TRT and Deca year a...
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TRT and Deca year around??

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I had an appointment with my doctor and in addition to TRT (200mg Test Cyp per week) I started HGH at 2 ius ed. In addition to being a medical doctor this guy is a bodybuilder so I feel lucky to be able to pick his brain about training and ASS. My question for you guys which I always get good sound advice here is: is 2ius of HGH enough to see results...?

I will be taking it all year long and he said I should take 1 cc of deca with TRT and not have to worry about cycling it. Can one take deca with TRT year in and year out? Doc seems to think so but I would like some opinions before I do it.

I will be 40 next week...6'1 222lbs bf 14%


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I hope it is ok for me to comment here since I have not used gh but have read a decent amount of info on it, thus i'd like to share. Running 2iu/day is generally a starting dose and the results will be seen more in rejuventation, recovery and fat loss over time. Although most believe that 4iu/day is the threshold for noticeable muscle gains, i think that there is lots of evidence to support that running 2iu for long periods can increase the quality, density and size of muscle over a long period of time. As far as the deca, I would not run it year round, I'd run it 12 weeks max and i would increase my test at the first sign of low libido. I know guys who can run TRT and Tren and feel fine but if they run deca they need more test. For me I would use test and GH as a constant and just do other compound in cycles.

Any opinions expressed by gustavo77 with regards to AAS or prescription drugs (non-narcotic, as narcotic discussion is prohibited on this site) are for role playing purposes only, as gustavo77 is a fictional internet personality. In addition, please do not PM me regarding any source, purchase or sale related to AAS or prescription drugs (narcotic and non-narcotic) as I have no knowledge of these issues and do not condone the use of any drugs unless prescribed by a physician.

El Mucho
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 56

I'm a little to young to be on TRT, but I'll say something anyway. I don't think that you should do Deca year round. I think you should just use one steroid like Deca, EQ, or Tren for normal cycle lengths of 8-12 weeks, and then take 8-12 weeks off. You could even add in some orals every now and then. That way you'll be getting the benefits from various steroids without having to do a PCT. I think that would give you more progressive gains rather than just using one steroid with TRT year round. As far as the HGH goes, you should probably keep it around the same dose and then just up it a few iu's every now and then for a little boost. Or you could throw in some IGF sometimes and keep the HGH low. Just some ideas.
