would it work to re...
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would it work to return to your original cycle

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For a third cycle I really want to go back to a simple test/Dbol cycle instead of adding and trying all types of different aas. Would this simple cycle be effective for a third one?

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"if it aint broke, dont fix it" that applys to your question..of course a simple cycle like your first may have been will work, its your diet, training and rest that dictate that, sure you may have to adjust the doses but i am finding after years of experimentation that more compounds is not always better and that i get very effective results for very simple (and cheap) cycles,

what did your previous cycles look like?

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Posted by: irishpride0769
"if it aint broke, dont fix it" that applys to your question..of course a simple cycle like your first may have been will work, its your diet, training and rest that dictate that, sure you may have to adjust the doses but i am finding after years of experimentation that more compounds is not always better and that i get very effective results for very simple (and cheap) cycles,

what did your previous cycles look like?

previous cycles were test 500mg weekly for 12 and dbol weeks 1-4 at 35mg
second cycle was test 800mg 1-12/deca500mg 1-11/ and Anadrol 100mg weeks 1-4.

I really don't want to go putting more and more compounds in my body.I wanted to keep it simple and effective (and cheap).

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why not try and run a simple, eq, test cycle with an oral jumpstart, its cheap,effective and something you havnt done or tried, If i were you i would want to try new aas because you may find one that works miracules on you and give you some of the best gains, for me that was tren eth and var both drugs are awesome for me...but to answer your question "yes" your cycle would work just fine, maybe increase the dose a tad and run the cycle for say 12 weeks and run the dbol 4weeks on 4 weeks off

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Posted by: irishpride0769
"if it aint broke, dont fix it" that applys to your question..of course a simple cycle like your first may have been will work, its your diet, training and rest that dictate that, sure you may have to adjust the doses but i am finding after years of experimentation that more compounds is not always better and that i get very effective results for very simple (and cheap) cycles,

what did your previous cycles look like?

H-U-G-E B-U-M-P to IP.Its all about diet, training, cardio, and rest.You don't need elaborate cycles to yield results.

Sometimes the simplest cycles are the best imho.Fonz runs just a Test Prop only cycle and gets great results because he relies solely on his diet.


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Posted by: deadliftstoheaven
For a third cycle I really want to go back to a simple test/dbol cycle instead of adding and trying all types of different aas.Would this simple cycle be effective for a third one?

Nothing wrong with getting back to the basics.Elaborate cycles are not necessary and if your diet is dialed in you can make excellent progress with something as simple as a test prop/ tbol cycle.

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