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Next Cycle what do U think?

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Well first off Merry Xmas and a Happy new year to all. May U all be safe and happy in the comming year. Well now to my stats I'm 51 been training for a # of years but steady for the last 6. I'm 6'3" 270 lbs and around 12-14% body fat. Next Bulking cycle will look something like this.
Week 1-12 Test E 250-375 mgs 2x's per week
Week 1-10 deca 250 mgs 2x's per week
Week 1-5 Npp 200-250 mgs 2x's per week
Week 1-6 D-bol 50 mgs ED
Week 1-12 Proviron 50mgs ED
Still working out the doses but I will be running my test higher then the deca and the NPP. Also I will have caber on hand, and I'm still figuring out my PCT, but probally will go with nolva,HCG,aromasin. I have done 4 cycles before used test,tren,deca,dbol. Well hope I didn't forget anything. Let me know what U guys think, I was also thinking of throwing some masteron in there at the end for about 4-5 weeks but I think that is pleny of compounds for this cycle.

Joined: 6 years ago
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You should run the cabaser and not just have them on hand. You only need to run .5mg E3d and that will keep progesterone levels under control. Run the HCG throughout the entire duration of the cycle, dont just run it when you're done. Running it throughout will allow you rebound quicker and easier during your PCT and also keep you from being completely shutdown during the cycle which makes it harder to bounce back and therefore you risk loosing some of your hard earned gains.

I would also run the deca @ 12 weeks and not 10. If you run the NPP with the nandrolone deconate, you'll be running it higher than your test. I wouldn't worry about running masteron at the end for 4-5 weeks. I wouldn't throw something in there just for the sake of throwing it in there.

Somewhere out there, a little Chinese girl is warming up with your max squat
Fuck Gravity!!!

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Thanks da fonz. If I run the deca@500mgs per week and the NPP@400mgs per week should I up my test to 1 gram or would U recomend dropping the NPP altogether or just drop back on the doses a little on the deca and the NPP?
