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Stacking Questions? about Sustaplex 350 or Sustanon with Stanoplex 50

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I have been planning on stacking sust250'>sustanon with Stanoplex 50, but since there is no sustanon in stock on ****** i was considering stacking Sustaplex 350 with the Stanoplex 50. How will my results change from this? I am looking for the mass gain from Sus along with the cutting ability from the Sustaplex. I am trying to gain a decent amount of mas while becoming more cut and losing some weight. Is this a good stack or should I be going in another direction? Suggestions..... I also read that Sustanon with winstrol was a good stack for people looking for the athletic look of gaining mass and getting ripped. Since I was told that Stanoplex 50 is very similar to Winstrol, would this still be as affective?

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First off welcome to the site, good to have you. Sustaplex is very similar to Sustanon in that it is a blend of different testosterone esters. Sustanon includes the following esters: propionate, phenylpropionate, isocaproate and decanoate.

Sustaplex contains:

30mg/ml Testosterone Acetate
50mg/ml Testosterone Propionate
50mg/ml Testosterone Phenylpropionate
90 mg/ml Testosterone Cypionate
105mg/ml Testosterone Decanoate

Sustaplex is much more potent that Sustanon because it is 350mg of test ml, Sustanon is only 250mg. As to your questions regarding a cycle of sust and Stanoplex: Have you ran any cycles before?? What is your age, stats, training experience?? A little more info about yourself and we can help you out more. Also i would advise you to do some research...lots of great on this site, take full advantage of it. Oh and Stanoplex and Winstrol contain the same active steroid: Stanozolol.

Any opinions expressed by gustavo77 with regards to AAS or prescription drugs (non-narcotic, as narcotic discussion is prohibited on this site) are for role playing purposes only, as gustavo77 is a fictional internet personality. In addition, please do not PM me regarding any source, purchase or sale related to AAS or prescription drugs (narcotic and non-narcotic) as I have no knowledge of these issues and do not condone the use of any drugs unless prescribed by a physician.

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Posted by: gustavo77
First off welcome to the site, good to have you.Sustaplex is very similar to Sustanon in that it is a blend of different testosterone esters.Sustanon includes the following esters: propionate, phenylpropionate, isocaproate and decanoate.

Sustaplex contains:

30mg/mlTestosterone Acetate
50mg/mlTestosterone Propionate
50mg/mlTestosterone Phenylpropionate
90 mg/mlTestosterone Cypionate
105mg/ml Testosterone Decanoate

Sustaplex is much more potent that Sustanon because it is 350mg of test ml, Sustanon is only 250mg.As to your questions regarding a cycle of sust and Stanoplex: Have you ran any cycles before?? What is your age, stats, training experience??A little more info about yourself and we can help you out more.Also i would advise you to do some research...lots of great on this site, take full advantage of it.Oh and Stanoplex and Winstrol contain the same active steroid: Stanozolol.

im 19 never used roids before but am ready tostart. lifted weights almost daily for 5 years except not much at all this past year after injuries. 6 foot 2 inches tall. 217 lbs some fat some muscle

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Posted by: terdferg69
im 19 never used roids before but am ready tostart. lifted weights almost daily for 5 years except not much at all this past year after injuries. 6 foot 2 inches tall. 217 lbs some fat some muscle

please don' t be offended. 19 is way too young to start. your natural test levels are already high. you can reach your goals with diet and workouts alone. really, you do not need drugs to do what you want to do. tell us what your diet looks like and lets see if we can help you.

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Posted by: hatfield
please don' t be offended. 19 is way too young to start. your natural test levels are already high. you can reach your goals with diet and workouts alone. really, you do not need drugs to do what you want to do. tell us what your diet looks like and lets see if we can help you.

my diet changes all the time. i constantly add and lose weight. sometimes i only eat once a day sometimes 4 times. i eat all types of food. when i get on them i am going to start a steady diet of protein. chicken, tuna, ect...

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and is there anything i should take with this stack. and how should i stack it?

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Posted by: terdferg69
and is there anything i should take with this stack. and how should i stack it?

hello and welcome to the already said you are too young too start aas. food is the most anabolic thing you can take and thats the key to you reaching your natural potential have no idea what your doing and you want to start off with a steroid thats better suited for eod injects and stack it with another steroid!! please do not be offended but we are just looking out for your best interest.please do alot of research,there are a lot of stickies and posts here to help you learn more about training, diet and aas!!!


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All the above are correct my friend. At 19 you have a better capacity for self-improvement than people in their late 20's and older (like me!). Your body is producing testosterone at a high rate right now, this is your best time of your life to make it work for you.
It is by no means an insult to you, many of us are envious to be honest. Eat like a horse and hit the iron big time. By the time yr 25 ish you will be well armed to go the next step. Looks like too long to wait but 5-6 years goes quick, you'll see...
All the best man!!

Weights - Wimmin - Beer - Metal

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Posted by: terdferg69
my diet changes all the time. i constantly add and lose weight. sometimes i only eat once a day sometimes 4 times. i eat all types of food. when i get on them i am going to start a steady diet of protein. chicken, tuna, ect...

and here in lies the problem. with an inconsistent diet there is no way, even with gear to make progress. get your diet in check for a while and see if you don't reach your goals.

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Diet 101

Eat more claories than your bodyweight x 16. Break your diet up into 6 meals, and have your daily ratios equal 55% protein 35% carbs and 15% fat.

Train like a MF no more than 5 days /week, and you'll be a tank in no time.

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i thank you all for your concern and trying to convince me not to take roids. but if i decide to take them anyway what suggestions do u have about sustaplex 350 and stanoplex 50? or would another type of roid work better for me?

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your missing the point we are trying to make.yes we are advising you not to take gear but also you don't have a clue what your doing and these two aas that your asking about aren't even recommended for begginner cycles. another thing that was pointed out was about your diet, please do alot more research before you ask us too help you critique a cycle for you.i will not give you any advise on cycles until i'm confident you've done your homework!!


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Aright bro, you missing the whole point, that's why it is important that you research and learn...steroid are just hormones. Do you realize how high the levels of androgens are in your body at age 19?? You have all the hormones that you need to grow...stop fucking around with your training and DIET and you'll grow like never before. Then what you can do is research and learn all you can about AAS, A.I.'s, SERMS etc, for a couple of years and when you are ready you can make an educated and responsible decision regarding AAS. You'll have all the help you need here regarding training, diet and NATURAL supplements. All you need to do is ask. Gus.

Any opinions expressed by gustavo77 with regards to AAS or prescription drugs (non-narcotic, as narcotic discussion is prohibited on this site) are for role playing purposes only, as gustavo77 is a fictional internet personality. In addition, please do not PM me regarding any source, purchase or sale related to AAS or prescription drugs (narcotic and non-narcotic) as I have no knowledge of these issues and do not condone the use of any drugs unless prescribed by a physician.

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BRO....these guys know their shit..i would listen to them, i know it seems like your goals never come fast enough...take these guys advise stick to a good diet, train hard and put the gear on the back burner until your body is ready for it...Protein shakes, creatine and high intensity workouts should give you good gains until it is TIME...good luck

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You're going to do what you want anyways, so jsut make sure you do the due diligence and READ READ READ. This is serious business, and you are playing doctor with yourself.

You shouldn't do steroids, but if you decide to anyway make sure to do it right. IE: Don't use sust on your first cycle.

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