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Blood in cum?

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Alright here boys and girls this is not a joke. This morning after my girl and I enjoyed the morning we saw that I came red in color, guess from blood somewhere. Anybody ever have this? Getting a little worried.

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i have never had that but i have had blood in urine from kidney damage (car accident)

i would not think it was kidneys though since the bladder is closed off during ejacuation so you would not be getting bloody urine.

could it be prostate related?

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Not sure if prostate would play a part, but there is no blood in the urine. So like you said I don't think it's kidney related.

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have you had any injurys to the scrotum recently?

are you currently on or off?

maybe some damage to the vas deferens?

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No, no injurys to speak of. And I've been off for about 6-8 weeks now. As for the vas deferens, was just at the Doc to talk about having it snipped. He felt around and did not notice anything. Guess I'll give it a day or so and see if it goes away. They were a little sore lastnight, but nothing big.

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This is an article responding to a similar question on WebMd.Com


By Steven N. Gange, MD, FACS

I'm a 34-year-old man in pretty good shape and decent health. Recently, I noticed that my semen was coming out slightly pink. What could this be, and what should I do about it?

Oct. 16, 2000 -- You probably have a case of "hematospermia," or blood in the semen, which can be an alarming experience for any guy. Luckily, in most cases, it's more of a scare than a serious health problem.

Blood in the semen is usually caused by an infection, and it can be treated with antibiotics. But in rare cases, it can be a symptom of some more serious problems, so you should make sure to see a doctor.

As you may already know, the purpose of semen is to take the sperm for a ride through the body and to nourish it along the way. A very small part of a man's seminal fluid is actually sperm made in the testicles; the rest is semen produced by the prostate gland and the nearby seminal vesicles.

The prostate is a sponge-like organ with many delicate passageways devoted to producing this fluid. If an infection flares up either there or in the seminal vesicles, the irritation can cause bleeding that seeps into the semen.

As with other areas of the body, some infections require treatment and others do not. Unfortunately, neither you nor your doctor may be able to tell the difference. So most physicians treat this condition with a course of antibiotics for bacterial (as opposed to viral) prostatitis. If you have symptoms like aching in your testicles or perineum (the area between your testicles and anus) or any difficulty urinating, you are more likely to benefit from antibiotics. However, whether it's bacterial or viral, this problem usually gets better with treatment, though it can recur, sometimes repeatedly.

Some less common reasons for blood in the semen are prostate cancer, bladder cancer, scarring in the urethra, and even severe high blood pressure. Your doctor may want to give you a careful physical exam, take a urine specimen, or suggest a PSA test (which helps detect prostate cancer) to assess the situation more precisely.

More rarely, your doctor may want to look into the urethra or bladder with a tube-like camera called a cystoscope or order an ultrasound exam of the prostate. If your doctor suspects prostate cancer, a biopsy may be necessary. (By the way, if you've had a biopsy for prostate cancer recently, this somewhat invasive procedure could itself be the cause of your problem.)

The bottom line: Although you might be tempted to "ride out" a case of hematospermia, I'd recommend seeking medical attention just to be safe. If it turns out -- as is likely -- that you don't have a serious problem, you'll be glad to know it.

Steven N. Gange, MD, FACS, is a urologist in private practice with the Western Urological Clinic in Salt Lake City. He is chief of urology at St. Mark's Hospital, chairman of the Prostate Cancer Task Force for the American Cancer Society, and founder of the Utah Healthy Living Foundation.

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If this continues i would see a doc! We arent' doc's so something could be missed.

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I would guess prostate infection... definately see a doctor.

saint808 is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way, shape or form encourage, use nor condone the use of any illegal substances or the use of legal substances in an illegal manner. The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only and shall not take the place of qualified medical advice.

To quote Oscar Wilde, "They say we destroy the things we love, but really the things we love destroy us."

It's strange, how laughter looks like crying, with no sound and rain drops taste like tears, without the pain.

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I'd get the doc to check it out...Also, if it was a "rough ride" you may have ruptured some of the blood vessels in the penis, thereby causing the the bloody sperm. But a doc is always the best solution..

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Well I went to the doc yesterday on this and everything is cool (if you can call blowing red wads cool.) He said it no big thing, just that I popped some blood vessels and the blood is being pulled in by the prostate. Having me run some anti-bod's for ten days, should clear things up he said.

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very good to hear.

i am sure you are pretty relieved to say the least.

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good to hear...

I'm glad they didn't have to chop it off or something.

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Yeah, I was getting a little worried after the second "test" I did "came" out the same as the first, red. But she (the Doc) checked the boys out and said I'd live.
Funny thing was it was tuff not getting wood while she was messing with the boys, she was a cutie.

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Looks like I have the same issue,i made a doc app hopefully things will be ok

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only person i've known to had this issue was told he was fine and that he needed to flush his system out a bit. Getting it checked out is a good idea though.

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