comments, advice welcome...
i'm not a bodybuilder by any means, just have a passion for lifting and being physical...
185lbs @ 12-17%bf
4th cycle...
diet 4-6 meals/day...very simple foods...meat/fish/salads/potatoes...
2-3 designer whey shakes/day
lifting m-f, cardio 3-5/week which includes grappling sessions 2x/wk
here's cycle:
wk1-10...Test-Enth'>test e@ 500mg
wk1-5....Tbol @ 50mg/day
wk7-12...Winny @ 50mg/day
using nolva for PCT throughout cycle to wk 15
is that good for PCT?? also, test injections every 4 days with enanthate??
bump for some feedback!! thumbs up, thumbs down??
goals for this cycle are to gain and maintain 10-15lbs lean muscle...
help?? looking for some kind of feedback here....
comments, advice welcome...
i'm not a bodybuilder by any means, just have a passion for lifting and being physical...stats...
185lbs @ 12-17%bf
4th cycle...
diet 4-6 meals/day...very simple foods...meat/fish/salads/potatoes...
2-3 designer whey shakes/day
lifting m-f, cardio 3-5/week which includes grappling sessions 2x/wkhere's cycle:
wk1-10...Test E @ 500mg
wk1-5....Tbol @ 50mg/day
wk7-12...Winny @ 50mg/dayusing nolva for PCT throughout cycle to wk 15
is that good for PCT??also, test injections every 4 days with enanthate??
Not sure of your goals, bro...if you're trying to bulk
then try this:(if you want to run Tbol then run it at
40mg/day split into 2 doses of 20mg.Since you're
already running 500mg of test you don't need to have
high dosages of orals.)
Wk 1-10 Test E(split 250 on mon and 250 on thurs)
Wk 1-4 dbol:30mg/day
Wk 9-12 winny:30mg/day
Wk 13-16:PCTw/nolva
wk13-14:nolva @ 40mg/day
wk 15:nolva @ 30mg/day
wk 16:nolva @ 20mg/day
fyi...PCT is not run throughout a's Post Cycle Therapy.
Running the nolva throughout a cycle would be in case you see
the onset of sides like gyno...If you really want to minimize the
amount of estrogen then try running proviron at 25-50mg/day
throughout the cycle.
Peace Bro,