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ok here it is:

1-4 Dbol 50mg ED
1-12 test e 500mg
9-12 Tren A ce 75mg EOD
9-12 winny 50mg EOD

ok here it is i also have 4 amps of EQ 200mg. can i use these in this cycle. will it do anything or not???

Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 35
Posted by: ja219455
ok here it is:

1-4 Dbol 50mg ED
1-12 Test E 500mg
9-12 Tren ace 75mg EOD
9-12 Winny 50mg EOD

ok here it is i also have 4 amps of EQ 200mg. can i use these in this cycle. will it do anything or not???

welcome to the board....'ll get a much better response by listing more details about yourself...i.e.- weight, height, goals, cycle experience, and diet....

i'm curious about the "amps" of EQ....i've never seen EQ contained in amps....but, assuming the amps contain 1ml, they will have no positive contribution to your cycle whatsoever.

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i am 23 and i have done 3 cycles before this. last one was Sust 500mg and Tren (only 150 per week) and winny 50mg the last 6 weeks.

im 177lb 7%bf.

im starting this cycle next year in March. i want to gain 10-15lbs of solid lean gains.

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Posts: 126

Your gains are dictated by DIET moreso than anything else.

Save the EQ for another time b/c that amount isn't enough to run properly.

The cycle is missing some important components to be safe and run properly such as dostinex b/c of the tren. You don't want to get PIG. Also, you should run HCG throughout the entire cycle to keep you from being completely shutdown which translates into you bouncing back easier during PCT and therefore keeping more of your gains. I would also run an AI like A-dex throughout as well.

What does you PCT look like???

What does you're diet look like to ensure you reach your goals you have set???

Somewhere out there, a little Chinese girl is warming up with your max squat
Fuck Gravity!!!

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if you are looking for solid gains around that level, wiith a good diet you could just go with a test eq of test deca cycle and be good. As stated the diet is hat
Makes ms brakes you especially during pxt and afterwards. My .02

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Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 16

if you are looking for solid gains around that level, wiith a good diet you could just go with a test eq or test deca cycle and be good. As stated the diet is hat
Makes or brakes you especially during pct and afterwards. My .02
