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Hope someone may help me out.
If you use 250 mg of test e(Axio) and 250 iu’s of HCG E3D strictly and consuming 454 g of protein, 326 g of Carbs and 104.5 g of fat per day, what may you expect regarding strength increase if you are 203 Lbs at 18% Bf after 10 weeks of administration?

The training consist of bout 45 minutes in the morning and 45 minutes in the afternoon, five days per week, five sets per exercise and reps in the range of 15, 10, 8, 7 and 6 and 7 hours of sleep (which should be more like 8).

If you experience almost no strength increase (except for a pound or two every now and then on some exercises), what may the possible reason be for this or is it difficult to say?

Personally I think this may lead to some disappointment for the individual using it because it is not a cheap sport taking in consideration all the potent vitamins, supplements, food and hard training.

Thank you!


Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 180

I think you either need to up your dose of Test or add in an anabolic like deca... even low dose like 200mg of deca a week... Duraplex would even be better since it is fast acting...


Wanting to avoid negative sides?

Thinking of Testosterone Replacement Therapy, called TRT? ...

You've come to the right place for that type of questions...


Asking me where to buy or anything about purchasing steroids will first get you a warning then banning if that type of questioning continues... No exceptions! Don't even joke about it!

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To be quite honest, how do we know your food is equalling that amount? Also, what is your weight? You may not be eating enough. That wouldnt be nearly enough food for me at my present weight.

Also, that rep range is all wrong imho for strength and size gains and also what types of exercises are your performing? You should be focusing on power and compound movements, such as deadlifts, sqauts, bench, bent over rows with a free weight bar, cleans, push presses, etc.

I can ask many more questions but answer these first and than we'll take it from there bud.

Somewhere out there, a little Chinese girl is warming up with your max squat
Fuck Gravity!!!

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Posted by: Al-Mann
Hope someone may help me out.
If you use 250 mg of Test E (Axio) and 250 iu’s of HCG E3D strictly and consuming 454 g of protein, 326 g of Carbs and 104.5 g of fat per day, what may you expect regarding strength increase if you are 203 Lbs at 18% Bf after 10 weeks of administration?

The training consist of bout 45 minutes in the morning and 45 minutes in the afternoon, five days per week, five sets per exercise and reps in the range of 15, 10, 8, 7 and 6 and 7 hours of sleep (which should be more like 8).

If you experience almost no strength increase (except for a pound or two every now and then on some exercises), what may the possible reason be for this or is it difficult to say?

Personally I think this may lead to some disappointment for the individual using it because it is not a cheap sport taking in consideration all the potent vitamins, supplements, food and hard training.

Thank you!


Is this your first cycle ?

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Posted by: da_Fonz
To be quite honest, how do we know your food is equalling that amount? Also, what is your weight?You may not be eating enough.That wouldnt be nearly enough food for me at my present weight.

Also, that rep range is all wrong imho for strength and size gains and also what types of exercises are your performing?You should be focusing on power and compound movements, such as deadlifts, sqauts, bench, bent over rows with a free weight bar, cleans, push presses, etc.

I can ask many more questions but answer these first and than we'll take it from there bud.

Shit, I will have to come back to you on this one because I am occupied during the week and from this weekend I will be out of the office for a few days. I basically go online in the week to download correspondence from tutors and cheat a bit to login to XXL because I can’t resist.

Food is not rocket science since the fish, meat and vegetables have their values on the pack per 100 grams. A book is used with all the values for those that are not printed on the bag. I guess you will have to take my word or we can debate that for three weeks. J

I did mention that the weight is 203 Lbs at 18% fat (measured with body fat calipers taking measurements on all the body parts they specify. (Caliper is not the most accurate instrument but far better than me guessing)

I am only guessing that you will suggest dropping the reps and maybe a set or two but what if you want to give the muscle as much stimulation as possible in 45 minutes. Rest between sets equals 30 sec. The 15 reps are high but it acts as a warm-up also. From the 10 reps the real lifting starts. Below 6 reps is more for power lifters not so?

All the exercises you mentioned is performed (not sure of cleans, push presses – will look it up in my language) and a shit load more that I will type as I take study breaks and post when I login again. It is about 4 exercises per muscle group e.g. 4 exercises for biceps (which is high I guess) and so on.

Thanks for helping me in my research. I do appreciate it.


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Posted by: jimijimi
Is this your first cycle ?

You know the saying of loose lips or is it lose…

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Posted by: Visions
I think you either need to up your dose of Test or add in an anabolic like deca... even low dose like 200mg of deca a week...Duraplex would even be better since it is fast acting...

Hi Visions,

The study is focused on the previous suggestions to figure the reaction per compound. I think the individual should notice the reaction of each to learn from the process and I know you will also suggest it but due to the incompleteness of my info given I understand the suggestion.

I think the user should complete it as it is and add onto this as the time arrives for the next cycle. This will provide a more controllable environment should something go wrong I think?

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Posted by: Al-Mann
Shit, I will have to come back to you on this one because I am occupied during the week and from this weekend I will be out of the office for a few days. I basically go online in the week to download correspondence from tutors and cheat a bit to login to XXL because I can’t resist.

Food is not rocket science since the fish, meat and vegetables have their values on the pack per 100 grams. A book is used with all the values for those that are not printed on the bag. I guess you will have to take my word or we can debate that for three weeks. J

I did mention that the weight is 203 Lbs at 18% fat (measured with body fat calipers taking measurements on all the body parts they specify. (Caliper is not the most accurate instrument but far better than me guessing)

I am only guessing that you will suggest dropping the reps and maybe a set or two but what if you want to give the muscle as much stimulation as possible in 45 minutes. Rest between sets equals 30 sec. The 15 reps are high but it acts as a warm-up also. From the 10 reps the real lifting starts. Below 6 reps is more for power lifters not so?

All the exercises you mentioned is performed (not sure of cleans, push presses – will look it up in my language) and a shit load more that I will type as I take study breaks and post when I login again. It is about 4 exercises per muscle group e.g. 4 exercises for biceps (which is high I guess) and so on.

Thanks for helping me in my research. I do appreciate it.


Yeah you can easily read the fod labels to get the amount of carbs, fats, proteins, etc.Thats great you're reading the labels, you'd be surprised how many don't do that.I would suggest though if you not already, is to weigh your food out with a digital scale. I know it sounds anal and yes it is but you know to the gram the amount and so the Kcal's you say your eating are in fact correct.

As for the sets and reps, are you a hard gainer?If you are you def want to keep those reps down to 5-8 imho.It will allow you to use the maximum weight and the body will have to either grow or break to handle the intense load placed on it.This idea is basically progressive overload which many, including myself, swear by.The body has no reason to grow if it isn't continually worked harder so as to force new muscle growth.Are you taking in a cheat meal during the course of the week?

I wouldn't do 4 exercises for every body part.4 for larger ones such as back and legs but not for bi's, tri's, ect.You're def not spending too much time in the gym.Getting in an out in 45min is great and ensures your body's cortisol level isn't high.I would also take more time to rest for your power movements to allow your body to reccoop from the brutal exercises but 30 sec for your other movements.

Overall, you seem to be doing everything right bud.I would just want to see your macro's to make sure you're eating enough to create new growth.

And kudo's to you bud for not just jumping and taking something else to get your body to grow.

Somewhere out there, a little Chinese girl is warming up with your max squat
Fuck Gravity!!!

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Thank you for the feedback.

The digital scale is standing on the microwave. I am sometimes a pain in the bud to myself when it comes to precision.

I include my food and training. (Body type = Mesomorph)

Time Meal Quantity

05H00 Protein EAS 2 Scoops

06H00 Chicken: 100g
Egg: 1
Ham: 50g
Corn: 100g
Muesli: 100g

07H30 Protein EAS 2 Scoops

09H00 Chicken: 100g
40ml Egg White
Ham: 50g
Broccoli: 100g
Green Beans: 100g
Brown Rice: 100g

10H30 Protein EAS 2 Scoops

12H00 Chicken: 100g
40ml Egg White
Ham: 50g
Cauliflower: 100g
Carrots: 100g

13H30 Protein EAS 2 Scoops

15H00 Chicken 100g
40ml Egg White
Ham: 50g
Peas: 100g
Potato: 100g

16H30 Protein EAS 2 Scoops

17H00 Protein EAS 2 Scoops

18H00 Tuna in oil (170g)
40ml Egg White

19H30 Protein EAS 2 Scoops

21H00 Tuna in oil (170g)
40ml Egg White

22H00 Protein EAS 2 Scoops


Day 1: AM - Shoulders
Standing Side Dumbbell Laterals
Bent Over Laterals With Dumbbells
Front Upright Rows
Military Press Behind Neck

Day 1: PM - Legs
Leg Extensions
Leg Press – Machine: To be added
Hack Squats – Machine: To be added

Day 2: AM - Abs
Twisting and Knee raises
Sit-ups - Machine
Leg Raises
Leg Curls

Day 2: PM - Chest
Flat Dumbbell Bench Press
Decline Barbell Bench Press (close grip)
Machine Flyes
Pull Overs - Straight arms

Day 3:AM - Legs
Standing Calf Raises
Seated Calf Raises
Reverse Calf Raises

Day 3: PM - Biceps
Barbell Curls
Preachers Curls
Concentration Curls
Reverse Preacher Curls

Day 4: AM - Upper Back
Wide Grip Pull Ups Behind Neck
Close-grip Pull Ups
Barbell Bent-over Row
T-Bar Rows

Day 4: PM - Triceps
Seated Triceps Presses - EZ-Bar
Two Dumbbell extensions - Lying on back
Rope Pull Downs
Reverse Grip Cable Triceps Press Down

Day 5: AM - Forearms
Barbell Wrist Curl
Reverse Wrist Curl with Dumbbells

Day 5: PM - Lower Back
Dead lifts
Good Mornings

Thank you!

Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 126

Well you're doing double days which is going to tax the hell outta your system. You need to eat alot more if you want to make gains while burning so many Kcal. Remember you grow outside the gym and not in it. Personally, I don't think doubles are necessary whatsoever. You're not giving your bdy much rest at all when you look at your split.

I def would revise it and give your body more rest and throw a cheat day in there. I also would increase your overall intake. Your choice isnt so much the problem, just the amount. If you look at the amounts your just not getting in enough grams of protein, carbs, and healthy fats imho.

Somewhere out there, a little Chinese girl is warming up with your max squat
Fuck Gravity!!!
