opinions wanted..2n...
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opinions wanted..2nd cycle, seeking lean mass

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whats up guys..bout to start second cycle. stats are as follows: 5'8 160 lbs approx. 8%bf. Have been lifting now for about 6 yrs. i am looking for around 15 lbs of solid lean mass, and a great improvement on endurance... not a huge fan of all the water weight noticed with some cycles. I am hoping to cut out most of the retention with this cycle..fire away, lemme know whatcha think...any input greatly appreciated

10wks sustaplex325 325\ew
10wks eq 400\ew
primo depot 200mg\ew
proviron 50mg\ed maybe masteron?
Nolvadex 40mg\ed

pct: 4-5 days prior, 100mg clomid\ed wks 1-3
25mg aromasin\ed wks 4-6
should clomid be taken with aromasin together or one following the other? thanks again fellas.

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You need to run the EQ much longer than 10 weeks. The half life is very long with EQ and therefore you would want to run it 13-15 weeks to get the most out of the EQ.

Run the masteron in place of the primo. The dose your running the primo wont benefit you at all. You'd be better off running the masteron.

A EQ, Masteron, Test makes for a great cycle when the diet is dialed in and training is spot on.

Somewhere out there, a little Chinese girl is warming up with your max squat
Fuck Gravity!!!

kim doug
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My understanding is that the clomid is ran for 3 weeks in PCT. Aroma would run concurrently and then 3 weeks more. Check out Visions sticky in PCT section..

By way of the knowledge here, you might consider running HCG at 500iu 2x week or every 3rd day throughout cycle and stop 4 days before PCT. That will keep you producing test and avoid testicular atrophy. An AI like aroma can be run throughout cycle, during break before PCT and PCT for 6 weeks. It will keep the water retention at bay during cycle and of course you already know it's use during PCT. If you do this, the nolva can be kept on the sidelines. It does not help with water gain.

I just ran a test only cycle (my first) and had no discernable water retention with aroma ran throughout.

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lean mass = lean foods. watch your carb intake later in the day except for after your workouts. keep your diet clean and eat lots. good luck

*Disclaimer*: "DoubleWide" is a fictitious character with the sole purpose to entertain & theorize on the use of Anabolic Steroids for intellectual discussion. Any information or advice given out, stated, or implied by "DoubleWIde" is for entertainment purposes only & should not be considered the advocation of any illegal activity.

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Test Prop
Tren Ace
8 weeks
Var 40mg ED throughout
Take a liver protector as well
