Starting CYCLE Sund...
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Starting CYCLE Sunday... check it out... need advice

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ok.. so I posted a while back and some things came up and It was not feasible for me to start my cycle.. but I am this Sunday! woohoo!... I've posted something similar to this cycle before and got some advice... but I changed it up a bit... can I just get a couple thumbs up here or some more advice... Im also getting ready to place an order... was thinking about adding cabaser and maybe Letro - if I can find it... anybody disagree with this? Also need to be advised about my hcg intake

Im just shy of 6ft... im 187lbs and not sure about my bf%... but im not over weight by any means... this will be my 3rd cycle... been about 4-5 years since I've done one... crashed hard last time with no PCT.

My nutritional intake is good... lots of protein... I probaby have about 3-4 good meals per day and a coupe to few shakes.
Let me know what you think guys.

Week 1
400mgs Andropen275 /wk e.o.d. @ .475cc (approx. 412.5mg’s per week) Sun,Tue,Thur,Sat
300mgs deca/ wk @ 1.2cc - Sunday

Week 2
400mgs Andropen275 /wk e.o.d. @ .5cc Mon,Wed,Fri,
300mgs Deca / wk @ 1.2cc

Week 3
400mgs Andropen275 /wk 2wice weekly @ .75cc Sun. morning / Wed. night
300mgs Deca / wk @ 1.2cc – Sunday

Week 4
400mgs Andropen275 /wk 2wice weekly @ .75cc Sun. morning / Wed. night
300mgs Deca / wk @ 1.2cc – Sunday

Week 5
400mgs Andropen275 /wk 2wice weekly @ .75cc Sun. morning / Wed. night
300mgs Deca / wk @ 1.2cc – Sunday
hcg 250iu - Sun, Wed
40mgs Nolvadex

Week 6
400mgs Andropen275 /wk 2wice weekly @ .75cc Sun. morning / Wed. night
300mgs Deca / wk @ 1.2cc – Sunday
hcg 250iu - Sun, Wed
40mgs nolvadex

Week 7
400mgs Andropen275 /wk 2wice weekly @ .75cc Sun morning / Wed. night
300mgs Deca / wk @ 1.2cc – Sunday
hcg 250iu - Sun, Wed
40mgs nolvadex

Week 8
400mgs Andropen275 /wk 2wice weekly @ .75cc Sun morning / Wed. night
300mgs Deca / wk @ 1.2cc – Sunday
hcg 250iu - Sun, Wed
40mgs nolvadex

Week 9
400mgs Andropen275 /wk 2wice weekly @ .75cc Sun morning / Wed. night
300mgs Deca / wk @ 1.2cc – Sunday
hcg 250iu - Sun, Wed
40mgs nolvadex

Week 10
400mgs Andropen275 /wk 2wice weekly @ .75cc Sun morning / Wed. night
300mgs Deca / wk @ 1.2cc – Sunday
hcg 250iu - Sun, Wed
40mgs nolvadex

Week 11
400mgs Andropen275 /wk 2wice weekly @ .75cc Sun morning / Wed. night
hcg 250iu - Sun, Wed
40mgs nolvadex

Week 12
400mgs Andropen275 /wk 2wice weekly @ .75cc Sun morning / Wed. night
hcg 250iu - Sun, Wed
40mgs nolvadex


Week 15
clomid 150mgs –ed (start wed.) (21 days from last inject)
60mg nolva- ed

Week 16
clomid 100mgs –ed (start wed.)
40mg nolva - ed

Week 17
Clomid 50mgs –ed (start wed.)
20mg nolva - ed

PS. I thought about going 500/400 on the andro/deca but thought I should go mild this time around since its been a while.

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Posts: 159

Cycle looks good bro, but i was wondering what is the 40mg of nolva for?? Do you have probs with gyno?? And is that 40mg/day??? If you have probs with gyno just run 10mg/day of nolva, that's what i have been doing and have been fine. Another thing you could look into is an AI, like aromasin or letro. That would be much more effective in reducing estrogen sides because gyno is not the only side effect from estrogen and nlova does not reduce estrogen it just competes with it to bond to the receptor site. Another thing is that nolva has been shown to reduce igf-1 levels, with is a shitty side to say the least. My first cycle is almost done and i am using nolva but i will not do another cycle without an AI like aromasin. Peace.

Any opinions expressed by gustavo77 with regards to AAS or prescription drugs (non-narcotic, as narcotic discussion is prohibited on this site) are for role playing purposes only, as gustavo77 is a fictional internet personality. In addition, please do not PM me regarding any source, purchase or sale related to AAS or prescription drugs (narcotic and non-narcotic) as I have no knowledge of these issues and do not condone the use of any drugs unless prescribed by a physician.

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From what I've read... I should be taking nolva on the days that I take HCG... no??? Is my hcg intake ok for those weeks?

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Your hcg intake is fine, you could also do 500iu twice a week. HCG may spike your estrogen levels but 40mg of nolva is not needed, 10-20mg for a couple of days should be fine. You also have to remember that all the test you are taking will raise your estrogen levels also, so consider running an AI, like aromasin at 25mg/day or letro at 2.5 mg/day. In all honesty though don't use the nolva unless you are prone to gyno or just run it at a low dose as a precaution. Like I said before i will not do another cycle of test without an AI because the benefits of AI's are substantial. Peace.

Any opinions expressed by gustavo77 with regards to AAS or prescription drugs (non-narcotic, as narcotic discussion is prohibited on this site) are for role playing purposes only, as gustavo77 is a fictional internet personality. In addition, please do not PM me regarding any source, purchase or sale related to AAS or prescription drugs (narcotic and non-narcotic) as I have no knowledge of these issues and do not condone the use of any drugs unless prescribed by a physician.

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bump gustavo on this my next cycle will include aromasin!!


looking for time and financial freedom

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I've added letro and cabaser... this look alright?

Week 1
400mgs Andropen275 /wk e.o.d. @ .475cc (approx. 412.5mg’s per week) Sun,Tue,Thur,Sat
300mgs Deca / wk @ 1.2cc - Sunday
.25 cabaser e4d

Week 2
400mgs Andropen275 /wk e.o.d. @ .5cc Mon,Wed,Fri,
300mgs Deca / wk @ 1.2cc
2.5 mgs letro - ed
.25 cabaser e4d

Week 3
400mgs Andropen275 /wk 2wice weekly @ .75cc Sun. morning / Wed. night
300mgs Deca / wk @ 1.2cc – Sunday
2.5 mgs letro - ed
.25 cabaser e4d

Week 4
400mgs Andropen275 /wk 2wice weekly @ .75cc Sun. morning / Wed. night
300mgs Deca / wk @ 1.2cc – Sunday
2.5 mgs letro - ed
.25 cabaser e4d

Week 5
400mgs Andropen275 /wk 2wice weekly @ .75cc Sun. morning / Wed. night
300mgs Deca / wk @ 1.2cc – Sunday
2.5 mgs letro - ed
.25 cabaser e4d
hcg 250iu - Sun, Wed

Week 6
400mgs Andropen275 /wk 2wice weekly @ .75cc Sun. morning / Wed. night
300mgs Deca / wk @ 1.2cc – Sunday
2.5 mgs letro - ed
.25 cabaser e4d
hcg 250iu - Sun, Wed

Week 7
400mgs Andropen275 /wk 2wice weekly @ .75cc Sun morning / Wed. night
300mgs Deca / wk @ 1.2cc – Sunday
2.5 mgs letro - ed
.25 cabaser e4d
hcg 250iu - Sun, Wed

Week 8
400mgs Andropen275 /wk 2wice weekly @ .75cc Sun morning / Wed. night
300mgs Deca / wk @ 1.2cc – Sunday
2.5 mgs letro - ed
.25 cabaser e4d
hcg 250iu - Sun, Wed

Week 9
400mgs Andropen275 /wk 2wice weekly @ .75cc Sun morning / Wed. night
300mgs Deca / wk @ 1.2cc – Sunday
2.5 mgs letro - ed
.25 cabaser e4d
hcg 250iu - Sun, Wed

Week 10
400mgs Andropen275 /wk 2wice weekly @ .75cc Sun morning / Wed. night
300mgs Deca / wk @ 1.2cc – Sunday
2.5 mgs letro - ed
.25 cabaser e4d
hcg 250iu - Sun, Wed

Week 11
400mgs Andropen275 /wk 2wice weekly @ .75cc Sun morning / Wed. night
2.5 mgs letro - ed
.25 cabaser e4d
hcg 250iu - Sun, Wed

Week 12
400mgs Andropen275 /wk 2wice weekly @ .75cc Sun morning / Wed. night
2.5 mgs letro - ed
.25 cabaser e4d
hcg 250iu - Sun, Wed

Week 13
2.5 mgs letro - ed
.25 cabaser e4d
hcg 250iu - Sun, Wed

Week 14
2.5 mgs letro - ed
.25 cabaser e4d
hcg 250iu - Sun, Wed


Week 15
clomid 150mgs –ed (start wed.) (21 days from last inject)
60mg nolva – ed
2.5 mgs letro - ed
.25 cabaser e4d
tribulus 3-5 gms ed for 2mnths

Week 16
clomid 100mgs –ed (start wed.)
40mg nolva – ed
2.5 mgs letro - ed
.25 cabaser e4d
tribulus 3-5 gms ed for 2mnths

Week 17
Clomid 50mgs –ed (start wed.)
20mg nolva – ed
2.5 mgs letro - ed
.25 cabaser e4d
tribulus 3-5 gms ed for 2mnths

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The letro is too high bro. 1.25 ed or even eod.

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Thanks man... could you give me an explanation though.. so I can understand why... because I've read several posts and researched a bit on my own and thats why I came up with

Eminent Member
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Posts: 23

Its too potent. It will reduce you're est. levels too much at that dose given youre cycle dose. You need some circulating estro for gains amongst other things.

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From Mercedesdd

SERM's (Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator) : These block certain estrogen receptors, depending on the drug, and dont actually lower estrogen in the blood. Estrogen is left to circulate with nowhere to go. Because of this, SERMS have a posotive effect on cholesterol levels. They have a negative effect on IGF-1, so if bulking, only take them if totally necessary. They are good at blocking gyno, and are commonly used while cycling and in post cycle therapy.

AI's (Aromatase Inhibitors) : There are 2 types of AI's. Type I (suicide inhibitor) attaches to the aromatase enzyme and permanently disables it. Type II compete for the enzyme, but dont destroy it. Both are effective at lowering estrogen substantially. Both are commonly used during both cycling and post cycle therapy. Used mainly when low estrogen levels are desired, like contest preparation/cutting. Beware that lowering estrogen with strong AI's can have a negative effect on cholesterol levels.

RI's (Reductase Inhibitors) : These drugs stop the conversion of testosterone into DHT wherever 5-alpha reductase enzymes are present. RI's work by blocking the action of the 5-alpha. There are 2 5a's. Type I 5a and Type II 5a. Different RI's block one or both of these 5a's.

Estrogen : The first hormone we need to keep an eye on. Many anabolic steroids convert to estrogen via the aromatization process. Some AAS are worse than others. Also, estrogen spikes after a cycle. High levels of estrogen leads to gyno, water retention, fat storage etc. Estrogen plays a key role in progesterone related gyno. We either block its receptors with SERMS or reduce its production with AIs. We watch estrogen levels during a cycle and in post cycle therapy. Lowering estrogen too much will mess up your blood lipids. Letting it get out of control will cause sides like gyno, water retention etc. Estrogen plays a role in IGF-1 levels, may lower IGF-1 when blocked. Estrogen is also beneficial hormone when bulking, promoting higher androgen receptor concentrations. Obviously different estrogen levels are desired for different goals, and it is not always good to block its action or its production.

Progesterone: Its not so much progesterone that we watch, which is actually a healthy hormone, but progestins which may act upon its receptors. Progestins, like Tren or Deca, may act on its receptor or lower progesterone in the blood. Gyno and lactating are more common side effects. Some people use progesterone receptor blockers to combat this, or a prolactin production inhibitor.

Cortisol: The third hormone, the stress hormone. When elevated to long, it will store fat. Eat muscle. Cause lethargy. Moodiness. You may crave carbs by the boat load. Cortisol spikes after a cycle because anabolic steroids blocks it while on cycle, upping cortisol production and receptor sites. IMO not enough attention is payed to this. It has special functions in the body that are absolutely necessary, like its anti-inflamitory ability. However, when elevated for long periods, it turns into a muscle eating beast. The most important time to watch cortisol is after a cycle, when it spikes.


Now that you brushed up on some defentions, here are some useful compounds :

SERMS (Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulation)

Nolvadex (Tamoxifen Citrate) : Nolvadex is a SERM. It selectively binds to certain estrogen receptors, effectively blocking the estrogen and stopping unwanted sides such as gyno. It DOES NOT lower estro levels in the blood, it only blocks it from binding to certain receptors. It also helps your blood fat levels. It does not suppress LH, blocks desired estro receptors and helps stop HCG from desensitizing your testicles to natural LH. Nolva should be used during HCG therapy, at 20 mg a day, for the reason i just mentioned. Can be used during cycle if you see signs of gyno. Its mainly used to block the estrogen spike when you come off cycle, and should be used right through to the end until natural test levels are back. One drawback to consider about Nolva is that it may cause progesterone receptors to become more sensitive. This means that while using progestins such as Deca or Tren, you may become more sensetive to progestin related gyno.

Faslodex (Fulvestrant) : Approved for use in 2002 for breast cancer research, this drug is unlike most we have seen. It is classified as an estrogen receptor downregulator. It prevents estrogen from exerting its influence on the estrogen receptor. Similar to Nolvadex, but is not selective. It hits all estrogen receptors. It also does this to progesterone receptors to a lesser degree. It is injectable, at 250mg a month. No information on how it affects blood lipids. It is also very expensive.

Clomid (Clomiphene Citrate) : This drug is also a SERM, almost identicle to Nolva. It is said to be a weaker blocker mg for mg than Nolva. Its common use is in post cycle therapy, usually for about a month, used after HCG and all anabolic steroids esters have run out of your body. Even though it is weaker than Nolva at blocking, it is believed to be quicker at bringing HPTA back to balance. Both are commonly used during PCT. It binds to different receptors than Nolva. There is a lot of debate on this, but until there is solid proof, it may be prudent to include this in your PCT. Commonly taken at about 100mg a day.

Fareston (Toremifene Citrate) : This is a second generation SERM. Approved for use in 1997. Chemically very similar to Nolva and Clomid, it is less powerful mg for mg. Fareston may have a stronger posotive effect on your cholesterol levels. For those who find this an important issue, this is a drug of choice. Used every day at around 60mg.

Evista (raloxifene) : A newer SERM, Evista is shown to be a blocker in breast tissue, but acts as a receptor agonist in bone tissue (unlike Nolvadex). This action promotes bone density. Taken at about 60mg a day. Evista may prove to be very beneficial, as it also helps cholesterol levels (like Nolvadex). Evista is supposed to have a more powerful gyno blocking effect than Nolvadex.

Cyclofenil : Much like Nolvadex, this is also a SERM. Used at about 600mg a day, it is weaker mg for mg. A good alternative if Nolva is not available, which is usually not the case.

AI (Aromatase Inhibitors)

Teslac (Testolactone) : This is a first generation steroidal aromatase inhibitor. Like a suicide, it permanently attaches to the aromatase enzyme. Taked at a maximum of 250mg a day. It is not as strong as the newer AI's, but some people still like to use it. It can lower estrogen about 50%. Streroidal in structure, it has no anabolic effect.

Aromasin (Exemestane) : This drug is classified as a Type I Suicide AI. It binds to the aromatase enzyme and kills it. It is effective at lowering estrogen up to 85%. Once again, you have to watch out for your cholesterol levels. Used mainly for cutting when low estrogen levels are desired. Aromasin is shown to help bone density. Clinical doses are about 25mg a day, but it has been shown that as little as 2.5mg a day can be as effective.

Lentaron (Formestane)[/] : A Type I Suicide AI. Lentaron is not classified as a drug, and can be sold over the counter as a suppliment. Not as strong as the third generation AIs (arimidex, femera). Can lower estrogen by about 60%. Used as an injectable, it is dosed at about 250mg every 2 weeks. Due to poor bioavailability, daily doses of oral Lentaron are about 250mg.

[b]Arimidex (Anastrozole) : This is a widely used type II AI. It competes with estrogen for the aromatase enzyme. This effectively lowers estrogen up to 80% in the blood. Approved for use in 1995 to fight breast cancer. At doses up to 1mg a day, it has been shown to be very effective at controlling estrogen while on cycle or in post cycle therapy. It is usefull for curbing the effects that come with aromatizing anabolic steroids's while in cycle, and can be used in PCT. Nolvadex is shown to decrease the effectiveness of Arimidex when used together. In this case a suicide inhibitor may be more well suited, like in PCT. It is also called L-dex, in its liquid form.

Femera (Letrozole) : Letro is a competative Type II AI also. Also farely new compared to other compounds, it is shown to be effective at lowering estrogen by blocking the aromatase enzyme. Doses up to 2.5mg a day are used, but usually as low as .5mg a day can be just as effective. Clinical studies show Femera to lower estrogen by 75-78%. Once again, watch out for you blood lipids (cholesterol) to get out of whack. There may a noted rebound effect of estrogen levels that goes along with Letro use.

Cortisol Control

Cytadren (aminoglutethimide) : This drug has the ability to reduce cortisol at higher doses (1000mg a day), and act as an AI at lower doses (250mg a day). The cortisol effect is shortlived if taken for a number of consecutive days. Can lower estrogen a lot, anbout 90%. The higher dose has a long list of sides. More effective as an AI.

Mirtazapine :This is used to lower cortisol. Even though it may be effective in cortisol control, Johan has pointed out that it may cause some phycological side effects, like making you feel like a zombie. Here is a pubmed abstract for is effects on cortisol levels, amoung other things.

Cytodyne (Phosphatidylserine) : This is also used to lower cortisol, but is only effective in lowering about 30%. There are other ingredients in Cytodyne than Phosphatidylserine. Phosphatidylserine is the only real proven ingredient to lower cortisol, or so ive gathered so far. Effective at 800mg a day of PS as an ingredient.

Vitamin C: At doses of about 1.5 grams a day, can have a lowering effect on elevated cortisol, not to mention its other healthy effects.

doses of 2.5 ed are for extreme situations and mostly in women. 1.25ed is more than enough for a cycle of that stature.
