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Understood, wrong use of terminology.

So what is the answer?

Also, how much will the use of nolva throughout my cycle affect my gains?

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It's good for 60 days after mixed.

"....use Pregnyl and Novarel within 60 days of mixing. Store mixed solutions of Pregnyl, Novarel, and Profasi in the refrigerator."


As for nolva, use if needed. Some estrogen is good for you.

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Can i mix the Poise and Test as a single shot or is it better to administer them separately?

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Both oil based, so no prob mixing them in a single shot.

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Don't mix water and oil based in the same dart - increases bacteria count in a matter of hrs. Also, the Nolvadex and HCG will hinder your gains because it blocks the needed estrogen to grow. I got gyno and just lived with it until after the cycle. You can hit nolvadex hard after your cycle is over. HCG is useless unless there you stop injecting.

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HCH is NOT useless, on cycle. Low dose HCG on cycle, keeps the boys up, so you dont need to bring them back when you go off. If I am not mistaken, the late Nandi, stated, that the limiting factor in restoring the HTPA is the function of the testicles.

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Posted by: Adroitracer
Don't mix water and oil based in the same dart - increases bacteria count in a matter of hrs.

Not true. Both should, and do, contain BA. BA is a bacteriostatic agent.

Posted by: Adroitracer
Also, the tamoxifen and HCG will hinder your gains because it blocks the needed estrogen to grow.

The tamoxifen portion argument is debatable. Yes, estrogen is needed to maximize gains, but just how much estrogen is the question. The hcg portion of the argument is false. Hcg doesn't block estrogen.

Posted by: Adroitracer
I got gyno and just lived with it until after the cycle. You can hit nolvadex hard after your cycle is over.

True, but it seems silly to do so. Why would anyone take that chance? Even if gains are somewhat hindered, they aren't completely stiffled.

Posted by: Adroitracer
HCG is useless unless there you stop injecting.

This is incorrect also.

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Vic- Oil and water based types of gear do not mix period. bacteria WILL grow and if you wait to shoot the gear it can grow huge amounts of bacteria causing an abscess of bacteria that can spread and cause havic. Trust me on this. I have seen guys in the hospital because of this. I have 20+ yrs of experience with gear with and without physician support. I've run cycles over 2g per wk for over a yr ALL with precausion I learned from physicians physiologists and top ranked pros. I had gyno and tried all the estrogen blockers. I wound up having the tissue removed by a physician. Ultimately if you want lean muscle mass without gyno and water weight, drop the test and stay with deca and Winny. Better yet, switch the deca for EQ and the test for masteron and you should have a very lean cycle with little to no chance of gyno or water retention. That's a solid cycle. I hope this helps. Good luck.

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drop the test and stay with Deca and Winny

That is solid advice.

...if you dont want to have a working dick for months.

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best thing prob maintenance test with eq and masteron...but u also lose hair on that i guess

Deca and thanks...I would only run deca low dose with test, and stop it 4 weeks earlier. Winny i dont touch

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Thanks for the advise,

So far no sign of the gyno, actually feels like the little lump is getting smaller and i havent started with the nolva. What i have done is reduced the test a bit to 300mg/ week and kept the equipoise @500mg/ week. Still very wary of the gyno tho and will keep a close eye on things.

First week down 11 more to go, havent seen any noticable changes yet.... waiting patiently!

What are you thoughts on drinking winni ED as opposed to injecting EOD? Is the pain of extra injections worth that little extra potency? First time using the winni!

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Winny is a bit harder on the liver since it is a 17aa so pay attention to your liver value. If you can have your DP run a pannel, you will know where you stand. Look at Milk Thistle and Saw Palmello as preventative measures though 12 wks and the dose you have shouldn't be a big problem.

Yes, you loose potency by drinking. Everyone's physiological make up will be different so it is hard to tell exactly how much you will looose. Diet and BF going into the cycle will effect the absorbtion rate as well so stay as lean as you can for maximum effect. Personally I don't like neddles but suck it up and shoot to get the most out of the gear. However, if you think you might passout (I've seen it happen) or get sick, drinking winny is an added option.

I loose about 50% on avg of the potency by drinking. My last Winny cycle I was 5'11", 240lbs, 5% BF so the absorbtion was fairly high for me.

Hope this helps. Good luck.

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I found little difference between ED vs EOD. So i use Winny EOD.

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Posted by: Adroitracer
Winny is a bit harder on the liver since it is a 17aa so pay attention to your liver value. If you can have your DP run a pannel, you will know where you stand. Look at Milk Thistle and Saw Palmello as preventative measures though 12 wks and the dose you have shouldn't be a big problem.

Yes, you loose potency by drinking. Everyone's physiological make up will be different so it is hard to tell exactly how much you will looose. Diet and BF going into the cycle will effect the absorbtion rate as well so stay as lean as you can for maximum effect. Personally I don't like neddles but suck it up and shoot to get the most out of the gear. However, if you think you might passout (I've seen it happen) or get sick, drinking winny is an added option.

I loose about 50% on avg of the potency by drinking. My last Winny cycle I was 5'11", 240lbs, 5% BF so the absorbtion was fairly high for me.

Hope this helps. Good luck.

Don't take me wrong, but I don't think that Saw Palmetto will protect his liver.

"The medals don't mean anything and the glory doesn't last. It's all about your happiness. The rewards are going to come, but my happiness is just loving the sport and having fun performing" ~ Jackie Joyner Kersee.

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Hey guys I am new and thought I would ask for some advice. I have been working hard at dropping fat for the past 14 months. I completed a cycle 12 weeks ago. I am looking for advice regarding a new cycle compared to the cycle I completed.

I completed the following cycle a about 12 weeks ago.

Test. Cyp. 600mg/week 1-9
Eq. 400mg/week 1-9
Dbol'>D-bol 40mg first 2 weeks

My goal for my new cycle would be to gain strength and size. UNDER NO condition would I want to put on any fat.

age 29
height 5' 10"
weight 190lbs.

I would LOVE to drop about another 10lbs. of fat but it's getting tough. I would be happy to give my diet and any other specs. that may help.


Kentucky Farm Boy


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