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new to the board, cycle input please

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what's up guys? i'm new to this board but not new to lifting and gear. i wanted to post up my upcoming cycle and compare feedback from another board that I post on. Here goes:

TestP 100mgs EOD weeks 1-4
TestE 250mgs EW weeks 1-12 (split into 2 shots)
Masteron blend (each CC is 50mgs prop & 150mgs Enth) 400 mgs EW weeks 1-12 (this will be shot EOD 'cause of the prop)
T/Bol 50mgs ED weeks 8-13
HCG 500 iu's E5 days weeks 7-12

clomid starting 10 days after last shot 50 mgs ED for 25 days

this will be my 4th cycle. i'm 5'8'' 185 lbs @ 12-14% BF. looking for dry, lean gains with a goal of 195 lbs @ 10%. Diet is spot on.

tell me what you think. Thanks!

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Posted by: Acela
what's up guys? i'm new to this board but not new to lifting and gear. i wanted to post up my upcoming cycle and compare feedback from another board that I post on. Here goes:

TestP 100mgs EOD weeks 1-4
TestE 250mgs EW weeks 1-12 (split into 2 shots)
masteron blend (each CC is 50mgs prop & 150mgs Enth) 400 mgs EW weeks1-12 (this will be shot EOD 'cause of the prop)
T/Bol 50mgs ED weeks 8-13
HCG 500 iu's E5 days weeks 7-12

clomid starting 10 days after last shot 50 mgs ED for 25 days

this will be my 4th cycle. i'm 5'8'' 185 lbs @ 12-14% BF. looking for dry, lean gains with a goal of 195 lbs @ 10%. Diet is spot on.

tell me what you think. Thanks!

Welcome to the site!I think this cycle is planned/laid out properly aside from the HCG use.I suggest that you run HCG starting week one, no later than week two @500iu e3rd day or simply two times per week.Your pct is planned a little too early.The half life of the Enanthate ester is 14 days.Start your pct 14-15 days after your last shot.For PCT I suggest that you run your clomid @100mg/day for three weeks and run some aromasin with it @25mg/day for 4-5 weeks.Good luck and keep us updated on your gains.I would love to see the type of results you get from this cycle.

Any opinions expressed by gustavo77 with regards to AAS or prescription drugs (non-narcotic, as narcotic discussion is prohibited on this site) are for role playing purposes only, as gustavo77 is a fictional internet personality. In addition, please do not PM me regarding any source, purchase or sale related to AAS or prescription drugs (narcotic and non-narcotic) as I have no knowledge of these issues and do not condone the use of any drugs unless prescribed by a physician.

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Posted by: Acela
what's up guys? i'm new to this board but not new to lifting and gear. i wanted to post up my upcoming cycle and compare feedback from another board that I post on. Here goes:

TestP 100mgs EOD weeks 1-4
TestE 250mgs EW weeks 1-12 (split into 2 shots)
Masteron blend (each CC is 50mgs prop & 150mgs Enth) 400 mgs EW weeks1-12 (this will be shot EOD 'cause of the prop)
T/Bol 50mgs ED weeks 8-13
HCG 500 iu's E5 days weeks 7-12

clomid starting 10 days after last shot 50 mgs ED for 25 days

this will be my 4th cycle. i'm 5'8'' 185 lbs @ 12-14% BF. looking for dry, lean gains with a goal of 195 lbs @ 10%. Diet is spot on.

tell me what you think. Thanks!

I don't like the Masteron. There are much better choices. You won't notice the positve effects of Masteron without having a very low BF%. There are a lot of sides that go with it as well. I would only use it in the last few weeks of prep prior to competing.

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Posted by: Chuck
I don't like the Masteron. There are much better choices. You won't notice the positve effects of Masteron without having a very low BF%. There are a lot of sides that go with it as well. I would only use it in the last few weeks of prep prior to competing.

what would you substitute for it? i had debated on using tren but decided against it. what sides have you experienced with mast?

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Masteron is a derivative of DHT and a very strong Androgen. Look for increased aggresion, blood pressure, and hair loss.

I would use Decaplex or EQ for your cycle.

Joined: 7 years ago
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Posted by: Acela
what would you substitute for it? i had debated on using tren but decided against it. what sides have you experienced with mast?

I didnt find any sides with masteron but than again everyone reacts differently to different aas.Tren is much stronger than masteron, in fact its the strongest androgen out there.

If your correct about your bodyfat % you will notice benefits from the masteron.Its def a well thought out cycle.I actually like stacking mast with eq.The synergistic effects were noticable and I was satisfied with the results.

If your diet is spot on than you'll get the results you want b/c its 80% the reason we all look the way we do.

Def start the HCG from the beginning and run it all the way through like Gus said.You'll find it to be easier for your body to bounce back when its time for PCT.

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Good point Fonz. My High Blood Pressure and Hair Loss is probably hereditary and I stay away from strong Androgens because of this.

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good looking cycle, and a good goal to shoot sure to update us on the progress!

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Posted by: Chuck
Masteron is a derivative of DHT and a very strong Androgen. Look for increased aggresion, blood pressure, and hair loss.

I would use Decaplex or EQ for your cycle.

i like EQ but IMO you have to run it for at least 16 weeks. dont get me wrong, i like the compound, but i was looking to do a 10-12 weeker

i've never done mast before, but it sounds interesting to me (anti E aspect, muscle density, low water retention) i kinda have my heart set on it

thanks for all the input guys, i'll let everyone know what i decide on

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Posted by: Acela
i like EQ but IMO you have to run it for at least 16 weeks. dont get me wrong, i like the compound, but i was looking to do a 10-12 weeker

i've never done mast before, but it sounds interesting to me (anti E aspect, muscle density, low water retention) i kinda have my heart set on it

thanks for all the input guys, i'll let everyone know what i decide on

You could run it at the end of your cycle also as we would precontest. Just a thought.
