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sustanon v enathate, winny and eq

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I was wondering how these two compare in terms of water weight. I am under the impression that you will put on less water with sust since it is a blend and the shorter acting esters will not convert as badly. My next cycle looks a little something like this Eq 1-3 600mg frontload 4-12 400 mgs Test 1-8 400mg wk Winny 1-6 50mg ED Debating on the test though, I dont want to put on too much water, but I don't want to put on too much water and don't really want to take Arimidex everyday.(I say the test is in debate but probably not, test is like bread and butter....Figuratively that is 🙂 ) Any opinions about putting winny in at end? hoping to net around 15 pounds Thanks

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how often do you plan to inject?

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all test will bloat you, how much really depends on how prone you are to water retention. prop or Suspension would be the best choices in test as far as less water retention goes. there isnt much that will bloat you as much as sust.

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winny is oral I was going to do 2 shots a week mon and thurs what do you think winny beginning or end? So basically just stock up on arimidex, well at least UG versions are available instead of the Zeneca crap 🙂

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I do find sus to be the worst test for bloat, but everyone is different. I get zero bloating from prop and suspension. Running winny at the end will give you a harder appearance (assuming diet is on) after you've put on some decent size. However I also know lots of guys that love it at the start of a cycle for strength gains.

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Fuck it, i am going to suck it up and do some prop Should I go with a prop/susp combo from eyepee or straight prop from Grande** With the eq to dilute do you think the prop will hurt like a bitch? also i dont know if i can deal with no sex drive so i guess i should run the test throughout I just dont want to gain too much weight (yes i do) I am up to a nice 210 right now and havent started yet so I will most likely break the 230 mark Gonna take arimidex EOD to keep water at bay So here goes around 400 prop week weeks 1-12 400mg eq 1-12 50mg ED winny 7-12

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that prop has to be done every day though 100mg. u could do any test, you wont bloat with that arimidex, if fact u may find yourself decresing it so that u do bloat a little, winny at the end is excellent idea.

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- Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)

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Should I go with a prop/susp combo from eyepee or straight prop from Grande**????? I thought you could get away with prop EOD???

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Yes eod is good, don't know about the last brand eyepee is well sometimes good, sometimes bad.

"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."
- Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)

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what do you mean by sometimes good sometimes bad?

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IP product quality have different opinions from everyone. He's usually ok.

"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."
- Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)
