Third Cycle..Bulkin...
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Third Cycle..Bulking

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Height: 6'2
Weight: 190
Age: 27
BF %: 12

I have run a couple of light cycles over the past few years my last being a Test/deca combo a year ago. I eat like a horse all day long (a lot of protein too) and I would like to put on some serious weight. I have been planning to use the following combination and would like any advice on how to tweak this cycle for best results.

Sustaplex: 650mg a week 1-16
EQ: 500mg a week 1-16
D-bol: 30mg ed weeks 1-5 or 40mg ed weeks 1- 4
A-dex: .25mg ed weeks 1-18
HCG: 500 i.u. twice a week (weeks 6, 12, 15)
Clomid/Nolva: 100/80mg week 18
Clomid/Nolva: 50/40mg week 19 + 20
Clomid/Nolva: 50/20mg week 21

Are there any major flaws with this cycle/pct and would it be silly to add some more D-bol at the end of the cycle as well, Maybe just some winny?

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I prefer Deca over EQ for Mass, but everyone responds differently to each substance.

How did you run your Test & Deca stack and what kind of results did you have?

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I ran a similar cycle. 40mg dbol weeks 1-4 and winny 20mg day. I split 10mg am/10mg pm for the last 4 weeks to harden. I had great results.

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Posted by: Chuck
I prefer Deca over EQ for Mass, but everyone responds differently to each substance.

How did you run your Test & Deca stack and what kind of results did you have?

I had decent results to deca/test cycle that I ran but I didn't really run it long enough.I ran 500mg of test and 400mg of deca for 8 weeks.I chose EQ this time around because I now take dutasteride for hairloss and I have read a lot about how deca and alpha blockers can be catastrophic to hair.
