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Review my cycle

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Again, 37 M 185#

Test at about 500 ng/dl

looking to improve performance and recovery through heavy training blocks in April and May. Doing multiple Tri events and Marathons May through October. My three "A" races are in July, August and September respectively. Goal in these races is to go sub 4:45 in the two 1/2 ironman events and sub 2:45 in the marathon. Goals are very acheivable based on past performance.

Looking for feedback on my cycle:

120 mg TE weekly (twice weekly shots as RG suggests)
200 mg EQ weekly
1/2 nolva qod for gyno which I have been susceptible to in the past

looking at a 12-14 week cycle but can I go 24?

Also, if i am using Nolva in my cycle can I use is in PCT also (different dosing obvioulsy) or am I better off using Arimidex or the like.

Feedback is appreciated.

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Sounds good. I don't know if 24 weeks would be advisable. I ran a similar cycle: 150mg TE and 250mg EQ for 10weeks with Arimidex and Nova / clomid afterwards and only starting to get my Mojo back 12weeks down the line, I shudder to think how long your picker will take to recover from a 24 week cycle..

Also picked up about 5kg over 10weeks on a very stricked diet. Maybe you lucky, try it and see how it goes but if you keep the Test Low you might not pick up so much.

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all those TE shots aren't going to feel so good

whatever it takes !!

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Combine the test e and the eq into one shot when you can.

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yeah, combining the two makes everything go in smooth although 120 t/e if it's 1/2cc is hardly noticeable IMO.

The longest cycle I ran was 16 wks, similar to yours and I shut down pretty hard. I also used HCG w/pct. As a result I prefer 8-10wk cycles but everyone is different.

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I just don't think us cyclists need much AAS for more benefits than detriments. I have messed around with AAS for many, many years and my conclusion is I wouldn't use it if you are in your twenties and an endurance cyclist. Since you are 37 and your levels are low ,I would take just enought to get me to the upper range of normal. This means 120 of TE is OK, but adding another 200 of EQ is too much Anabolics IMO. Depending on plasma binding affinities you will free up much more TE or Bold and therefore that 120 or 200 dose will feel like much more. You will defnitely gain weight and at 24 weeks long, 20 lbs. is not unlikely. I think you should do one or the other personally, depending on how much you like your libido. I would run the TE for 12 or the EQ for 15.


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Thanks for the feedback. Weight gain is definately a concern but at 6'4 185# i'm not exactly on the heavy side. My diet is way clean.

I only have weight training in my initial block, beyond that all endurance work. I'm hoping the nolva prevents water retention and the gyno symptoms I experienced in past during cylces in my pro days.

I'll do the bod pod monthly to know whether any weight i gain is muscle or water and I do a VO2 Max every 6 weeks that will tell me if I am retaining water as well.

Keep the feed back coming

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Re: Review my cycle

Posted by: Larch
Again, 37 M 185#

Test at about 500 ng/dl

looking to improve performance and recovery through heavy training blocks in April and May. Doing multiple Tri events and Marathons May through October. My three "A" races are in July, August and September respectively. Goal in these races is to go sub 4:45 in the two 1/2 ironman events and sub 2:45 in the marathon. Goals are very acheivable based on past performance.

Looking for feedback on my cycle:

120 mg TE weekly (twice weekly shots as RG suggests)
200 mg EQ weekly
1/2 Nolva qod for gyno which I have been susceptible to in the past

looking at a 12-14 week cycle but can I go 24?

Also, if i am using Nolva in my cycle can I use is in PCT also (different dosing obvioulsy) or am I better off using Arimidex or the like.

Feedback is appreciated.

cycle-ist made some good pints as have others.

The EQ is overkill bro. You will gain water weight. EQ does aromatise at about 1/2 the rate of 200 of EQ will give the water weight that an additional 100 of test would give.
PLUS MORE water>>>because all steroids cause water retention to some degree even if they do not aromatise. could run the cycle as you outlined IF you take some arimidex...more on this below....

Also, 120 of T and 200 of EQ might boost your hematocrit several points. Roids, including EQ, and testosterone never gave me much of an increase(maybe 1-2 points) even on large bodybuilding doses....BUT some guys get better results in the regard.

NOTE: If you even do pushups you'll gain muscle mass and at your weight that isn't a good idea. You are heavy for best Tri performance and very heavy for your fastest possible running.

If your T is 500(not bad) then doing 20 of nolva alone will bring it to at least 1000.
You also may want to wait on the results of my Novedex XT study on myself. I think others will see if it works too. One respectable bro said that he got a 1500 from it and that's great!

The benefit of Nolva or another SERM, or maybe Novedex XT if it works, is that they do not shut down your HPTA.....they simply make the hypothalamus put out more GnRH so your pituitary can put out more LH and then your testes can make more T.

If you run the 120 of Test then you need to re-check your T after a couple weeks to see if you are assimilating this dose well. You may need more but I doubt it. I would shoot for about 1500ng/dl for recovery reasons but even 1000 that never falls with hard training is great and it won't "fall".

It's a good idea to take HCG at 250-500iu's a couple ti,mes per week. This stuff mimics LH and keeps your testes working and thus prevents shrinkage. Then after the cycle your testes will be able to respond to a SERM well.

Yes you can continue with Nolva for PCT...just keep the same dose. 20 a day is pretty darn good. You could up the dose to 40 a day for a few days after the T clears but this dose is probably overkill.

Note: the HCG will kick up T production so it will contribute to your overall T level. In fact it can REALLY kick it up there. If you start gaining water weight then you know the HCG is really working well.

I would have arimidex on hand....and if you will probably need half a pill a day if you do 120 of Test and the HCG together...and you'll need it for sure if you run the EQ in the mix.

If you take only EQ then Mr. Happy will probably go to sleep. EQ usually doesn't provide the androgen one needs for a good sex drive and if you don't take HCG then you'll have NO testosterone. Not only that but T is better than any steroid for recovery reasons.

If you are looking for optimal recovery then add some growth to the mix...the stuff is great. 1.5 -2 iu's a day taken on an empty stomach and 45 minutes before breakfast is great. You can even feel good results with 1.5-2 iu's three times per week. isn't that expensive at endurance athlete doses.

RG Last edited by Realgains on 03-18-2008 at 05:19 AM

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Listen to RG. His comments are very thorough. The last time I did a moderate cycle (~175 TProp and ~175 NandroPP stacked), I gained muscle mass in my lower body and even though I did zero upper body resistance training (except core work), my overall muscle mass and body mass increased. I even used 1mg of Arimidex per day. Since your bodyfat is already low, i would say that weight gain is almost assured unless you are conservative. As RG mentioned, at 185# you are already too heavy to be a world class triathlete. I personally have never heard of someone 185# that can run a sub 2:45 marathon. Heck Lance barely cracked 3 hours although his adaptations from cycling are very different than the impact induced fatigue from running. Surely, his VO2 Max is still well above 75 at 160# or so (without any performance enhanGRWOXXLent). Cyclists typically can get by with a little more bodymass than pure endurance runners due to zero impact induced fatigue. Plus, when you are talking about ultra-endurance events, too much anabolism may inhibit both lipolysis and gluconeogenesis which is detrimental. Bottom line is you don't even need to use AAS. You could use a SERM and a little, I mean a little GH. If I were u, I would use 120 TE with .25 to .50 Arimidex for 12 weeks and call it a cycle.


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Re: Re: Review my cycle

Posted by: Realgains

If you are looking for optimal recovery then add some growth to the mix...the stuff is great. 1.5 -2 iu's a day taken on an empty stomach and 45 minutes before breakfast is great. You can even feel good results with 1.5-2 iu's three times per week. isn't that expensive at endurance athlete doses.


Are you suggesting oral HGH?? I thought that it could only be administered by injection?

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inject sc on a empty stomach 😉

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Just so that I am clear does Nolva work essentially the same as arimidex to prevent the aromitization of T into estrogen? I understand that one is a SERM and one is an AI, but would they serve the same purpose as a complement to a test cycle?

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Posted by: Larch
Just so that I am clear does Nolva work essentially the same as arimidex to prevent the aromitization of T into estrogen? I understand that one is a SERM and one is an AI, but would they serve the same purpose as a complement to a test cycle?

NOOOOO!!!! Similar results...two diffrent mechanism. Best when used together to prevent gyno.

nolvadex is a SERM. It selectively inhibits binding of estrogen to the estrogen receptor. It's used in preventing gyno because it blocks the binding of estrogen to the receptor in your man chest preventing signaling converting them to man boobs.

AI's inhibits the enzyme that converts those massive amounts of roids your pumping in your system to that worthless moody man boob causing hormone estrogen, it essentially like sticking a rod in the the enzyme and inhibits it from flexing and removing functional carbons off your roid and prevents it form turning it into estrogen. This is needed when you are pumping large amounts of aromatizable roids in your system to prevent them from converting into estrogen and causing massive enhanGRWOXXLent of your breast tissue resulting in what is known as Gyno and the need for a mazier. The only problem is that, you need some estrogen to help maintain your cholesterol but that's why you cycle for 10-12 weeks and let your bodies recover in between.
