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Oral Cycle

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Just wanted a "light cycle" were I can lose some fat and not have to worry about losing muscle. What do you think????

1-5 Turanabol 50mg
1-5 HCG 500iu e3d, up to three days before PCT

1-3 clomid 100mg, ed
1-6 aromasin 25mg ed

Liver support throughout

-Will I be shut down at all from this?
-Will I be able to recover fast?
-How much of the gains do you think I will keep?

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You wont be shut down cause you are using HCG throughout... recovery will be fast... cannot predict gains or fat loss as thats up to your diet and cardio...

Its been shown in clinical studies that Anavar makes you loose fat if your test level is low... it was also shown that 80mg a day didn't show liver toxicity... The studies on fat loss used 20mg a day with no test or anything else... they lost 1.5X the amount of fat then the men with normal or high normal test levels... Still even the guys with normal and high normal test levels lost fat and mostly in the stomach... I'm sure higher doses then 20mg would have better outcome and the fat loss would be better even with normal and high normal test levels... Anavar is expensive though... too bad cause I love it... I'm not sure about tbol doing the same as I can't find any studies with it...


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Thanks Visions for the post. You've always been so helpful. I know everybody says you should always have test as a base, and I have in the past, but I just want a short cycle, and I guess this would be pretty good one? You think my test levels will remain in the normal level because of the HCG or you think they will be elevated a little. Also you think Aromasin for six weeks after cycle for something this light would be needed? I guess better safe than sorry eh? I guess If I can recover quick it increases my odds of keeping the majority of gains? Thanks again everybody.

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OT is liver toxic, you'll be GTG with liv52 or milk thistle at 350mg ED on cycle. HCG is bonus as any steroid that promotes muscle gain will suppress your test levels and shut you down. I use HCG thru all my cycles.

As far as taking OT and HCG and if that will elevate your testosterone. The answer IMO is Yes, but it will be elevated because of the exgenous source of testosterone your injesting from the OT. That will elevate you and shut your boys down. HCG is used to maintain testical integrity, making an easy transition to your PCT and confuse the boys and keep them turned on but once you go over your natural test levels that is it. The HCG will send signals to the body to turn back on but that in and of itself will not cause your nat. test levels to raise. You only go where you go, the exgenous source takes over from that point


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after lots of research and taking with many individuals i dont think oral only cycles are a complete waste...i do think injectables should be the prefered method but to say oral cycles dont amount to shit is false...OT is a good one to run and my fav is var if the price doesnt kill you with some igf..thats always been good to me..i dont usually like to put on tons of weight so i have added var to many of my cycles and have always been happy with the results it gave me..

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Posted by: fads12345
Just wanted a "light cycle" were I can lose some fat and not have to worry about losing muscle. What do you think????

1-5HCG500iu e3d, up to three days before PCT

1-3Clomid 100mg, ed
1-6Aromasin 25mg ed

Liver support throughout

-Will I be shut down at all from this?
-Will I be able to recover fast?
-How much of the gains do you think I will keep?

I think you thought this one through and came up with a well laid out lil cycle. As to loosing fat, DIET and cardio are going to be the 2 main factors in determining that.

AAS will just help to hold onto as much muscle as possible while dropping bf%.

Somewhere out there, a little Chinese girl is warming up with your max squat
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I recently did something similar to what your wanting to do except I was also running Clen and T-3. I had been out of the game for to long and had let myself get way to heavy. I had ran clen and t3 before with fairly good results however this time around I was too big for it to make much difference. I was taking to much clen and decided to drop it.
I stayed on the turinabol at 40mg daily with exercise and a restriced diet and was able to drop from 245 to 225 in a month Even with the OT I still was losing quite a bit of LBM that I didnt want to lose. Im sure it helped to spare muscle but I think I would rather run an injectable to spare maybe more muscle. I was running HCG throughout this time and I think that was a big help. Good luck with your goals, and keep us posted

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500iu has been shown in clinical studies to make the testes function fully and produce normal and above amounts of Test... now will you produce 100% while on a cycle, we'll never know until someone gets blood work done while on a cycle that doesn't include Test... still I don't think the testes have much of a choice when HCG is telling them to produce unless you over stimulate them with too much HCG and at the doses and timing we use overstimulation wont happen...


Wanting to avoid negative sides?

Thinking of Testosterone Replacement Therapy, called TRT? ...

You've come to the right place for that type of questions...


Asking me where to buy or anything about purchasing steroids will first get you a warning then banning if that type of questioning continues... No exceptions! Don't even joke about it!

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I am also prone to gyno, which is another reason why I am choosing a cycle like this. If El mucho is out there.. I'd like to get your opinion as well.

El Mucho
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Posts: 56

Do it. Tbol is my absolute favorite and I used it to give me a little boost a while ago just to give me that extra umph to do more cardio. I only use 10-20mg a day when I'm just trying to lose fat and it definitely helps, but if I want to beef up then I use 50-60mg a day. With 50-60mg I can gain about 5 pounds a week with hardly any bloat just by using the Tbol alone, and it's pretty consistent every time I use it. It does shut me down hard if I'm not careful, but since you're using HCG and all the bells and whistles for PCT I think you'll get great results. For me, Tbol does work best with Test and EQ, but it's still great just by itself.
