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Test E or Test C, Deca or EQ? Need help w/ 2nd mass cycle

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Need some suggest. Just about to go on my second mass cycle in a couple weeks and i was wondering if i should stack the test with the deca and stick w/ that, or go for the eq wich ive been wanting to try, also i dont know weather to go with the Test enth or the cyp.

i was thinking

10 weeks500mg ew of deca or eq (2 pokes ew)
10 weeks 500mg ew of test enth or test cyp(mixed with the deca or eq)
staked w/
6 week kick start of bols. tapered, peak at 50 mg ed.

Gonna use BD and axiolabs. my labs of choice.

This topic was modified 3 years ago by monte

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Posted by: monte
Need some suggest. Just about to go on my second mass cycle in a couple weeks and i was wondering if i should stack the test with the deca and stick w/ that, or go for the eq wich ive been wanting to try,also i dont know weather to go with the test enth or the cyp.

i was thinking

10 weeks500mg ew of deca or eq (2 pokes ew)
10 weeks 500mg ew of test enth or test cyp(mixed with the deca or eq)
staked w/
6 week kick start of bols. tapered, peak at 50 mg ed.

Gonna use BD and british dispenseary. my labs of choice.

G'Morning Bro,

What was your last cycle and what are your currents stats?
(ht/wt/~bf%)Also, let us know how your last cycle went.
I assume that your last cycle was test w/ deca?If so, what
were the dosages?I've done cyp and deca a few times and
found deca wasn't my cup of tea. I do, however, love test w/EQ.
I don't get the same bloat that I did with deca, and I always
get good lean mass.The eq makes you eat like a hog, but if
you eat clean, you'll have a good mass cycle without a lot
of the fat and water gains.In my opinion, I feel you'll have an
easier time maintaining gains as well.


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heres some things to think about.......Your test should always be higher then your eq or deca... Eq should be ran a minimum of 8 weeks preferablly 12 weeks...so if you choose the eq which kicks decas ass, that should be ran longer then 10 in my opionon for best gains.........6 weeks on dbol is a long time, 5 weeks max

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Posted by: xixer
G'Morning Bro,

What was your last cycle and what are your currents stats?
(ht/wt/~bf%)Also, let us know how your last cycle went.
I assume that your last cycle was test w/ deca?If so, what
were the dosages?I've done cyp and deca a few times and
found deca wasn't my cup of tea. I do, however, love test w/EQ.
I don't get the same bloat that I did with deca, and I always
get good lean mass.The eq makes you eat like a hog, but if
you eat clean, you'll have a good mass cycle without a lot
of the fat and water gains.In my opinion, I feel you'll have an
easier time maintaining gains as well.


5'9 222lbs. i think 12% i did it on a stupid scale in school lol.

my last cycle was 500mg ew of deca for ten weeks and for the first 6 i pyramid up to 50mg ed of bols i know i know no test!!! lol my suppliers site had a beginers mass cycle so i followed it now i know test is the base. Some people say a all deca cycle is point less but not for me or my 3 friends that did the same cycle we were all 18 and it worked for us deca dick not a chance i was f*ckn like a rabbit the whole time lol. actually my junk grew about 3/4 of an in. no joke! i went from 202 to 228 couldn get to the 230 mark got 3/4 on my arms wich are now alil over 18in. in and a half on my chest. now 50in. tore my ham sting in three spots and couldnt train legs for almost 4 months and never lost an in. maintained 27" ive been able to train them for the past month now and i didnt lose much strength either my bench went to almost being able to do 315 i was never a good maxer couldnt lock it out to benchn 335 for 7 presin the 150s for 5-6and closegripin 315 for 7 /8 weeks off and my bench went down about 10 15 lbs and i can still close grip 315 for 6 so i had were good results IMO also didnt get bloated still had my abs the whole time and still do actually they were better on.so really i have no exp. w/ testwish i woulda know then what i know now i thought i had researched it all lol.had 0 sides maybe a very litle bacne and some oily skin BUT liek a month ago i did have to go to the emergency room i was having iregular heart beat and palpations not real bad but enough for like 4 weeks b4 then then on the day i went to the hospitol i came home from the gym and started doing dishes and my heart like droped or feels like it skipped a beat like normal and rite after that boom i was like hunched over and my heart started beating very slow and very hard pounding against my chest hard and it stoped in like 15 seconds i was so scared i never moved an in. i thought i was going to die rite then and there, went to the er took blookd and got hooked up and the doctor said teh xrays of my heart showed my heart was significantly large he said that most athletes are hearts are large tho but he showed me and this shit didnt look normal at all it was huge had to wear an ekg for 24 hours and they had it sent in for testing and also took an echo cardio gram ultra sound for the heart to see if the valves were ok.they were all fine the lady said but had to bee sent for cardiologist for more specifics.doctor said my muscle walls in my heart were thick and could be cloging the flow of blood but i guess not because the vales were a go so, idk my muscle enzymes were way up but also my t3 levels wich could be the cause of the palpatations but have a cardiologist app. next monday so well see. my heart stil bothers me ever now and again it will drop w/ a little pain but barable.idk just hope it dosn't have ne thing to do w/ me suplementing but its likely it does .i think it has something to do w/ my high doseges for my first time cycling. maybe you or someone you know has hear or had it happen to you. would help to hear any info i wanna sponge all teh knowlege i can about the sport nutrition anabolics and the sides i hope to someday make a career out of bodybuilding.

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Posted by: monte
5'9 222lbs. i think 12% i did it on a stupid scale in school lol.

my last cycle was 500mg ew of deca for ten weeks and for the first 6 i pyramid up to 50mg ed of bols i know i know no test!!! lol my suppliers site had a beginers mass cycle so i followed it now i know test is the base. Some people say a all deca cycle is point less but not for me or my 3 friends that did the same cycle we were all 18 and it worked for us deca dick not a chance i was f*ckn like a rabbit the whole time lol. actually my junk grew about 3/4 of an in. no joke! i went from 202 to 228 couldn get to the 230 mark got 3/4 on my arms wich are now alil over 18in. in and a half on my chest. now 50in. tore my ham sting in three spots and couldnt train legs for almost 4 months and never lost an in. maintained 27" ive been able to train them for the past month now and i didnt lose much strength either my bench went to almost being able to do 315 i was never a good maxer couldnt lock it out to benchn 335 for 7 presin the 150s for 5-6and closegripin 315 for 7 /8 weeks off and my bench went down about 10 15 lbs and i can still close grip 315 for 6 so i had were good results IMO also didnt get bloated still had my abs the whole time and still do actually they were better on.so really i have no exp. w/ testwish i woulda know then what i know now i thought i had researched it all lol.had 0 sides maybe a very litle bacne and some oily skin BUT liek a month ago i did have to go to the emergency room i was having iregular heart beat and palpations not real bad but enough for like 4 weeks b4 then then on the day i went to the hospitol i came home from the gym and started doing dishes and my heart like droped or feels like it skipped a beat like normal and rite after that boom i was like hunched over and my heart started beating very slow and very hard pounding against my chest hard and it stoped in like 15 seconds i was so scared i never moved an in. i thought i was going to die rite then and there, went to the er took blookd and got hooked up and the doctor said teh xrays of my heart showed my heart was significantly large he said that most athletes are hearts are large tho but he showed me and this shit didnt look normal at all it was huge had to wear an ekg for 24 hours and they had it sent in for testing and also took an echo cardio gram ultra sound for the heart to see if the valves were ok.they were all fine the lady said but had to bee sent for cardiologist for more specifics.doctor said my muscle walls in my heart were thick and could be cloging the flow of blood but i guess not because the vales were a go so, idk my muscle enzymes were way up but also my t3 levels wich could be the cause of the palpatations but have a cardiologist app. next monday so well see. my heart stil bothers me ever now and again it will drop w/ a little pain but barable.idk just hope it dosn't have ne thing to do w/ me suplementing but its likely it does .i think it has something to do w/ my high doseges for my first time cycling. maybe you or someone you know has hear or had it happen to you. would help to hear any info i wanna sponge all teh knowlege i can about the sport nutrition anabolics and the sides i hope to someday make a career out of bodybuilding.

Damn Bro,

that's a rough experience...just a note, I just realized your age and
didn't realize that you're under the age of 21; and I don't know where
to begin.In light of this, I cannot in good conscience give you some
advice on how to cycle at your age.Not because you're young, mind you,
but rather for your own safety. At your age, your hormone levels are high
and the need for endogenous compounds are unnecessary.Please don't
take this as a flame bro, it's good that you are asking questions, and I
would like to encourage you to stay around and soak up as much as you
can because there are a lot of knowledgeable bros on this board.

In the meantime, because of your current medical condition I would
advise that you stay clear of the steroids because messing with hormones
will affect pituitary function and could potentially worsten your condition.

Going back to your last question regarding Deca and EQ, because of your
last experience with Deca I would steer clear for a little while.Since you
had both deca and dbol in the cycle we don't know if they are the culprits
at all or if it's one or the the other.But, I do know for sure that a 19 year
old who is training hard and has heart problems isn't normal.In terms of
EQ, I would I also steer clear from this because the compound assists with
red blood cell production and will cause your blood plasma levels to contain
more matter within it.This WILL spell trouble for you if you are having
heart problems more matter in the blood means more work for your heart.

For future reference, beginning cycles should always be a test cycle and
started when your natural levels have either plateaued or are beginning to
decline.When starting out, one compound at a time and at low dosages
will allow you to see how your body reacts to what products as well as give
you the opportunity to see if lower dosages will still allow you to grow.
Later, you can muck with dosages and exotic compounds to your hearts

In the meantime, stay away from the gear bro.Seriously, take care of your
health first and wait a little while before hitting the gear too hard.I do
apologize if that sounded harsh; but we, on this board are interested in
looking out for each others health as well as our training.

Bodybuilding should be a sport for life.


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Good post Xixer. Good luck Monte and I hope you recover and don't have any lasting effects. Xixer was easy on you bro a lot of people will be quick to tell you this is what happens when you start cycling without reseaching and before you are at the very least 22-23 years or older in my opinion...
