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newbie 2nd cycle, sustanon and deca 6 week cycle? please help

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Posted by: silverskitle
yeah, i've read and been reading what i could online about it everyday, there arent too many you could find, but i have. these forums, i believe are more educational than reading a pile of texts that'd eventually burn you out. i've read sources online but still, its like a puzzle to me thats why im asking here in the forums. besides, i havent bought any of it yet, just asking around. want to make sure i get the right stuff.

i dont believe im in any way stupid to not understand the the whole scientific process of AAS, but its just that science wasnt my favorite subject. but anyways, if you could give me links to sites about the compounds and stuff for my learning, i'd appreciate it. thanks

I only have a few cycles under my belt so I'm pretty new as well but when I decided I was ready to run AAS I started by reading all of the stickies here, the ones about PCT and AI really helped. Then I started looking at the sample cycles then I researched the compounds in the cycles. I decided on running Test and Deca and I read everything I could find on them, side effects, length of cycles, proper diet how to setup my PCT and then I started asking questions here. I think you need a better understanding of what your putting into your body before you start pumping yourself full of gear. Come up with a well researched game plan then ask the pros here for their advice and I think you'll be way happier with the results and knowledge you've gained.

"Obsessed is just a word the lazy use to describe the dedicated."
1350mg Sustanon
900mg Deca
400mg NPP
400mg Suspension
150mg Anadrol
5'9" 224lbs

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Da Fonz is right. You do yourself a disservice by running gear with high bf. You really will not even see the benefits of gear with high bf. Lose the fat first, get into reasonably good shape for a year or so, educate yourself some more, then do a simple cycle. People to often rush into gear without paying their dues in the gym without gear first. Bodybuilding is a slow process that takes years to do correctly. So get your diet right, bust your ass for a while then revisit the gear issue

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Posted by: silverskitle
been an online book-worm the past few days, thanks for the related links Kim doug. ive learned through the readings, however its like pandoras box the more you know the more questions pop up.

im at the HCG fully explianed page right now, and it says...

..."The effective dosage for athletes is usually 2000-5000 I.U. per injection and should-as already mentioned-be injected every 5 days. HCG should only be taken for a 4 weeks maximum."

is it as simple as that? just administer it counting from the 4th-5th day of your started cycle, then Only use it for a maximum of 4 weeks? ...

..." Cycles on the HCG should be kept down to around 3 weeks at a time with an off cycle of at least a month in between. For example, one might use the HCG for 2 or 3 weeks in the middle of a cycle, and for 2 or 3 weeks at the end of a cycle."...

then someone replied in the forum saying that 500 IU's of HCG is enough every 4 days, but thats 900% less than what the article says, which is at 5000IUs.

you see, it seems to me that its like a mix and match thing, you'd never know which is good with what, and at what dosages unless you're scientifically smart with these things or have gone through these through experience. or have a doctor guiding you through. thats why its very hard for newbies like me who's just in awe with the great detail of facts thats handed down, but wants to be responsible enough to know the science of it. but theres always room for learning, thats why i hope someone would get back with me on this, ty.

and also, i read NTG's post on Training while on gear. he said an "every-other-day" workout schedule would be more beneficial for any BBer WHILE ON GEAR. plus, he didn't mention anything about cardio. does this apply generally to all kinds ofcycle stack? i always thought it was 6-7 times a week while taking gear. i mean, with the strength it gives you and you dont wanna waste the intake. im looking more into the ff:

weeks 1-9 Sustanon 500mg/wk
weeks 1-8 Deca 300mg/wk
weels1-6 Dianabol 30mg/day

wouldnt a 6 days - 7 days a week workout of compound and supersets work well for this kind of load? i want to gain more muscle before any cutting, so i really want to stick with susta and deca. i've also read about T-bol and says that there are less side effects yet also less gains WHEN COMPARED to dianabol, my question is could i use t-bol instead of dianabol in my proposed cycle? i can see the PRO's of it but not the con's, if any.

i'd appreciate if you guys could reply, im learning alot. thanks!

First 2000-5000iu's of HCG is way too much per injection. I have never had a problem with 250iu's 3 times a week. Remember everyone is different. When you want to gain mass, supersets and 6-7 days a week is not necessary. I agree when cycling with training EOD. Some guys go 3 days on 2 days off, or whatever suits there needs. Your body needs time to recover and you have to watch out with overtraining. That is one of the benefits when on a cycle. Your body is getting a better work out and you are training harder than if you were not on a cycle, so it isn't necessary to train 7 days a week. Your body needs rest! T-bol is a very good steroid and could easily be replaced with the d-bol. I personally for a mass cycle would go with d-bol, as it is a much better mass and stength builder, if this is your goal. Unless you are using npp, deca, should be used in a longer cycle, 8 weeks isn't long enough. It takes a while to just get into your system. Just keep deca out of your short cycle for now, until you are going to run it properly. As far as cardio, I do cardio everytime I train. This does your body many good things. When it comes time to cutting up and really cleaning up your diet, your body won't need to play catch up when trying to lose BF if you haven't been doing cardio during your entire cycle.

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thanks nosebleed! yes, i read that actually about deca...

..."The muscle building effect of this drug is quite noticeable, but not dramatic. The slow onset and mild properties of this steroid therefore make it more suited for cycles with a longer duration"...

yet it also said ..." A cycle lasting eight to twelve weeks seems to make the most sense, expecting to elicit a slow, even gain of quality mass.."

so i thought less was better for me? it being only my 2nd cycle and all? or wouldnt it matter? what exactly dictates long or short cycle terms? cause unfortunately i havent read good material about it yet.

yes i really want dianabol too i've read so many good feedback about the users of it, im just afraid of bloating up so much with sustanon-deca-& d-bol all at the same time?? but no doubt for me dianabol is more attractive.

ive always been good with cardio, im just afraid of overtraining when i do an hour or more in a day. since i workout so many times in a week

question: did i hear this right, with the proposed cycle of sust-deca-Dbol, every other day of compound workouts is more ideal? what do i do in my OFF days? wouldnt i be wasting the DAILY intake of my dianabol which is at 30 mg per day for 6 weeks? won't it matter? sorry for the newbie question i just havent come across readings about this yet.

thanks alot, ill have my BodyFat checked tommorow morning hopefully its a more ideal value.

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Off days you rest, but still take the orals ed. I would recommend doing a short cycle, which is 6-8 weeks for me. I would drop the deca and do the sus and d-bol. This would really be your first real cycle. I wouldn't consider those 15mg a day d-bols you took really as a first cycle, because I don't know if you did the right things while on it was such a small amount a day. Your body produces around 10mg of natural testostrone daily, so you really didn't shut yourself down that much. After this cycle, done with proper Ai's and pct and clean diet, look at your results. Then you could add the deca in with your next cycle. I personally love deca and use it often. It is important to understand the compounds and when your ready for a 12-16 weeks cycle, you will or maybe will be switching up compounds, as I do, suited to what you want to achieve, and these will hit other receptor sites, which is important when on a longer cycle.

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hey again, sorry for the confusion, i started with 15mg (3 tabs) of dianabol on my first week, then gradually increased the tabs till 5 tablets a day which was at 25mg per day, for 5 weeks. before i started with the dbol, i was at 155ish lbs, then when i ended i was at 175-176, trying to reach 180 but never did. but still i gained about 20 lbs. i retained most of the muscle i built though.

could i do...

weeks 1-8/9 sustanon 500mg/wk
weeks 1-12 deca 300mg/wk
weels 1-6 Dianabol 30mg/day ...?

just up the weeks on deca to 12 giving it more time on my system? ive read about test and t-bol together and i want to use it for my cutting after i've gotten my ideal size in terms of mass. clomid and arimidex for PCT. and HCG while at it.

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also, i read about clomid and a-dex, how about, for my proposed cycle:

100mg Each Day of Clomid for 3 weeks after the 12 week cycle, and a-dex at
.25 MG's each day from start of cycle?

also liver-aid 2 times a day each night before sleep. thanks so much im learning, i hope so

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u need to run the test as long as u run the deca....imo

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Posted by: bionic redneck
u need to run the test as long as u run the deca....imo

you mean, the sustanon should be taken for the same number ofweeks of deca?

oh and i read this in the CLOMID chart sticky...

..."a chart as to when you should start your clomid.
-Dianabol: 4 – 8 hours after last administration
-Deca: 3 weeks after last injection and clomid for 4 weeks
-Sustanon: 3 weeks after last injection ... "

how would i go about this if my oral dianabol is only up to 6 weeks, but my sustanon and deca is at 12 weeks? thanks in advance for the reply

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yes run the test as long as the deca.... to keep libido up... and yes because of the longer esters in sustanon... 2 wks after ur last injection start pct with clomid

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great thanks.

should i be worried about this... i read it on another forum, it's in it's sticky forum from the mods...

"Do Not, i repeat, DO NOT use Sustanon250 for your first cycle. You have to inject it everyother day for it to stay stable in your system."

should i be worried with sustanon deca and dbol?

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do you really need to inject the sustanon each other day, and *NOT* once a week?
how would i go about that if im planning 500mg/week for 10 weeks?

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