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Tryin To Cut Up..

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im 6'1 225lbs. and im tryin to lean out. i was thinkin winni, and clen, but what should i use as a test base? any suggestions anyone? -thanks bros

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I would use Test Prop ionate as your test base and then stack it with either clen and winny or you could use Tren for it's fat burning properties but you might get the night sweats. This is the cutting cycle I'm going to run for my next show:

Test Prop 500 mg/wk
Masterone 300 mg/wk
Tren 350 mg/wk
And then some Winny 4 weeks up to the show@ 50mg/day

Now this is a heavy cycle but it's more for a show. Try this one:

Test Prop 400-600 mg/wk
EQ 300-600 mg/wk
Winny 25-50 mg/day
Clen 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off

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how would you recommend i lay those out for the cycle?

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What cycles have u previously run? Give us some more of ur stats and goals

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Only diet is going to get you cut up bro. There is no such thing as cutting gear.

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well, im tryin to gain lean mass rather than just bulking.

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Posted by: kaywall99
well, im tryin to gain lean mass rather than just bulking.

Again that deal with diet. You can jump on any geat you want and it is going to simply make you are larger version of your current self. However their are certain forms of AAS that have little to no water retention and with a strick diet will yeild nice lean gains. But again diet is key. I dont know how everyone got to thinking whinny is "the" cutter steroid but it isnt. For nice lean mass i would look into a nice test/eq stack.

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Posted by: Rulez
Again that deal with diet. You can jump on any geat you want and it is going to simply make you are larger version of your current self. However their are certain forms of AAS that have little to no water retention and with a strick diet will yeild nice lean gains. But again diet is key. I dont know how everyone got to thinking whinny is "the" cutter steroid but it isnt. For nice lean mass i would look into a nice test/eq stack.

well, i dont think winny is a cutting steroid, but i want to take it while im cutting so that i get less water retention than with other gear and ultimately dont end up with so much of a puffy look. so i guess i was really just wording it wrong.

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test prop/eq/winny cycle with proper diet will leave u hard as an oak bro

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Im gonna have to agree with rulez bro, YOU HAVE TO HAVE YOUR DIET DOWN, I am on a SUS about 600mgs a week for about 15 weeks and added some var at the end, took letro, provorin, and NO water retention, actually changed my whole body physique cauz my diet was on point.

I would say:
wks 1-14 Sus or Prop 5-600mgs/wk (thats the mgs for sus, dont know prop bro never used it for full cycle, no it hurts like a biotch though...)
wks 1-16 EQ 400mgs/wk
wks 1-17 Provorin (25mgs/ED)
wks 11-17 Anavar 50mgs ED (Or if you want winny use winny, im a var fan)
wks 1-23 Aroma or letro (25mg/ED Aroma, or .5-1.0mg/ED letro ED)
wks 1- etc.... LIV 52
HCG starting from week one

wks 17-20 clomid 100/100/100
Wks 17-23 Aroma 25mgs ED

I would have to say if you have your diet on, and are doing cardio you should lean out pretty well bro.

Just my 2 cents, any critiques bros ad in....

