Hello all...Have not posted in a while but will try to do more in the upcoming year. For my spring cycle I am going to run Test Cyp at 300/mg per week with Tren E at 300 per week. I also have some EQ and would like some feedback on whether I should add it as well or save it for later. For the new members I am 40 yrs and many, many cycles in the past
Thanks in advance
That is a great cycle actually, just be sure to keep you're bp under control. I have had issues with bp with tren. What are your goals with this cycle?
I would also make sure you're running HCG throughout as well as dostinex. Those are musts when running Tren.
If I want to add flavor to my cooking. . . . . . . I just burn it
There is NO such thing as over training just under EATING. ~ Trey Brewer
Just to harden up for the summer. Do I need the dostinex even at 300mg for the tren?
Yes, I would take dost even at a lower dose. Better to err on the safe side than not to and suffer possible consequences.
With a dialed in diet and the right cardio regimen that cycle can really benefit you.
I would also throw t3 in there b/c tren lowers your TSH and that can hinder your progress.
If I want to add flavor to my cooking. . . . . . . I just burn it
There is NO such thing as over training just under EATING. ~ Trey Brewer
Thanks Fonz...some good solid advice that I will follow...will post some pics later.