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Proviron Question

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I plan on running this cycle:

1-15 500 mg test E 400 mg EQ 500 IU's HCG
1-17 10 mg nolva 25 mg proviron
18 5000 IU's HCG 40 mg Nolva 25 mg Proviron
19 2500 IU's HCG 30 mg Nolva 25 mg Proviron
20 20 mg Nolva 25 mg Proviron
21 10 mg Nolva

My question is on the Proviron, should it be ran this long or should I stop it earlier?

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Its very mild imo, I have run it all thru like your planning. I dont know if you need that much hcg with your cycle but thats just me.

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Yeah, bumpin' zambon. It's pretty mild. You may not actually need that much, but it's great at reducing SHBG... sex hormone binding globulin, and will actually increase the effectivness of your gear, while reducing estrogen conversion at the same time. It's great stuff if you can afford it. Might as well go for it.

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There are no problems with toxicity running proviron that long, but I was under the impression it should only be run during a cycle as it shuts down HPTA. Therefore, not good for PCT . . .

Am I correct on that?

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Posted by: chainsawdog99
There are no problems with toxicity running proviron that long, but I was under the impression it should only be run during a cycle as it shuts down HPTA.Therefore, not good for PCT . . .

Am I correct on that?

It's liver toxicity is low. Low as in comparable to the liver toxicity of test. It's not suppressive.

There no point in runnignolva the whole time while on. Run your proviron and if you wanted to add something for estrogen use arimidex. Save nolva for your PCT. I'd run HCG the whole waqy at lower doses. Say 300-500iu the day before you inj your test.
