Why are cycles soo ...
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Why are cycles soo fancy??

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I understand a lot of reasons for guys having to stick with shots one day a week, or not being able to make fina, or if they have certain needs to accomodate a cycle and what not... but if you think about it, the cheapest and most effective drugs are Test Tren Dbol Winny tabs (for some) I see soo many guys spending money on Deca, Primo (which is probably fake),winny injectible, and crazy stuff. If you can handle fina and test, it seems like for bulking and cutting, they seem like the best possible combo. Even if you have tons of money, what benefits would you obtain from EQ over fina or deca over Fina other than spending more money and having less gains? I know Deca helps with bad joints a little, but if your joints are okay, why use it? The HPTA suppression seems to be killer. Just my two cents. I just can't see myself using anything beyond these four drugs because of how cheap and effective they are. Test/tren and maybe dbol for bulking. Test/tren/winny for cutting. What are your thoughts?

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i think some guys just get like kids in a candy store when they start looking at product lists and just get carried away. just my 2ccs

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PS. I would say some people would rather go with EQ over tren, because they don't like to be doing ED or EOD injects. also some people are hit harder by the side effects.

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could be an availability issue, alot of folks dont like the toxicity of tabs (d-bol) some guys cant handle the sting of test, these are a few of the reasons ive seen or heard of,

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i don't care what anyone says......im sticking with eq no matter what.....it is cheap enough and i have never been happier with look.....no sides and great gains that stay....EQ FOREVER!!!! I should be an eq rep...damn

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Originally posted by eqbuff i don't care what anyone says......im sticking with eq no matter what.....it is cheap enough and i have never been happier with look.....no sides and great gains that stay....EQ FOREVER!!!! I should be an eq rep...damn Hell ya eq is wicked. I belive deca/eq is the staple anabolic in any bulking cycle. I will use steroids till the day i die. When i start to calm down when i get to be old it will be test and deca or eq.

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Tren rules! It gives you a very good pump, no water retention and no aromatization, simply the best! Although I also like Deca, (the two toghether are very sinergystic) I would use Tren over Deca if I had to, but why choos, spend some more money and do Tren/Test/Deca for bulk and Tren/Winny for cutting.

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tren and winny tabs?

"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."
- Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)

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Originally posted by intense tren and winny tabs? i prefer tren and inj. winny (zambons....yum :smiliedro )

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follow the old adage...KISS (keep it simple stupid) diet training rest supplements

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Originally posted by mac83 i think some guys just get like kids in a candy store when they start looking at product lists and just get carried away. just my 2ccs I agree. I think some people get carried away when they see what is available. That's how I was in Mexico. When the pharmacist put all of his anabolics on the counter, I would have bought them all if I had the cash even though I didn't need them all. I would have even bought that shitty Andriol. It was more about the rush of knowing that I could have them than what I needed or what would work best. There is also the allure of something better too. I have never used Primo but we are all aware of the mystique behind it. It just seems silly to me to pay $10-15 an amp for something that is so heavily faked and that you have to take AT LEAST 4 amps per week of to see results but people go crazy for the stuff. Also, my body was completely transformed on 50mg/day of Winny tabs while some of my buddies got nothing off the same tabs. Deca does me pretty good too. People respond in different ways to different gear. I agree with you overall though Musclehed. Test, Tren, and Dbol work for everyone that uses them and they are relatively cheap. The average BBer should keep it simple until they build a tolerance to the effects of these drugs before moving on to more "exotic" drugs. Doc

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Here's whats in my current schedual.... Test enth Test suspension (had it so threw it in) D-bol Clen T-3 And I have clomid for PCT and some HCG in case I need it and I always keep nolva and arimidex on hand. I will run this cycle for 6 weeks on, 6 weeks off and repeat for 3 total "on" cycles. Its my little experiment. I usually stop gaining around week 6 to 8 anyway and dont really start to loose any size for at least 6 weeks post cycle so why not give this a try, it will give me ample off time and get me back in the saddle before I start to loose anything.

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I had great results from 250mg of Sustanon every other day for 8 weeks, followed up with clomid. That's it. Nothing else.

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yeah, the kid in a candy store mentality kicks in most of the time....I would agree! LOL
