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Sustaplex/Methanoplex cycle help

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Hey I need a little help guys. Im 24 and starting a sustaplex/methanoplex cycle. I have been training since 18 and have a good diet/workout. My goals are to gain as much strength and size using sustaplex and methanoplex. I have never done a cycle before and I was wondering what kind of cycle I can build off of them. Any help would be appreciated. By the stats: 6'1'', 185, 5-6% bf.

Joined: 5 years ago
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Well you would need a few more thing to make it a safe an effective cycle. You would need HCG to run throughout the course of the cycle and also an AI like a-dex, letro, or a-sin. You'll also want to read Visions PCT protocol to make sure your PCT is solid and therefore your bounce back keeping your gains and getting your back to functioning normal again.

From the 2 compounds you are talking about running; I would suggest running it like so:

wks 1-12 Sust .75mL EOD
wks 1-5 Dbol 40mg ED
wks 1-12 HCG 500iu's 2x wk
wks 1-12 AI Depends on what you run as to what dose to run it at.

There are many ways to run the 2 compounds you want to run. I would suggest you run the sust EOD since it is a blend of short and long esters and keeping levels stable helps to keep sides at bay.


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yes perfectly laid out in my humble opinion, I just figured I would add maybe liv52, to protect the liver(during D-bol phase), just trying to keep everyone safe as poss

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bumping NVS, thats a very good game plan.. i would even add some deca to help with the strength and size gains but a simple test , oral cycle is damn near perfect for a first go around, its cheap and effective
