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Blood work ?

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A little history:
I'm 45yrsold male, I have very low libido for approximatly the last 15 yrs, lethargic, depressed, lack of motivation feel bad . I've been on prozack then zooloft and then paxil 5 yrs ago. did'nt like how I felt on them,so I been just dealing with it but my wife is not happy.
I ride my bicycle every day m,w,f,1 hr. easy ,T,th 2hrs+ hard ,sat(4.3hrs.),&sun;(2.3hrs) very intense group rides.
been doing this for at least 12yrs.
Looks like I don't need TRT,would low Thyroid cause this?
I've heard if PROLACTIN was not towards the low end that can cause loss of libido?
How do I get my RBC up ? , My Dr. isn't cocerned , but I am.
I feel weak on the bike
I tried to get my DR. to prescribe ARMOUR but he said no,He put me on LEVOXYL.
Thanks for any replies
My dr choose the tests he would do and here's the results
result reference
glucose 82 65-99
sodium 142 135-148
potassium 4.5 3.5-5.5
bun 30 6-25
creatinine 1.1 0.5-1.4
bun/creat(calc) 27.3 10.-28.0
calcium 9.0 8.7-10.5
toltal protien 6.6 6.2-8.3
albumin 4.3 3.8-5.0
globulin(calc) 2.3 2.0-3.8
a/g ratio(calc) 1.9 1.1-2.3
bilirubin total 0.4 0.1-1.5
alk phos, total 65 27-142
ast(sgot) 30 1-45
alt(sgpt) 28 1-55
cholesterol 146 <200
triglycerides 31 <150
HDL cholesterol 73 >40
LDL chol. (calc) 67 <130
chol/HDL (calc) 2.0 L <4.8> MOD<6.0> HRATIO
LDL/HDL(calc) 0.9 L <3.0> MOD<6.0> HRATIO
TOTAL t3 0.66 0.60-1.81
FREE T4 1.20 0.8-1.8
TSH,SERUM 5.92 H 0.40-5.50
WBC 2.9 L 4.1-11.3 ???
RBC 4.18 4.20-5.50 ???
HEMOGLOBIN 14.3 13.0-17.0
HEMATOCRIT 43.1 37.5-50.7
MCV 103 82-103
MCH 34.3 H 27.0-34.0 ???
MCHC 33.3 30.9-35.4
RDW 12.2 10.8-14.8
PLATELET COUNT 235 150-400
MPV 8.9 7.1-12.1
PROLACTIN 12.67 2.1-17.70 ???
ESTRADIOL 20 13-54
TESTERONE, TOTAL 786 241-827
FREE TESTERONE 14.0 7.2-23.0

Don't buy upgrades, ride up grades.

The body will only do what the mind allows it to do.

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Joined: 7 years ago
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what you describe is classic hypothyroidism. It is too bad that your doc would not go with amour. I would guess that you will start feeling much better very soon.


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jboldman Thanks for reply
Will RBC go up if thyroid is corrected?

Posted by: jboldman
what you describe is classic hypothyroidism. It is too bad that your doc would not go with amour. I would guess that you will start feeling much better very soon.


Don't buy upgrades, ride up grades.

The body will only do what the mind allows it to do.

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here is a link that talks about using wholethyroid in cases like this. you might want to talk to your doc again.


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jboldman Thanks for link 🙂
I begged to use Armour, He refused says it does'nt work .
I give up on him.

Don't buy upgrades, ride up grades.

The body will only do what the mind allows it to do.

Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 1450

take a little time and research it on the internet, if your doc says it does not work, ask him why it is an fda approved drug and listed in the PDA! Next, find another doc who is not mired in the past.


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I tried to show him some research,he wouldn't look at it.
I asked him why not try something that gives me T1,2,3,4 intead of just levoxyl. he said I don't need them and levoxyl is the best 🙁
In my lifetime I havn't met a doc who will work with me .
The ones that sound good I can't aford.

Posted by: jboldman
take a little time and research it on the internet, if your doc says it does not work, ask him why it is an fda approved drug and listed in the PDA! Next, find another doc who is not mired in the past.


Don't buy upgrades, ride up grades.

The body will only do what the mind allows it to do.
