in younger users that feel invinsible. If you have chronic untreatd high BP, you may damage the heart and the valves/ventricles. This higher BP places undue stress on the heart, coupled with poor blood supply to the coronary arteries due to blockage caused by high cholesterol and we have a recipe for disaster. Athletes tend to have enlarged hearts, this has never been shown to be related to gear, but more towards general endurance activites. People with heart disease can also have enlarged hearts, causing undue stress and making the heart work harder. This is not the same as enlarged hearts in athletes as this is a healthy heart that has slightly grown in response to a training stimuli. ============================================================================================ Legal discalimer: I am mentally ill and must strive to function in society. Webmook is in no way responsible for anything he says, does or motivates/forces others to do. I am a being that should never have been allowed to exist

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I was talking to a doctor of sports medicine, and he told me that virtualy all the juiced-up bros he studies had left ventricular hypertrophy. I thought that when the L.V wall hypertorphies, the chamber volume decreases i.e. the muscle grows both outward AND inward???? anybody agree???? Later, Mac

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my heart is slightly enlarged also. It's a give and take situation and i think some are just alittle too paranoid about it. You think smokers are really concerned about the black tarry shit in their lungs? They could quit but don't....enjoy life...you will die of something!

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I disagree with the enjoy life youll die of something mentality. By all meens enjoy life 😉 but make sure you weigh the costs. If you die thats one thing. Have you considered the implications of a premature death on the family, kids, wife???? How would you feel if your dad or wife died and they could have prevented it? Also, what happens if you dont die???? I.e. have heart attack or something, and your disabled - unable to take a few steps before you grab on to your loved ones arm for support while you get your breath back - on your third attempt to get to the bathroom. Things are not just life/death......there is a grey area in between......and its not nice. If you do yourself bad damage, you wont be able to enjoy life! So be careful. What are your thoughts guys? Peace, Mac

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my heart is slightly enlarged also. It's a give and take situation and i think some are just alittle too paranoid about it. You think smokers are really concerned about the black tarry shit in their lungs? They could quit but don't....enjoy life...you will die of something!

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