controlling your ch...
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controlling your cholesterol (very interesting)

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Hey guys, Found this on Elite: Controlling your cholesterol during a cycle.....everybody should follow this (post #1) When on cycle, your cholesterol levels tend to rise dramatically to > 200, your HDL drops to about 10-20, and your LDL increases to 150-200. Well, there's one supplement out there that can remedy that. Its one of the things I have been researching for the past 4 months. I posted this at AF already, but I'll post it here as well. Its called policosanol. Its not expensive at all, and works better than any prescription cholesterol lowering drug with no side effects whatsoever. This is just a brief description: Policosanol is a natural supplement derived from sugar cane. The main ingredient is octacosanol. Octacosanol is an alcohol found in the waxy film that plants have over their leaves and fruit. The leaves and rinds of citrus fruits contain octacosanol, and so does wheat germ oil. [Very important section] Policosanol has been shown to normalize cholesterol as well or better than cholesterol-lowering drugs, without side effects such as liver dysfunction and muscle atrophy.1 Efficacy and safety have been proven in numerous clinical trials, and it has been used by millions of people in other countries. Policosanol lowers harmful LDL-cholesterol and raises protective HDL-cholesterol. HDL-cholesterol removes plaque from arterial walls. [As you can see above, it sounds really, really good] Policosanol helps stop the formation of artery lesions too, an effect similar to that of statin drugs. This was proven in studies on rabbits fed a diet designed to create high cholesterol. According to researchers “in most policosanol-treated animals, atherosclerotic lesions were not present, and in others, thickness of fatty streaks had less foam cell layers than in controls.,3 Policosanol also inhibits the oxidation of dangerous LDL-cholesterol4 which promotes the destruction of blood vessels by creating a chronic inflammatory response. Oxidized LDL can also provoke metalloproteinase enzymes.5 These enzymes promote blood vessel destruction, partly by interfering with HDL’s protective effect. Studies show that rats treated with policosanol have fewer foam cells, reflecting less inflammatory response causing less blood vessel destruction.6,7 Healthy arteries are lined with a smooth layer of cells so that blood can race through with no resistance. One of the features of diseased arteries is that this layer becomes thick and overgrown with cells. As the artery narrows, blood flow slows down or is blocked completely. Policosanol can stop the proliferation of these cells in much the same was as lipid-lowering drugs.8,9 Policosanol also inhibits the formation of clots, and may work synergistically with aspirin in this respect. In a comparison of aspirin and policosanol, aspirin was better at reducing one type of platelet aggregation (clumping together of blood cells). But policosanol was better at inhibiting another type. Together, policosanol and aspirin worked better than either alone.10,11 Thromboxane is a blood vessel-constricting agent that contributes to abnormal platelet aggregation that can cause a heart attack or stroke. Significant reductions in the level of thromboxane occur in humans after two weeks of policosanol.12 [This section probaby describes ever single person on AAS) People with elevated LDL-cholesterol (over 100) or low HDL-cholesterol (under 50) should seek to protect themselves from the potentially fatal effects of cardiovascular disease. Some people can achieve optimal cholesterol levels via dietary modification, while others require intervention with dietary supplements like policosanol or prescription drugs. Some people will not achieve adequate results with policosanol or FDA-approved cholesterol-lowering drugs. That is why it is so important to have your blood tested when using policosanol (or FDA-approved drugs). Some people will only require 5 mg to 10 mg a day of policosanol, while others may need 20 mg/day. The same dosage variation may be true of cholesterol-lowering drugs. A standard blood chemistry profile measures total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol and numerous other parameters such as liver and kidney function. By taking this blood test two months after beginning policosanol, you can adjust the dose to meet your individual need. This standard blood chemistry test can be done at your doctor's office or you can order it directly by going here. thats the concise version of what policosanol does...but then you need proof that it works. Thats where experimentation comes in...i.e. Real life blood tests using policosanol while on AAS. My results: May 21st, 2003(On Fina and test) Total Cholesterol: 236 HDL: 10 LDL: 199 Added policosanol(40mg/day.....Higher than recommended but I wanted to see if it would have an immediate effect)+other stuff(But I have eliminated the other stuff through trial and error and observed the effect was minimal. The main cholesterol lowering effect was through policosanol) Aug.12th, 2003(Still on Fina and test +masteron) Total Cholesterol: 134 HDL:19 LDL: 96 Changes over the 2-month period: Total Chol Change: 236-134 = 102/236 = 43% reduction HDL Change:10-19 = 9/10 = 90% increase LDL Change:199-96 = 103/199 = 51.76% reduction Quite amazing huh? It sure surprised me. Not only does policosanol do what its supposed to do on paper, but it does it in vivo, and has ZERO side-effects. Yep. ZERO. Beats all the prescription chol lowering drugs like Lipitor etc.. hands down. And to boot, is quite cheap. This is one suplement EVERYBODY on AAS should be using. SPECIALLY the people doing longer cycles. Fonz __________________ "Great minds talk about ideas, average minds talk about facts, and weak minds talk about people" ---- Fonz 6/2002

Dirk Diggler
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Great post! While on my last cycle, my good cholesterol was a whoppin 17. Normally, the lowest it should be is 35, so a number below that indicates stress on the liver. Good to know, next cycle i'm gona us policosanol with ala and milk thisle.

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Just may give it a try. My cholesterol is not good right now(although getting better through dietary means and stopping Arimidex). May just work. Don't want liver damaging effects like from the statins.

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Tried to find it at the local place I shop at but they were out. Isn't it advertised as a BPH protectant mostly?

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I find it interesting that no one has any cholesterol concerns here. Are you guys getting your levels checked regularily. Especially those on HRT whether self imposed or legally.

Dirk Diggler
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check bet they have it!

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Nolvadex can increase hdl...

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How hard is nolva on the liver I wonder?

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BAC has this...and seems cheap enough too.

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"By taking this blood test two months after beginning policosanol, you can adjust the dose to meet your individual need. This standard blood chemistry test can be done at your doctor's office or you can order it directly by going here. " How can I get my levels checked if I dont want to go to doc. It seems that they reference it in the post but fail to follow through

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How can I get my levels checked if I dont want to go to doc. It seems that they reference it in the post but fail to follow through [/B] You can buy a cholesterol self test at a drugstore, at least here in Holland you can.

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Those aren't available in Canada. Check out the reliability of them and give it a try. May be worth it. I don't think we can ignore this side effect at our age.

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Quote from hompie Total Cholesterol: 134 HDL:19 LDL: 96 He forgot to mention the following: Caution: Policosanol should only be taken by people who have high serum cholesterol levels. The optimal range of total serum cholesterol is between 180 and 200 mg/dL. Cholesterol levels below 180 cause an increased risk of mortality and levels below 150 may be very dangerous. It may be particularly risky for people over age 70 to have cholesterol levels below 150-180. DO NOT TAKE policosanol if it causes serum cholesterol to drop below 150-180 mg/dL. Anyone supplementing with policosanol should check their total, LDL- and HDL-cholesterol levels within 8 weeks of beginning treatment to make sure they are taking the proper amount to modify cholesterol to the optimal safe ranges. If you are currently taking cholesterol-lowering drugs, you should notify your doctor if you plan to use policosanol instead of, or in addition to these drugs. Some people who do not adequately suppress cholesterol with drug therapy may choose to add policosanol to achieve better cholesterol control. Pregnant or nursing Women should not take this product without consulting with a healthcare professional. When using nutritional supplements, please inform your healthcare professional if you are undergoing treatment for a medical condition. Note: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Policosanol is a dietary supplement and not a drug approved by the FDA. The body is a very delicate balance - be careful!

Richard Power
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Here's a way to check some basic blood chemistry at home: I'm not recommending this particular system (never used it), but it should get you started with what to look for when Googling for home test systems beyond glucose (needed with insulin).

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I'm no expert on this, but cholesterol is the first thing my MD has me check every 3 months when on a cycle. He's a former competitive bodybuilder himself, says it really is the number one side effect we get from juice, other than the standard roid rage/aggression. He recommends lipitor if you get the cholesterol effect from juice, feels cholo levels usually should go back to normal when you are off cycle and lipitor only needs to be temporary.

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