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What is the longest test only cycle you would run?

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How long would you/have you stayed on test? Have any of you gone longer than 20 weeks? How bad would it be to do a test only cycle for longer?

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Everyone on HRT goes year round.

On a test only cycle, I think it would be beneficial to hear what doses your thinking.

On regular cycles, I usually do 20 weeks.

be safe

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would be a third cycle and I was thinking between 750-850mg week. I know on HRT you would stay on year round but I think they would be using normal test levels that you should be producing on your own.

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That is correct, I am on prescribed test and my ingenious test is now low so I need the exgeneous supply to keep me within the normal range. Being on a exgenous source of test for life I now have no need to do any PCT, just nolva if any gyno appears, I have never gotten it. Make sure you have HCG in hand brother, you know this but your nat test will shut off as soon as you go to a level you cannot naturally produce..

That is pretty hefty dose of test IMO. I will not go over 500mg myself at any time on a test base. I would be doing you wrong to tell you to stay on type of dose for 20 weeks, you might as well be just doing a regular cycle -vs a modified HRT regime being test only cycles. I do the less is bst but long cycles and see excellent gains on every cycle.

Make sure to get blood work done before, near the middle and at the end of the cycle and then again before starting your next one.

Remember my position is to give you the safest information I can, not how to walk the line with your supplementation. I have done my share of walking the line but I do what I need to do to obtain my goals. As far of advise I would safety give that is a different story.

be safe

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I know the dose is getting up there but my first cycle was 600mg and second was 750. I'm around 225lbs and I was thinking maybe 750mg a week but that does seem kind of high to me for a 20 weeker.

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I would think so as well, I just don't see the science of a test level that high on a 3rd cycle. Just for experience purposes, I have over 20 cycles under my belt and weigh about 290 pounds in my avatar. I have been as high as 305 pounds and compete in the professional division in my sport.

I would give the advise that less is best on all your cycles and especially on a test only cycle.


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Posted by: Tinymk
I would think so as well, I just don't see the science of a test level that high on a 3rd cycle. Just for experience purposes, I have over 20 cycles under my belt and weigh about 290 pounds in my avatar. I have been as high as 305 pounds and compete in the professional division in my sport.

I would give the advise that less is best on all your cycles and especially on a test only cycle.


Well what is the highest level of test you have ran?I'm really not to scared of high doses since from what I can tell I do not have any side effects from aas.I ran the second cycle of test deca and anadrol, all at high doses and I don't get this terrible sides that people always talk about.That is the only reason I keep upping the dose.I went to the doc a lil over a week ago and everything is fine.I have taken test,deca,anadrol, and dbol and I never have any negative sides so I never really worry to much.

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Posted by: Tinymk
I will not go over 500mg myself at any time on a test base.
be safe

Like mentioned before I have never gone over 500mg on a base of test. If one is using UGL supplements it could require more, I guess, if the quality is low.

There are sides to excessive AAS use, because you don't see them doesn't mean they are not there. I wouldn't trust this as a gauge on doses. I do agree we all can react differently to a supplement but most often we still react.

On myself, I react on dbol like most explain their reactions to winny. The same for winny, I get the effects alot of people get off of dbol. But i am still reacting and those are side effects. Manageable but side effects none the less.

On a 3rd cycle you should be more conservative and observe the changes to your body closely. Having only had 4 different compounds ran thru your system, you have only begun your quest to what you could become.

Don't get in a hurry brother, due time, Rome wasn't built in a dayBlah blah rule #1 be safe..


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Tinymk, you are awesome. DTH more, is not always better. If it is your third cycle you need to understand that the large the dose you inundate your body with for the longer amount of time, the more of a chance you are going to have down the line of having issues. Run two ten week cycles with test and deca for example and give your self a year. You will get to 245 if you want and I would forsee it being much better for your body in the long run than a huge cycle of mass quantity.

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i totally concur with tiny, i have run obsecne doses for no other reason than to just experiment on myself and to be perfectly honest if my diet is 100% on point i grow just as well off 500mgs of test (if not better) then when i have run 1200mgs of test, i always feel one should stay wtih the dose they are growing on till you just cant grow anymore, no need to increase the dose with eyery cycle. most use higher dosing to make up for lack of diet..but a little info on staying on higher doses, i read an article in a medical journal (i will try and find it) that men with hardly any to no experience from various age groups ran 600mgs of test a week for 6 straight months and almost all of them came out of the study side free and ok...again this isnt the safest thing to do especially for a 3 cycle and we always have to remember that like tiny said all gear effects every individual differently
