Preping Spring Cycl...
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Preping Spring Cycle '08

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Sup fellas. Getting some ideas in mind for spring/summer cycle 2008.
I'm 22yr. old--6' 2" 225 lbs. Roughly 18-22% body fat
Goals for this cycle would be to lean my body out just prior to cycle and continue to do so throughtout while adding more lean mass and definition to my physique. I would love to add 5 and 6 to my 4 abs but for me its hard.

Wks 1-11: Test. Enanthate 500mgs
Wks 1-14: Eq. 400mgs
Wks 1-15: Primo. 200mgs
Wks 12-15:masteron 200mgs E3D
Wks 1-15: HCG 500 iu E3D
Wks 16-17: clomid 150mgs (daily-wk 16) 100mgs (daily wk 17)

So what do we think so far. Pct look sufficient??? Preciate it

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Is you PCT only Clomid?That wont be sufficient to get your body to bounce back.

Posted by:
Wks 1-11: Test. Enanthate 500mgs
Wks 1-14: Eq. 600mgs
Wks 1-15: Primo. 200mgs
Wks 12-15: Masteron 200mgs E3D
Wks 1-15: Hcg 500 iu E3D
Wks 16-17: Clomid 150mgs (daily-wk 16) 100mgs (daily wk 17)

I would do this differently myself.I wouldn't stack primo with EQ, no real synergistic effect from that.I would say you would be better off to run a higher dose of EQ and drop the Primo.That will save you alot since primo is so pricey and you don't get much from it at such a low dose. Three weeks of Masteron wont do a thing for you.

I would do it more like this:

Wks 1-14: Test. Enanthate 500mgs
Wks 1-14: Eq. 400mgs
Wks 8-15: Masteron Prop 200mgs E3D
Wks 1-15: Hcg 500 iu E3D
Wks 1-15: Nol or a stronger AI like letro ED (this is dependent on how estrogen sensitive you are)
Wks 16-18: Clomid 100mgs ED
Wks 16-20: A-sin 25mg ED

I would tweak this if I knew more about past cycles and if you're estrogen sensitive.
I would change the following dosages depending on how many cycles you have under your belt and also what your last cycle was like.

I know I sound like a broken record but your DIET is what will get you the results you want to achieve.

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My cycle history includes mostly Test. enanthate based cycles. I started with test e. only cycles with doses reaching 500 mgs. I have also ran Test e based cycles with boldabol and masteron much like the one i have laid out. Most recently i ran a test e based cycle with t-bol and ending with winny. Did not like it at all. As for estrogenic effects i am not very sensitive to gyno but in the past boldabol has shut me down quite hard.

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hey jcannan im also prepping for a spring cycle, around January- i just got off a test only cycle about almost 2 months ago... I have around the same stats as you, except im 5 10. Im planning on doing (this would be my 3rd cycle)
Wks 1-14: Test. Enanthate 500mgs
Wks 1-14: Eq. 400mgs
and im definitely going to run HCG this time, which i am not to familiar on...

Wks 1-15: Hcg 500 iu E3D
Wks 1-15: Nol or a stronger AI like letro ED (this is dependent on how estrogen sensitive you are)
Wks 16-18: Clomid 100mgs ED
Wks 16-20: A-sin 25mg ED

dafonz: why do Nolvadex during the cycle? and i thought hcg was meant for after?? Sorry for my ignorance i know i have to do more research into a good pct..

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Hcg is a must. Have you run the aromasin and nolvadex before?

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no, i dont think im that estorgen sensitive, but im deffintly going to hcg this time, and no i havent tried armosin or nolvadex... but im done f**king around this time i wanna get super big, and keep it all.. lol

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lol. let me know how everything goes. Especially how the aromasin and nolva affect everything. I think i might add them to my cycle as well if they do it up right for you.
