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Switching from sust to test e or c mid cycle

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On week 6 of 10 of sustaplex cycle at 650 mg a week 2x a week. Was wanting to extend the cycle out to 15 week but sustaplex is out stock form the gear site. Was wondering if i would get the full benefits of the test e or if i used it to end the cycle

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Your in week 6 and you want to extend it another 9 weeks right? You could start by slowly bringing in the cyp or enanth in now so by week 10 it's fully in your system and then run it another 5 weeks. This is how I would go about introducing something new into the mix b/c if you just wait till you run out of the sust and then introduce it you'll have 5 weeks and it takes 3 to really get going so 2 weeks is all you get at full strength of the drug.

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if you take into consideration the time it may take you to get more gear, you may be better off going with prop. like da fonz said, you're going to want to start the enth/cyp now so its in full effect by week 10, but if you dont have it now to start, then you may be better off by going with a short ester test for the last few weeks.

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That is a great idea as well. That is actually the reason why I like to use all short esters is b/c if I want to change something or extend something it wont take long to get everything in full swing again or it may happen seamlessly even.

Prop would work well if you can get it or allready have it.

If I want to add flavor to my cooking. . . . . . . I just burn it

There is NO such thing as over training just under EATING. ~ Trey Brewer

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well the sustaplex has 90 mg of cyp in it anyways so wouldnt that speed up the process if i used cyp?

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By "Start cyp/enth/prop now" I assume you mean at small doses <200MG? I would imagine if he introduced 500+MG with the sust he's running, he'll start punching holes in brick walls.

Also what's a "Gear Site". I'd like to find out more about this, becasue 3rd gear on my motorcycle is starting to slip.

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What I am telling him to do is to cut his dose of the sust and start to introduce the cyp or whatever estered test he will be running now so that it will be fully into his system.

You don't run the sust at full dose while introducing the new test in as well b/c this would be to much. You phase one in while phasing the other out.

This isn't perfect nor is it the ideal way to do things which is why it's always best to have more than enough aas to if by chance you want to extend something you can without having to patchwork something together.

If I want to add flavor to my cooking. . . . . . . I just burn it

There is NO such thing as over training just under EATING. ~ Trey Brewer

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Posted by: Tikaelkcin
By "Start cyp/enth/prop now" I assume you mean at small doses <200MG?I would imagine if he introduced 500+MG with the sust he's running, he'll start punching holes in brick walls.

Also what's a "Gear Site".I'd like to find out more about this, becasue 3rd gear on my motorcycle is starting to slip.

after reading his post i think what he meant was he wants to FORM a gear site that has sus in stock...

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my bad, here's the link to the gear site, he's right, they dont have sus in stock...

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all im asking for is advice not wise ass comments which arent clever
